Chapter 8: Fancy Ride

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Henry POV

There were aw and a few snickers around the room. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw happy faces except Rupert and Burt. They just have their normal faces but I didn't care and kissed Charles's forehead.

Ellie and Dave screamed out of joy as Charles woke up. I shot them a glared and they shut up.

"Morning everyone," he said.

"Morning Charles," I said.

We all got up and I put on my crown so did Charlie. Ellie and Ben kept their crowns on, so did the rest of them with their hats. William came in to announce breakfast was ready.

"What about the dragon?," Dave said.

"Don't worry. Breakfast for the dragon is coming down shortly," William said.

Everyone went upstairs as I grab Charles's hand and we followed behind the others.

Everyone was very talkative around the table. Nobody are usually fully wake in this morning yet everyone is chatting away including Ellie flirting with Ben.

It's seems like they like each other. Me and Charles giggled to ourselves. I stood up as I clapped my hands together as all the attention turned to me.

"Thank you for everybody being positive during in these hard times but unfortunately we need to turn our attention to the problem and get it solved immediately."

"Well fortunately, King Galeforce and his army captured members of the Dark Destroyers," Reginald said.

"And it's being decided if they're going to prison or executed," Right said.

"But that's not enough if we don't captured Devin," Charles said.

"And we will, dear," I said.

I have determination look on my face until I heard a roar that we all know.

"I think the dragon is awake," Sven said.

"You guys didn't named the dragon that you kept!?,"Reginald shouted.

"Well, we didn't think if we were going to keep her," I said.

"Plus what if they have already have a name," Charles said.

"Says the king who wanna to keep her~"

"You little silent king!?"

The dragon soon walked out from the second basement but strangely didn't come to the diner room and went somewhere else.

"Um? Where is the dragon going?," Sven said.

"Don't worry, me and King Silent will go after Destiny."


"A name for our fury friend."

"Nevermind. Let's chase after her."

We both got up and followed the dragon or Destiny, so it won't make a mess or cause trouble.

"I wonder why she is going upstairs," Charles asked.

"Maybe she think we are in our rooms," I said.

The dragon soon stopped at my huge vault and processed to blow fire all over it.

"No! No! No! Stop!"

"I think you should opened your vault."

I quickly entered my password as the vault unlock and opened for a special view of all my valuables. She fly in and jumped in my treasures. Charles kept laughing as my face explode in anger.

"Hey. At least your vault is indestructible."

"That's not point!? And how did the Dragon escape!?"

"Probably your butler, William let her out. Oh and her name is Destiny."

I launched at him but he quickly my arm and slammed me against the wall. I tried to get out his grip but he tightened and hold my arms in places.

"Hey. No need to anger." He let go one of my arms and put his hand on my face. "Listen. I know how much you love your treasures but can't you share them for once."

"And how come you acting so tough?"

"Ever heard never take kindness as a weakness." I turned away as he continue. "I might have show you my nice side but I can show my dark side if you want."

I mumbled under my breathe as my face burns in embarrassment after "King Strong" back off as the dragon continues playing in my vault.

"Let's take Destiny outside for now."

I gave one of my rare gemstone and she followed me outside with Charles behind us. Some of the gardeners took one look at the big dragon and ran away.

Charles grab a big stick as the dragon stares at it.

"Hey girl, do you want the stick." The dragon instantly nods yes in response. "Then go get it."

He throws the stick as the dragon flies after it. We wait until the dragon came back with the stick in her mouth.

"Good girl." He took the stick and hand it to me. "Your turn, Hen."

"Okay? Go Fetch." I throw the stick and the dragon quickly got it as I calm down and smiled. "Good girl."

"Aw. Look like the family is playing catch," Ellie teased.

"Oh go bothered Ben. Since you like him so much."

She soon storms off, probably to Ben as Charles put a collar on Destiny's neck with both side of the rope attracts to the collar.

"Um? What are you doing?"

"Taking this dragon for a ride."

"Are you sure?"

"What? Don't you like adventures."

I smirked and hop on the dragon as she stand up. I got a hold of the rope as Charles hold on to me.

"Okay Destiny. Let's take a nice flight."

I gently whipped the rope as the dragon started running as it took to the sky. I was amazed by the view while the King of Kindness is lovely the flight.

The dragon soared over the bright ocean and Charles used one of his hands to touch the crystal water before we took back to the sky. We flied back to my kingdom while we saw Ellie and Ben coming out from the palace, so we fly over them.

They were so shock when they saw us riding the dragon. We soon land and Ellie immediately hugged me.

"That looks awesome," she shouted.

"Can we took it for a spin," Ben said.

The dragon yawned and lied on the grass.

"Sorry. I think Destiny need to rest," Charles said.

"Anyways, what's brings you two love birds out here," I teased.

"Shut up Henry!?," Ellie said.

"But actually, why are you two out here," Charles said.

"We located where Devin and his army is going to do his next attack and we need to leave," Ben said.

Destiny seems awake now and stomped her paws with her sharp claws showing.

"Can the dragon join us," I grinned.

"The more the merrier," Ellie said

"Let's get Devin," Charles smirked.

We hurried and grabbed our weapons while King Reginald and Right to protect my kingdom. The others along with my army are already in their vehicles waiting for us as me, Charles, Ellie, and Ben fly down on the dragon.

"So who's your new ride?," Rupert said.

"Meet Destiny, the Royal dragon warrior," I smirked.

Here we go.

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