Chapter 13: Stickvin Monarch

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Henry POV

Months went by after that horrible experiences. We were able to rebuild all the lost kingdoms but we loss some lives during Devin's ruled which is why we took extra precaution for people safety.

King Reginald, King Right, Sven, Burt, Konrad, Calvin, Rupert, Dave, King Ben, Queen Ellie, King Charles, and I was given the gold Medal of honor for our bravery. 

Soon King Ben and Queen Ellie started dating, then got married quickly to combine their kingdoms.

Rupert, Dave, Sven, and Burt were given land to rule over but Dave refused and joined with Rupert to help him since they're a couple.

And what about me and Charles?


We're now a power couple. Better than Devin, of course. I help Charles to have better control of his empire while he helps me to expand my kingdom for more resources.

"So, are you ready to meet my mother?," he said.

"Yes but I'm a bit nervous, I never met your mother."

"Don't worry my mom is a very nice person."

"If you said so."

Charles knocked the doors of the huge mansion and a butler open it.

"Queen, your son is here along with his boyfriend."

"Your formal queen, Travis."

"Hi mom." Charles gave her a big hug and it remind me of my mother and I'm talking about my second mother not my biological.

"Welcome Charlie, now Henry come give me a hug." I awkwardly hug Formal Queen Lindsay as Galeforce showed up.

"It's nice to you again, Henry," he said.

"You too, sir."

"Come, come I have a beautiful dinner waiting for us." She lead the way to a beautiful buffet that's could fill with a lot of people. "Originally, it was for the four of us but you two lovely couple wanted to invite your friends."

Just then, the doorbell ring again and Ellie, Ben, Dave, Rupert, Sven, and Burt was at the door.

"Welcome everyone. Please have a seat anywhere you like."

"Hi Mrs. Calvin," Dave said.

"Hi Dave, nice to see you again."

Charles's mother gestured for all of us to sit down and we started eating and cranking jokes.

"So, how does it feel to rule a kingdom," Galeforce said.

"Pretty hard I thought but Dave is really helpful," Rupert said.

"You mean your boyfriend," Burt smirked.

Rupert rolled his eyes and holds hands with Dave under the table but I saw that.

"So? Ellie and Ben? How's your marriage?," Charles said.

"Pretty well," Ben said.

"We have a great marriage," Ellie said.

Ellie leaned on Ben's shoulder as he hold her hand. I smiled at that and took out a small velvet box having a nice expensive, emerald ring. I gently grab Charles's hand and kiss it.

"Hey Charles, can I tell you something?"

"Of course." Everybody turned their attention to us, making me nervous.

"Charles, I never thought I would fall for someone like you. Smart, nice, and caring to me. My life would have been nothing without you."

With that, I got on one knee and open the box revealing a beautiful ring.

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