be here with me (jure/ !fem oc)

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"hey what's gotten you in a bad mood?" jure asked when he saw the look on his girlfriend's face. he and his girlfriend, Olivia, had finally made plans to hang out on the one day that Jure had off, and all was going well until Jure took a quick trip to get them drinks and he saw Olivia sitting on the couch, visibly upset.

"it's dumb. like actually, it's so dumb" Olivia shook her head, running her hand though her hair in distress. Jure hummed and sat next to her on the couch, handing her a beer he got from the fridge.

"okay, but what is it?" Jure asked once more. he never understood why Olivia tried downplaying her being sad or upset around him. he wasn't stupid, he could very much see when she was upset. he did however have to learn the hard way that she didn't always need an actual solution to her problem. sometimes she just needed to complain, someone who would listen to her.

and jure could listen if she needed him to.

"it's nothing, it's du-" she began, being cut off by him again.

"if you say it's dumb one more time- Olivia, what's the problem?" jure asked one more time, looking at her concerned.

"It's just that, you know the plans I've had with my friends for about a, I don't know, a month?" she stated moving a bit backwards on the couch in order to fully turn her body towards her boyfriend. she pulled her knees to her chest, balancing her chin on top of them. jure nodded and hummed, a non-verbal sign for her to continue.

"And, well, it's just so fucking great, that everyone just canceled-what, like one day before. I fucking hate it." Olivia let out a frustrated sigh, taking another sip of her drink. she put the can on the small coffee table next to the couch and let her head fall into her hands.

" I don't know why I'm so frustrated anyways! it's just a hang out! we can always reschedule" her hair fell in front of her face, shielding her eyes away from Jure, giving her a small façade to let her be upset in peace and judgment-free.

she didn't get that upset often. she had learned how to control her reactions in her twenty-six years on earth, but she wasn't sure why she couldn't do so in that exact moment. she was a grown woman, for fucks sake.

"I think it's a completely valid reason to be mad" Jure shrugged, reaching his hand forward to gently grasp hers.

"you're just saying that" she whispered with a brittle tone, looking up with tears glossing over her eyes.

"I'm not just saying that, though. that's a completely understandable reaction in my opinion. Would you tell me that I'm overreacting if I was upset that my friends canceled the plans I was extremely excited about? no, you wouldn't. and I know you wouldn't" Jure smiled, gently urging her to come closer to him, almost like a scared cat.

"I-well, I just want to feel like they care about me, you know? I'm always there for them but I don't feel like they're providing me with the same thing." she explained, tapping her fingers on her calf in order to comfort herself.

"I really don't want to be an asshole, trust me, but what if you try explaining that. I know you're mad, and you have every right to be, but tell them about this. because then they'll either get better and everything will be cool, or we can find you cooler friends. I'm just saying" jure laughed, pulling her towards him and embracing her tightly.

she hummed and nodded before she returned the hug, happily sitting with him in silence.


I had to force myself to finish this one! um updates will be slower because I'm working heavily this week but I do have some other things in the works!!!

once again, thank you for the love on this book so far and I appreciate you all!


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