What happens in Italy stays in Italy

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Santana had to take a business trip to Italy and i had to go with him. My grandmother of course watched Jasia for those two weeks . Excited i packed both sexy clothing and casual clothes. I wanted to raise Santana's blood pressure. I've been noticing how stressed out he was from dealing with Yvonne and i wanted to come in and ease that. I've been catching him eyeing me as i wore more revealing clothes to work daily. He definitely wanted a piece but had morals. During the plane ride he talked about all of the places he had been and told me about himself.

"So what about you? Whats your family like?"

"My mom and dad divorced when i was 13 and i've lived with my grandmother until i was 17 then my daughter and i moved into our own place."

"Is the father of your daughter involved?"

"No...he died a few months ago."

"I am sorry...i crossed the line asking that."

"You good. " I turned on my walkman and listened to Bury Me A G by Tupac. Santana looked over at me smiling.

"You a Tupac fan?"

"Yeah who isn't ?"I laughed. 

"Tupac was one of my favorite rappers. " 

Santana struck me as a preppy black boy from the suburbs. The way he talked, dressed and carried himself was way different.
"Your lying boy stop."I laughed.

"I was born in the projects. My father landed a job after law school in one of the biggest firms in Chicago. After that things got better and we bought a house.

"I bet you went to the finest schools and everything."

"Yeah for the most part. " He smiled not catching onto my sarcasm. I closed my eyes and listened to pac the rest of the plane ride .We got off the plane and he carried our bags. It was beautiful in Sicily. Beautiful music played and people were walking in the road carrying bags of food. The women were dressed in long colorful dresses with their hair tied in buns. We caught a ride to our hotel and it was near the beach. While Santana put our clothes in the room i stood on the balcony overlooking the city and the beach.  Santana walked out wearing a white tee shirt and jeans. 

"Beautiful isn't it."He smiled

"Yes. very beautiful."I said looking at people in the water on boats and children playing .
"Lets grab something to eat."He said. I walked into the bedroom and got dressed  before we walked to a nearby italian restaraunt. People were dancing and music was playing . The food smelled wonderful i was intrigued. We ate dinner and sipped some freshly made wine. 

"Come on..dance with me."

"That isn't apart of the job description."

"So... this isn't just a job assignment. You can enjoy yourself too. "He smiled grabbing my hand. I followed him out to the dance floor and we danced. He smelled so good and i felt my nipples get hard as he brushed against my chest.  The wine started to kick in and i stared into Santana's eyes. He was surprisingly still sober and smiling . We walked back to the hotel hand in hand. I walked onto the balcony and looked at the stars . I loved my job but i knew that this lust growing between Santana and i wasn't good for it. Santana came out with his tee shirt off exposing the tattoos that were on his chest. He kissed me on my neck and his hands traveled down my pants rubbing my clit.

"I don't think we should be doing this....you're married."I whispered.

"On paper... i haven't felt good in awhile."

"What if someone finds out?"

"They won't ...i won't say a word...you won't say a word."He said kissing my neck and pressing his hard dick against me. I could tell he was blessed down there. I reached back and felt his long thick dick and instantly felt myself getting wet.  

Santana led the way to the bedroom and we began fucking . The music from the bands on the street drowned out the moaning and when were finished i laid there thinking about what we just did.  I told myself i would not get emotionally invsted. If i was gonna be fucking this man i'm milking him for everything. I didn't want to get to close to him because feelings never get you anywhere. Feelings got me beaten for 3 years , lied to , and left to raise a daughter on my own. I felt Santana staring at me.

"You've been through alot haven't you?"He asked me...

"Yeah....I have."I said.

"I can tell....you probably don't wanna fall for me." 

I looked at him and said nothing because he was reading me like a book. The music continued to play outside and I was getting tired.

"We can keep this between us...I just need you to up my pay and i need all the benefits."

"Whatever you want."He rubbed my cheek kissing me. He closed his eyes... I didn't . I didn't want no feelings for Mr.Santana...Just funds and vacations.

After 4 days of fucking and doing business with his business associates in Sicily we headed back to Chicago. Back to dirt , crime, and dysfunction. When i picked Jasia up she was super happy to see me. I treated her to ice cream and a new toy before we went home. When i got home there was a note on the door that held a key. I read the note it was from Santana.


Your apartment has been cleared out...your new address is 820 Mitchell Road..here is your key..Inside of the house you will find money for you to buy what you want. Be my peace and i got you forever..


I smiled and wiped tears of joy from my eyes. I called a taxi at my neighbors house and headed over to our new home. It was a two bedroom place in the suburbs. No neighbors underneath of the me , the house sat by itself. We had a two car garage and a pool in the backyard. I opened the door and it was furnished. On the counter laid money and in the frige there was groceries. I never thought in a million years that i would be  living in a place bought by my sneaky link.

"Mommy is this our new place?"

"Yes baby ..this is our new home."I smiled closing the door behind of us.

What Happened in Italy Was going to Stay in Italy.

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