Be A Family

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Our daughter Jasia was born and she was beautiful. Cayne and i haven't been together since the day my grandmother banned him from coming to the house. He showed up to the hospital with gifts for our daughter and looked alot healthier and happier. His mother Eunice walked in with gifts also. I watched from my hospital bed as Cayne walked around the room holding Jasia and praying. The nurse came in and was smiling from ear to ear. She held paperwork in her hands and a gift for me . My grandmother side-eyed him. She could not stand Cayne Lewis. 

"What do you guys plan on naming her ?"

"Jasia Nicole Lewis. "I smiled

"I'm her father Cayne Lewis."Cayne said smiling at Jasia.

"I just need you and Jada to sign these forms and that's it for the rest of the day. Jada let us know if you need anything and congratulations." The nurse smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled. 

We were able to take Jasia home after two days. While i tended to Jasia , Cayne was out looking for apartments. He asked for us to try again and i was willing to. On the day we moved in to our new apartment my grandmother took me to the side.

" call me if you need me you hear?"My grandmother said kissing me before kissing Jasia.

"I will mom mom."I replied.

"Come on my favorite girls...all the stuff is moved in just waiting on my two beautiful ladies."Cayne said pulling up to the house. I got Jasia settled in her car seat and got in the car. 

Our first apartment had roaches and we were in the projects. I didn't expect anything special living in Chicago as a low-income black girl. Once everything was put away i sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Cayne got a job as a trashman but was still selling drugs. I graduated high school early and wanted to go to community college but couldn't find a babysitter. i began to lose friends because alway being occupied with Jasia and depression set in. Cayne was acting right at first then the issues started right back up. A bill from the electric company came and i waited for Cayne to get home.

"Cayne..we gotta talk."I said while patting Jasia to sleep on our bed. 

"Jada i just got off of work right now ain't the time."He said taking his boots off and getting his clothes off.

"Cayne! i asked you two weeks ago to pay the electric! its $150 they are about to cut our lights off!"I yelled.

"Bitch do you work around this mother fucker? I pay the rent, milk for the baby when WIC runs out and the electric what do you do?"

"What do you mean what do i do ? I am 16 and home with a two month old?! What the fuck can i do! If you wasnt always gambling at the bar i could go get a job!"

Cayne smacked me across the face. Jasia started to cry. I stood up and began fighting him back. I was tired of him pushing me around.  While Jasia screamed we were fist fighting and i threw the lamp close to our bed at him. He stopped and sat down on the floor to catch his breath. I began to have flashbacks of the days my father used to beat me and my siblings. Anything that was near me i threw at Cayne. I wanted him to die right in front of me. I slipped and Cayne got up and laughed kicking me in the side.

"Get the fuck out!" I got up and grabbed his clothes throwing them outside of the apartment door. 

"You want me gone bitch! This baby going with me too !" He yelled picking Jasia up. I started punching his back trying to grab Jasia from him. Cayne placed Jasia down on the couch and grabbed his keys. 

"I'm out of here!"he yelled slamming the door behind him . I locked the door and picked Jasia up , rocking her back to sleep. 

After she was settled i cleaned up the mess Cayne and I made and took a shower. I didn't know what i was going to do at that time but i knew that it had to be done.  Welfare paid my electric and weeks passed i still haven't heard from Cayne. I opened the front door and a bag of baby formula and money laid in a envelope next to my door. Cayne left a note stating he was moving to Ohio with his mom and left us 1500. I crumbled up the note and brought the stuff into the house. Cayne was now out of the picture and i was left to raise a 3 month old babygirl on my own. 

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