Santana's Part

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"Stop! Just Stop! My whole life you have been telling me what i should and shouldn't do! I am not happy with Yvonne! I never was ! I love Jada.. love her hard!"

"Santana i just don't want you to fuck up everything you worked for ! You have  a beautiful wife and kids! Why do you want to throw that away?!"

"I found out yesterday that Yvonne has been cheating on me for 14 years and Asia and Kartier may not be my children! You tell me if i should stay and deal with that!"

"Son...everything i did i did for you and your siblings. Every decision i made benefited you guys. Your mother and i didn't have the best marriage but we made shit work! Thats what marriage is about team work!"

"Oh.. i remember those nights. mama  crying because you went off to peru with some red haired bitch from a bar...or the times she had to pick her broken glasses up off of the floor after you knocked them off her face. I remember that!"

My father tried to swing on me and i ducked. His fist hit the door instead.

"Fuck your company ....and fuck you."I said kicking over a trash can as i walked out of the building . I got into my car and headed back to my house. When i got there Asia and Kartier was standing outsiude. Loud music was playing inside.

"Why are yall standing out here?"

"She's in there packing with some man...she told us to stand out here and wait for you."Asia said.

I walked into the house and there was men everywhere hauling items from her closet out.

"If you are leaving all the furniture stays here. take you and the kids clothes and shoes and get the fuck out. Don't touch nothing else in here."I yelled pointing my finger at her.

"So your not gonna take your children?" She laughed holding a glass of wine.

"You know they aren't my kids. They can go with you." I hissed. A couple of minutes later Gary walked in with a dolly to haul more of her clothes and shoes out.

We didn't look at one another or even speak. I didn't need to speak to him i was just glad Yvonne was getting the fuck out . After she gathered her and the kids items i stood outside to speak to the kids for awhile.

"I know that your whole life has been a lie... I just want you to know that whether you are my children or not i will always love you guys."I said hunging them. The kids were silent and they were sad. They got in the car and drove off. I stood in the middle of the driveway wondering how did my life go from being perfect to crashing down in 5 months. All i kept thinking about was Jada and the fact we have a baby on the way. A baby that i for sure know is mine. I walked back into the house and waited for the locksmith to arrive to change the locks. I walked around the house remembering the good times with the kids and it brought me to tear. I also kept thinking about Jasia and i knew i had to make some shit right.

I ordered a bouquet of flowers and chocolates and drove over to Jada's house. She was outside paying with Jasia. She was dressed in a red sun dress and had her hair in long curls. 

I walked up to her and held the flowers and chocolate out to her. Jada rolled her eyes and stared at me with those big brown eyes.

"What do you want Santana . I am the reason your perfect marriage has ended."

"Jada..stop...fuck what my fathers say... I love YOU... you and you marriage was a disaster from day 1... I love you."I said looking into my eyes.

"I've heard that before."She laughed sarcastically. This woman has been hurt over and over and i just wanted to show her that i really loved her for her .

"Jada...whoever told you love doesn't exist, or men are just bad all around are hurt. I never felt this way about anyone . I love you."I said kissing her. Jada stood up and i held her around the waist and kissed her before bending down and hugging jasia.


"Yes baby."I smiled staring into Jada's eyes once more.

"I love you too."Jada said crying and kissing me. This was all too good to be true... I found the love of my life . She was my sneaky link turned soulmate.

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