Chapter One: Neighbor's Argument

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Henry POV

People might think being a king is cool which it is but it's also very hard when all the pressure is on your shoulder and quite lonely but I manages. Even when you have a good friend beside your side, she also have the same responsibility but I don't regret being royalty.

I'm an amazing king to my people and having the strongest kingdom in the world. Plus
I still have my free time to myself and have my own adventures.

But sometimes things can come in a surprise when you're not looking.

"Sir would you like some water?," William said.

"Yes please," I said.

William was about to hand me a glass when a maid busted in my bedroom.

"Sorry to bothered you, your majesty but one of the Royals wants to talk to you."

This is very rare. I never got visitors except for Ellie, merchants, or traders. And even when other royals did come for a visit, it's usually for help or extra money.

"I'll go see them, just give me a minute."

The maid soon left and I helped William up and clean up the glass off the floor.

"Thank you sir," he said.

"You're welcome, William."

I walked off to the throne room, meeting the mysterious guest. I wonder what's their business with my kingdom. I thought maybe it was Ellie but she have been very busy and everyone in my palace knew her.

I soon arrived and saw a man sitting on my luxury, lounge couch. I realized him as my neighbor ruling the Atlantic kingdom, one of the largest kingdoms along with mine. He was wearing a gray suit with his green coat along with a green cape, fancy boots, and expensive crown.

I will admit he is a nice person to his kingdom especially others kingdoms.

"Wow, I never thought I will have any guest," I said, holding out my hand.

The man looks up from his phone, having an innocent smile on his face, and shook my hand.

"Nice to see you too, King Henry. Your castle is very beautiful and I love your marble floor," he said.

"Thank you but it's a palace not a castle," I said.

"Oh my mistake." We soon stopped and I back off a bit.

"So what's brings you here?"

"Well in case you forgot my name is Charles Calvin, king of the Atlantic Kingdom and I was wondering why didn't you come to my party yesterday? Did someone didn't tell you?"

I remember getting an invite but parties wasn't my thing, so I didn't come. The only time I leave my kingdom if there is an important meeting between all the royals.

"No I knew but I chose I didn't want to come."

He looked disappointed while I felt awkward.

"Why not? It was a very important meeting where all the kingdoms supposed to come together."

"Queen Ellie told me about that meeting and I already write down some ideas. I can give them to you if you want."

"That's not the point. I want peace over the kingdoms."

I understand his behavior. He is the head king of most of the kingdoms including his own. Well, except for mines and Ellie. We were doing well on our own and I'm pretty sure there are others but I never talk to other royals unless it is necessary.

People usually like to called Charles's kingdoms, the Emerald Empire and I see why.

"Look, I'm sorry but the invitation didn't say anything about a big meeting. But this doesn't excuse this issue, so I'm very sorry if I upset you."

King Charles looks like he's understand but he's still disappointed.

"You know you have to talk with the other rulers, eventually, Henry. I understand you prefer being alone but what happened if your kingdoms is under attack and nobody is here to help you."

I didn't know what came over me but I got super annoyed at him. "Why should I asked for some backup from lousy kingdoms with lazy people."


"I have a strong kingdom for a reason. Not to mention my savage warriors, billions of riches, helpful citizens, and Queen Ellie's support."


"And literally half of all the kingdoms are talking s*** about me, spreading rumors that I'm cold person or I'm heartless. So I don't want toxic people as my partners."

He kept quiet after that and I knew I went too far. "I think it's best for you to leave because after all you have an empire to take care of."

"R-right have a good day." Charles quickly left and I felt awful and guilty afterward.

Let's hope this doesn't happens again.

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