kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor(bojan/fem! oc)

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"Bojan! you're going to drop me dude," Ella laughed out, catching herself by grabbing at the kitchen counter behind her.

neither of them knew what time it was, but it didn't matter. the two were cleaning Bojan's kitchen after they ate dinner and have been dancing and spinning around like little children ever since the kitchen had been cleaned.

Bojan toppled next to her, barely stopping himself before his forehead smacked her nose.

"What do you mean, dude? I'm not going to drop you, it's almost like you lost your balance," Bojan snickered, pulling her towards himself again, wrapping his arms around her waist. he spun her around, dancing around the kitchen, humming the song playing through the speakers they put on to keep a beat.

" oh my god! have you ever danced before? you suck at it" Bojan groaned out in an annoyed tone, but the smile on his face suggested no malicious intent whatsoever. they were both making fun of each other for being absolute garbage at (what was supposed to be) ballroom dancing.

"oh shut up! you know I'm not a romantic, I don't dance!" Ella huffed out, tripping over her feet, sending both her and Bojan to the ground.

As they tumbled down, Bojan's laughter filled the air. He quickly propped himself up on his elbow and looked at Ella with a twinkle in his eyes. "You say you're not romantic, but you don't give yourself enough credit," he said softly.

"What credit? I'm just genuinely not a romantic person" she looked up at him, seeing the eyes she fell in love with look at her with adoration.

"but, you are romantic." Bojan argued with a disgruntled tone, looking at her rather unimpressed.

"am not." she shook her head.

"you are! what's so un-romantic about you?" he asked, pulling her up in a sitting position with him.

"I don't initiate touches" she shrugged, playing with her nails. Bojan scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"you do, though. and even if you didn't that's fine! because you're still good at other things-"


"shush, yes you are. anyways! you're good at listening and noticing the little things I like. that's romantic." he smiled at her, scratching the back of his neck.

Ella raised an eyebrow, curiosity mingling with the remnants of her embarrassment. "What are you talking about, Bojan?"

He reached out and gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, his touch sending shivers down her spine. "You might not see it, but I do. In the way you listen to my songs-campfire style- and the way you hold my hand when I'm feeling down, in the way you make my favorite meals without even asking. That's romance, Ella. It's not always about grand gestures or big displays of affection. It's the little things that make me love you so much."

Ella's heart swelled with warmth as she absorbed his words. She never realized how deeply she had touched Bojan's life, simply by being herself. In that moment, she understood that romance wasn't limited to candlelit dinners or fancy gestures; it was about the love and care they shared in their everyday lives.

Bojan pulled himself up and extended a hand to Ella. "Come on, let me show you something."

Curiosity piqued, Ella took his hand and let him guide her to the center of the kitchen. Bojan reached over and turned up the volume of the music playing in the background. The familiar melody filled the air, enveloping them in its comforting embrace.

He placed one hand on her waist and gently clasped her other hand in his. "Close your eyes," he whispered.

Ella hesitated for a moment, then closed her eyes, allowing herself to be guided by Bojan's touch and the music surrounding them. They swayed slowly, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. Bojan's voice joined the music, singing the lyrics softly into Ella's ear.

In that moment, the world outside faded away, and it was just the two of them, lost in the beauty of the dance. Every step, every movement spoke volumes of their connection, their love.

When the song ended, Ella opened her eyes, tears glistening in them. She looked at Bojan, speechless, overwhelmed by the depth of emotions surging within her. Bojan chuckled quietly, pressing a a soft kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering on the warm skin of his lover.

Ella wrapped her arms around Bojan, holding him tightly as if never wanting to let go. In that moment, she realized that love and romance were not confined to a set of rules or expectations. They were found in the simple gestures, the genuine connection, and the shared moments of vulnerability. And as they continued to dance in the kitchen, Ella and Bojan discovered that true romance was not a label to be defined, but a journey to be explored.


hey ! I'm well aware the ending is slightly rushed lol, but! I don't hate this one!

please note that I'm in a bit of a writers block rn do please give me stuff to write (plz I am desperate)

I love u all


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