Gary's Part

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I met Yvonne in 5th grade. We picked on her most days but by the time we entered high school i gained feelings for her. Yvonne Garnett.. We dated from high school until i was 22 then she met Santana Davis. Santana came from a wealthy family that owned a law firm and my family was well off too because my father's father owned a couple department stores but we were considered the ghetto uncles, aunties, cousins etc. My dad was charged with murder when i was 11 and sent off to prison or 15 years. I  was raised by mother along with two other siblings and she lived in the projects off of welfare checks and my grandfathers money. At the age of 16 i start gang banging and selling drugs in the roughest parts of Chicago. Growing up in the 80s i witnessed alot of the violence, drug wars, etc that is glamorized on tv. Wasn't shit glamorous growing up a broke, black man on the south side of chicago. I battled with my sexuality too. I found comfort in wearing my mothers clothing , doing my make up and other things that were forbidden in the black community that i was raised in. In a world full of tough,emotionless men, i had another side to me. Although Yvonne and i have been sneaking around for years i've been having a secret relationship with my long time friend Paul. Paul was different, he listened to me, he loved me for me . 

After our adventuorous weekend we had it was time for Paul to go home.

"I wish i could stay longer."Paul said packing his items. I brushed my hair and looked up at him and smiled.

"I  know but you know Yvonne is calling and i gotta get this money."

"What do you do with all the money she gives you?"He asked me. 

"I don't touch it. I told you i am working on opening my own department store. All those clothes and shoes i made in boxes. My items belong in stores..not in boxes in my closet."I said. Paul walked over to me as he was buttoning his shirt. He turned on my radio and Love Train by the O'Jays came on. 

"Come on get up and dance with me."Paul smiled.

" have to go i have to meet Yvonne at 4. come on now."I said standing up and grabbing my wallet.

"I am tired of this Gary...I am tired of being your secret..."Paul frowned.

"Paul...I think it is best after today that we break things off. We can still be friends but i am never leaving Yvonne...I love her."

Paul looked at me and tears fell from his eyes. He quickly wiped them away and tears turned into rage. 

"After all we been through...all these gonna do this to me nigga?"Paul said crying.

"Paul...paul..we can still be friends but i love Yvonne...I'm sorry"

"Save're gonna regret"Paul said walking out of the front door and slamming the door behind him.

I sighed and straightened up the house and waited for Yvonne to arrive. I lit some candles and ordered dinner after washing the sheets. At 7 Yvonne arrived dressed in a black glitter dress and heels, her hair was straightened and she had make up on. In her hand she carried a black rectangular box.

"Hey baby how was your day?"I smiled kissing her.

"Pretty good....i have some good news..go on and open it ."She smiled while taking out a teena marie album and putting it on. I opened the box and inside was a pregnancy test.... Positive..

I hugged Yvonne and kissed her.

"I'm happy baby...but i would like to be around Asia and Kartier too."I said

"I know.. i am working on some things Gary...I knocked Santana out...he's at the house ."She sighed sitting down and lighting a cigarette. I knocked the cigarette out of her hand and looked at her with anger.

"You did what?! and then you have the nerve to smoke a cigarette and you're pregnant with my child!"I yelled.

"Gary please baby ! please don't be mad i am just all over the place i don't know what more to do."

"We gotta figure it out Yvonne. I have sat back and stayed silent while you let another man raise my children. We have been sneaking around far too long...either you file for divorce or i am going to tell him ...EVERYTHING..." 

Just as i was getting up to open the door for her to leave i heard a tape recorder shut off. I opened the door and a white man with glasses was running down the hallway.

"Wait! Come back!"I yelled about to run after the guy but Yvonne placed her hand on my shoulder.

"It will be okay baby... don't be come inside and give me some of that."she whispered touching my dick. I slowly closed the door and began kissing Yvonne. After hours of love making i watched the city from my window.  The white guy with the glasses is who i kept thinking about....Why was he recording us?

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