Chapter 4: Party Massacre

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Warning, there will be blood, deaths (not from the main characters those), and graphic scenes. If you don't want to read that scene, then skip the part.

Henry POV

Does this suit look good on me? Or should I try on an another?

"Your majesty, King Charles is here," William said.

"Thanks William."

I rushed out of my dressing room, then through the hallways, and slide down the stairs. I composed myself before I heard Charles chuckled.

"Wow, now that's an entrance," he said.

"I thought you..."

"Come on, the limo is waiting for us and Queen Ellie is getting impatient."

He dragged me outside and we hopped in the limo and shut the door. The limo drove off but Ellie gave me a smug look while Charles looks confused.

"What?," I said.

"You and King Charles are sitting together," Ellie smirked.

I blushed a little and I could have swear Charles did the same but he cleared his throat.

"Henry, do you know how to behave yourself?"

"Yes, I hosted parties before."

"Okay, just don't cause a scene. I don't need an another idiot complaining again."

"Woah, you must be a stressful king."

"Yeah he is. Once two kings started fighting over a beautiful princess and Charles abdicated them from their thrones," Ellie said.

"Isn't that going too far?," I said.

"They were already failing to keep their kingdoms running," Charles said.

The limo soon came to a stop and the doors opened. Ellie got out first, trying to look presentable while I help Charles out and took his hand.

"Presenting King Charles, Queen Ellie, and the finally guest, King Henry."

Everybody went quiet after hearing my name announced. There were a few whispers and staring around the ballroom as we walked in. Ellie ran off to talk with the other guests. Or bothered them but I don't care.

I was forced to stay with Charles as he led the way to his friends.

"Henry meet Rupert Price and Dave Panpa, my knights and friends."

"Um hi, nice to meet you two," I said.

"Nice to meet you too," Dave said.

"You know Henry, you're pretty famous around the kingdoms," Rupert said.

"Yeah I know and some of them talked bad about me."

"Not all of them. Some women called you, Mysterious Handsome or Silent Star," Dave said.

I didn't believe Dave at first but he wasn't lying. Every lady in the room have either came to flirt with me or give me their number while I was talking to Charles, Rupert, or Dave.

Some even asked me for a dance and I happily agreed but Charles doesn't seem happy about it, every time he saw me with an another woman.

Soon, I was exhausted and I sat down on the lounge couch, leaning my head back. Who knew dancing around can be so tired. At this point, I'm acting like a lazy father.

"You looked very tired, King Henry." I looked up to Sven, the head knight of Toppat Kingdom holding hands with Burt, head of weapons and technology. "So, you must be enjoying this party."

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