Motherhood:3 years later

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At 3 years old Jasia Lewis was the smartest 3-year-old around to me. She was well mannered and a good kid. I took pride in the fact that everyone complimented me for that when coming across her.  After Cayne left I signed myself up for community college and obtained an associates degree in human services. My grandmother watched Jasia while I went to school and worked long hours. Cayne dropped off the face of the earth and the address that they did have for him in Ohio was a vacant home. My attitude towards love turned cold. I didn't want any part of being in love and i damn sure began to follow the advice my mother gave to me. I needed to protect my heart and my daughter most importantly. After working a  12 hour shift i picked up Jasia from my grandmothers house. 

"Jada let me keep her for another night so you can get some sleep."My grandmother said touching my arm.

"I'm okay mommom. I promise i am just  a little tired."I replied pickng Jasia who was sleeping up.

"Have you heard from Cayne?"

"No...nobody can find him and nobody has heard from him." I replied.

I placed Jasia in the car and drove home. We were almost close to the house when i caught a flat tire. Sitting on the side of the road i began to cry. I spent my last couple dollars on groceries.

"I'm sorry your life is like this baby. "I said to Jasia who was sleeping in the car.  A couple minutes later a red car came speeding down the road. They saw me sitting outside of the car and stopped. 

A man wearing a white suit and curly hair got out of the car. He was brown skinned and was fine as hell. I could smell his cologne as he walked closer to me. 

"You need some help ma? "He asked in a heavy New York Accent.

"Thank you I am fine. "I replied

"You don't look fine...well you do know what i meant. You have an extra spare tire? "He asked me.

" i don't."

"I'm Santana Davis...why don't you grab lil mama and get in my car I'll take you to get a new tire."

"I don't have the money right now. If i can use your phone to call my grandmother i would appreciate it."

"I didn't ask you if you had the money. It's raining beloved just get in the car I got you. "He said. I glared at him for a little making sure that he wasn't a creep then i grabbed Jasia and got in the car. The car was warm, and he put the windows up protecting us from the cold Chicago rain. We drove to the auto place and bought me a new tire. We then drove back to where my car was, and he got down and put the tire on. The mud and rain covered his knees, but he didn't seem to care. I know that the suit was mad expensive the way it looked. I loved his humble spirit but i shrugged that feeling off. The nigga was obviously paid and if he wanted to pay for my tire shit do what you want. I placed Jania in the car and thanked Santana for helping us out.

Before i pulled off he stopped me and handed me a card. He was a lawyer and worked for a law firm. 

"If you know someone looking for a job have them give me a call . I'm in need of a secretary. $22 an hour ...paid time off and you get to accompany me on trips. "He smiled handing before walking back to the car. I smiled and sped off towards my home. After washing Jasia up i fixed myself something to eat. Just as i was about to doze off my phone began to ring. I answered it and it was Cayne's mother.

"Jada...they found Cayne...."

Days passed and i was getting Jasia ready for Cayne's funearl. He beat on his current ex so bad that she had to have surgery on her jaw.  After months of him beating on her she killed him in his sleep. She had a little boy that was older than Jasia and was pregnant with another child but she got an abortion. I couldn't be upset at her because she didn't know about me. At the funearl two of his other childrens mothers were there . When the pastor asked the children of Cayne to stand up there was 3 other woman that stood up with their children. At 24 years old Cayne had 7 kids from the ages of 3-8 years old. I lowered my head in shame. Not only was i being lied to but my daughter would have siblings that she probably would never meet. It was heartbreaking . The family consoled me and his three other children's mothers. As for the other three the family requested DNA testing. They were pissed and left in a hurry with their children to avoid fighting. I held Jasia close to me and  vowed to not expose her to  anymore dysfunction . After the funearl i packed my child up and said my goodbyes to Cayne's mother.  This was a chapter that was done and i tried to forget. I never wanted to think about Cayne or the abuse i experienced ever again...

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