Chapter 7: Dragon's Dungeon

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Henry POV

"Ugh. That took forever," I said.

"Yeah, and the others agreed with you," Charles said.

Ellie, Ben, Rupert, Dave, Sven, and Burt were curved up together, sleeping on each other shoulders or stomach.

"But why did you want to put this dragon in the dungeon?," he said.

"Well, this dragon could be dangerous plus this is the biggest room I can think of."

"I guess you're right but look at the dragon."

I noticed what Charles was talking about. This huge dragon looks so weak and have many scratches all over their body. Seems like someone disturbed this mythical creature.

He was about to touch the dragon but with one touch, it suddenly wake up in a instant, and let out a loudest roar through the room. Everyone immediately wake up after that.

"Hey! We are not here to hurt you," I said.

"Yes. We just want to help," Charles said.

Everyone nods their heads in agreement. Most likely out of fear or trying not to be burnt chicken. Dragon didn't look convinced but slowly calm down.

"We should probably clean the dragon. They look dirty," Dave said.

"But what's their gender?," Sven said.

"It's a female." We all turned to Burt and he confirms it. "Yeah, I can tell by their wings and eyes."

"Okay, let's clean her up. Dave and Rupert go get some water, Sven and Burt go get the soap, Henry and I will go get the brushes, and Ellie and Ben find the biggest towel they can find."

We all agreed and quickly got all the supplies we need. First, Rupert carefully poured water all over the dragon while Dave distracted the dragon.

Second, Sven and Burt splashed soap on them, then me and Charles washed the mythical creature as the dragon starts to relax. Finally, Ellie hand all of us some cloth and we all finished off to clean her.

"I think the dragon like the bath," Charles giggled.

"Yes, now let's make more cozy," I chuckled.

"Oh. Can we painted the room pink," Ellie said.

"Absolutely not!? You will not make this room pink or any other colors!? It. Will. Stay. Black!?"

Everyone was a bit stunned by my outburst but I stayed firm.

"Uh. . . Alright but let's at least get a lot blankets, pillows, and make some entertainment for the dragon," Charles said.

We all said yes and split off to find any blankets and pillows in the palace but I forbid them to go in my royal bedroom. They all agreed but Rupert gave me a suspicious look but I didn't care.

Finally, we're able to make the dungeon very comfortable for the dragon. She was too busy snuggling up in the huge blanket that Ben found.

"I think the dragon like their room," Dave said.

"Temporary room for her," I said.

"Yeah, we will make a better room for the dragon liking," Ellie said.

"But should we named it?," Rupert said.

"Well. There's no telling when the dragon is planning to stay plus we had to solved the Dark Destoyers," I said.

"Especially Devin," Charles snarled.

"Speaking of Devin? What's time is it?," Ben said.

I pulled out my phone and look shocked. "It's five p.m!?"

"What!? It took that long!?," Rupert growled.

"Well, it took a hour to bring the dragon back to the palace, two hours to clean the dragon, and about three hours to designed the dungeon," Sven said.

"Oh? By the way? Who's feeding this dragon!?," Ellie said.

As we were debating, somebody knocked on the door and I went to open the door to find a frightening Reginald.

"Hey? Is the dragon still here?"

"Yes but don't make her angry."

"It's a she!?"

"Shh. Be quiet. Why are you here?"

"Well, it's dinner time and William, your butler couldn't find you guys."

The dragon roared again for the fourth time this day that my ears can go deaf in seconds. She suddenly grabbed me by her tail and trapped me under her two front feet.

It's started to lick my face and my crown fall off. Meanwhile, Sven, Burt, and Rupert laughed at me while Ben, Ellie, and Charles look surprised. Reginald was the only one felt terrified.

"Not again," I said.

"Um... I think we have our dinner in the dungeon," Charles said, awkwardly.

"And maybe a table plus a food bowl with delicious amount of meat for her."

Thankfully, Ellie and Charles pulled me out again but we finished off our dinner while the dragon munched a lot of meat. We make sure the dragon look ready to fall asleep before we left.

But once for the fifth time!? The dragon roar again!? I was going to cried at this point.

"I think the dragon wants us to sleep with her," Charles said.

"But I don't wanna. I want the bed," Ellie whined.

"This dragon is becoming too clingy to us. I said we should let her go first thing tomorrow morning," Rupert said.

"Absolutely not!? How can be so cruel Rupert!?!," Charles shouted.

"Sir! What makes you think this dragon wants to stay!? It's probably have an another dragon family waiting for her!?"

"And what happens if she doesn't.

That shut up Rupert as Charles crossed his arms. Dave slowly separates them to prevent any fights.

"C'mon everyone. Let's go sleep with the dragon," I sighed.

So now we are laying on the dragon with an another huge blanket on us while the other covered the dragon. She moves her tail on us, proving her loyalty.

Loyalty than those jerk kings.

"Well, night guys," Dave chimed.


Everyone went to sleep except for Charles who looked exhausted than lately.

"Hey? You're alright?"

"Yes Hen, I'm fine. Just... ha tired." I moved his head on my shoulder and wrapped around him. "Now, this is nice and cozy."

I turned red as Charles blushed. I guess he wasn't expecting to say that.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, Charles." I took our crowns and sat them right next to me. "But it's strange how you're not working at the Atlantic Kingdom or trying to protect the other kingdoms."

"Well actually. Galeforce made me to make him the King again because he thought I couldn't handled the pressure."

"But that's ridiculous. You took care this world for eight years and fought in wars."

He laughs as he curves a sad smile.

"I know believe me. I even tried to fight back but Galeforce is very stubborn person with his decision." He playfully pushed me as he laughed for a bit. "Especially you."

"Hey. I'm acting like the king role like I supposed too."

"True but you need to a bit fun about it." I turned my head away Charles but he turns my head around. "Relaxed, I'm joking. Let's go to sleep."

He laid back on my shoulder as I leaned on him.

"Night Hen."

"Night Charlie."

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