Chapter 3: Invitation

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Charles POV

I quietly sneaked in my kingdom trying to be silent to my best of my abilities. I was supposed to be back at 11 p.m but I slept over at Henry's castle. Uh..... I MEAN HIS PALACE!? I hope Rupert won't kill me. I finally got inside my castle and shut the gates behind me.

"And where have you been." I turned around and saw Rupert on the stairs. He was my head knight/my advisor even know it's mostly goes to war events. "Well Charles."

"I... accidentally fall asleep at Henry's palace."

"Of course you did." He shook his head while walking toward me. "Why do you want to get to know to that Ice King so bad?"

"Be nice Rupert, we don't talk bad about the kings, queens, or their families."

"It's the truth." I pat Rupert's shoulder and went straight to the kitchen.

"We will talk about this later. Okay Rupert."

Three hours later/10 p.m

"Your majesty, I think the only way to defeated the Dark Destroyers is by taking out their leader, Dark Devil."

"Okay and how exactly because we tried that four times already," I said.

"Maybe, we should ask the other Royals for help. I'm sure that they would love taking down those criminals," Rupert said.

"We could but they're too busy preparing for the worse especially protecting the love ones from dangers."

Rupert slapped his face out of frustration. I knew he was trying to help. We all are, but this problem will get worse if someone don't do something about it.

Anyway, what's your plan, knight?," I said.

"We can..."

"Make way, make way, King Reginald, King Right, and Head Knight Sven," Dave said.

I almost forgot about Reginald and his husband, Right Hand Man was coming over. I was too busy with my problems with the raids and Henry.

"Ah, hello King Charles, still friendly with the other royals I see," King Reginald said.

"Yes, yes but can we reschedule on an other day. I'm too busy with all this drama going on around the kingdoms," I said.

"Oh I completely understand but I have question for you."

"Yes, what is it?"

"Are you coming to my party?"

"What party?"

"Oh Charles. It's a time of the year for my party where every king or queen is invited to the most glamorous event ever plus expensive."

"Um... Reginald? I don't think it's best to throw a party." He gave me a distraught look while his husband gave me glares but I continued. "It's too risky for the destroyers to do a sneak attack on the kingdoms while we are all at the event."

"And it will put people at risk," Rupert said.

"But didn't you throw a party?," Right said.

"That was three weeks ago and it was a meeting/party."

"Oh don't worry, dear. There will be knights everywhere to keep watch plus. Didn't King Henry gave out strong protection to the remaining kingdoms," Reginald said.

"Speaking about the old champ, where is he?," Right said.

"Oh yeah. I heard he never left his land unless it's an "important" meeting or Ellie's castle. I kind of feel bad for that king. Always tired himself out for his kingdom."

I feel my blood boiling into anger. Henry wasn't kidding about people talking bad about him. I honestly don't understand why I ever not heard about it. I would have done something.

"If all of you are here to complain, then please leave my castle, now," I said, coldly.

Reginald thought I was joking but when he realized I wasn't. He left with his husband in anger. Sven quickly apologize for the half of the kings before leaving with them.

"Maybe, we should go to the party?," Dave said.

Me and Rupert looked over to Dave, who looked nervous at first but continues.

"I mean Charles, you worked so hard to provide for the people and everyone in the world. You deserved a break."

"Thank you Dave but I'm not sure if this is the best time."

"Maybe it is?," Rupert said. "I mean the Dark Destroyers last attack was two weeks ago and thanks to Henry's defenses, there hasn't been a successful raids."

I thought about it for a few minutes, thinking about the possibilities.

"And you can invite Henry as your plus one," Rupert grinned.

"Shut up!?!"

Henry POV

"Hey Henry, did you heard that Reginald throwing his party," Ellie called.

"Yeah but doesn't he know it's not a good time," I said, over the phone.

"True but there hasn't been any news about those troublemakers."

"Aren't you are a troublemaker," I smirked.

"You know what I mean, Henry."

"Look if you want to go, then go."

"Are you coming with me. I mean I know you want your space but you could have some fun in your life and you can get back those jerks."

I thought about it for a given moment before I got an another call from somebody else.

"Sorry Ellie, I will call you back later"

"Fine I'll see you later." I switched calls and heard Charles's voice which my heart glowed out of happiness.

"Oh..... hey Charles, need something?"

"Hey Henry, do you planned? I don't know. Go to Reginald's party?"

I thought about what Ellie say and let out a signed.


"Look I understand you don't but....."


"Unfortunately I have nothing else to do, so yeah I guess I'm going tomorrow."

"Okay, do you have anyone to watch your kingdom when you're gone?"

"I have my faithful friend, William to take care my kingdom and Ellie have her little brother, Jacob to take care of hers, why do you ask?

"Well, I was wondering, if you want to hangout with me during the party."

"If it gets me away from people, then yes. See you tomorrow."

Charles said his goodbye and I hang up but there was an empty feeling in me.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this party?

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