Chapter 10

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The year 2019 came too quickly. What a year it has been. Its been a month since the Dean Langley left. And still my life has been nothing but pain. Mike still hasn't changed his behaviour toward me. I'm afraid I'll never get out of this hellhole. At least I'm grateful that Mike doesn't touch me too much anymore. Looks like he has found himself another pet. Most nights up in my room I could hear their laughter from downstairs. He's totally different to the new guy but who cares. I just hope he doesn't treat the new guy the same. My punishments never stopped  but at least he hasn't given me my most feared punishment. My room is like my home. Named Malec. The reason I named my room Malec is because I fell in love with the two characters on the series Shadowhunters. Also where I got my name from. I loved their story and I want their story to remain a good memory becauase I don't have good memories. Memories of love. Someone who would love me whole heartedly. Someone to share everything with. My lovger can be any nice man except a criminal, a rudeless killer/murderer. A month since Dean Langley left this place. Ever since he left I couldn't stop thinking about him. What has he done to me? "I miss him." What am I saying? My heart feels weird, empty and more dead. Oh Mr Langley why did we have to meet. He's killing me softly. "he is nothing to you Jace so stop thinking about him. You will never see him again."

Oh Mr February, why are you such a lovely month with a lovely weather. What a boring Friday it is. There's no one here at home. Not even the guards. Looks like Mike knows I'm being a good boy that's why he's giving me free time just to be by myself. He's exact words was for me not to leave the house under any circumstances. He's been away since morning. The whole day I've been practising my shooting. I even got the chance to sneak out to chec**I  k on what I've stashed. One point five million buried underground. It has been there for a full year now. Each month I carried a great sum of money out of this house without Mike knowing. His money is too much for him to even count. He doesn't even know I know the pin of his save. When I'm saying money In mean billions. Such a lucky bastard with all his dirty money. Why not benefit from it for my escape one day. There was a lot of opportunities for me to escape but I guess I was too scared. But now I'm not scared anymore. My shooting skills is incredible and my fighting skills. I'm not scared of Mike or anyone at this point in my life. No one will use me anymore. There's nothing Mike can do anymore. I'm already broken and when I mean broken. I mean shattered. But to be honest Dean did shine a light in my life. When he was here I felt so many unknown, strange and beautiful feelings.

Sexual assualt being displayed(rape and dead ahead) If you are sensitive to this kind of  content you can skip but its a very important part of the story

A loud bang came from downstairs. I guess Mike is home probably drunk. "Jacey! My baby boy where are you?"he practically sang. Because I'm the good boy he thinks I am, I went downstairs. Mike wasn't alone. What ugly man is this? "There's my sweetie." He's so drunk but the mischieve was was visible in his eyes. "Come here." His voice was a bit soft. What is going on here? Walking towards him I couldn't feel my feet. What is Mike's plan again? "You were right Mike, he is a sweet little candy,"the man laughed. A sudden fear appeared in my body. Mike grabbed me around the waist and pinned me against his chest. He lowered his head to my height. His mouth kissing my ear. "How do you feel about double penetration;"he whispered. My eyes grew wider as I looked between the two men trembling. "Wha...w..what do you mean, what kind of sick joke is this?" Mike had a sinister look on his face. "Oh, how rude of me, this is my friend Aaron Gonzales. One of the high rank dealers also very rudeless and he made a great deal with me in exchange for a piece of you. But of course I wouldn't let him have his fun alone." Mike just laughed at me. Both of them reeked of alcohol. "It's show time," Mike told Aaron. Aaron grabbed my hair and kissed me violently in the neck. "Oh he smells lovely like lavender and watermelon,"Aaron complimented. Mike started to take my clothes off *with a struggle. I kicked and fought them off but they were too strong. "Come on Jacey. You know what will happen if you disobey me,"Mike warned. I could care less of his punishments. They don't even hurt anymore. As I struggled a gunshot went off which made me freeze. Not that sound. But I would rather let them kill me than living such a life. If they succeed today than they won't stop. The gunshot made my body unmovable. For a moment I forgot that I've been using guns for a year but I always used the silent trigger. A sudden sting from my bottom woke me from the daze I was in. Aaron was thrusting inside of me while Mike was massaging his own hard on. "Aaah!!, sto...stop! please don't do this!"I cried. Mike inserted himself as well. Tearing me apart. "Stop please Mike!Stop it. I cried as the men penetrated my bottom with no mercy. They were just moaning like it was the best sex ever. Why is my reality so cruel, so vicious? I pushed them off and ran to my room. They followed behind me. "We are not done yet  Jacey so you better come back here,"Aaron shouted behind me. In my room I took out the gun that was in my mattress. I guess this was it. Mike burst in my room with a bottle of tequila in his hands. Aaron followed right behind him.  They were slurping a bit. What fools they are. I can't believe Mike would go this far. He didn't like me talking to other guys but he would let a total stranger whom I just saw for the first time touch me, rape me. Oh Mike why are you such a monster, inhuman, selfish creature with no feelings. i pointed the gun at them with a firm grip on it. "Take one more step and I will end the both of you,"I said with a shaking voice." "Oh what do we have here,hahah,"Mike mocked. Aaron entered the room quickly and without a warning I pulled the trigger. The bullet went straight through his head skull. There was no surviving that blow. Aaron  fell on my bedroom floor in a pool of his own blood. Mike looked shocked. "What the fuck have you done?"Mike screamed. "They will fucking kill me because of you!" I looked at Mike with tears rolling down my cheeks. He took a step towards me, but I wasn't having that. Another shot rang in my ears as I shot Mike in the shoulder and than in the leg. I wanted him to suffer before I kill him. "You wo..ahhh..won't get away with this Jacey." I laughed at him. "Oh Mike but I already am."My final shot went straight to Mike's heart in an attempt to kill him. I couldn't stop myself from crying. I faced my own fears strongly. Luckily there was no guards around. Mike was now dead with his friend Aaron Gonzales. I don't care who he really was but by the looks of it he was also someone very important. I ran downstairs and opened all the handigas bottles around the house.There was no need to pack any clothes. Running into the forest with all the strength I had left I made it far enough. My escape was a half an hour away. As quickly as I could I unburied my stash and carried it further away. I went back to where I can still see the house and took out the sniper gun. Aiming it to one of the gastanks through then window. The bullets in the gun was pretty much like explosives so its perfect. With two quick shots the house blew up wioth a loud noise. The blow was so dangerous that it it took another building out. I flew meters away but I held my composure. Before the police would show up I ran deep into the woods with my belongings. My bottom was still aching but that wont stop me from getting as far away as possible.

Walking for almost two hours I was sure I was going to faint. My legs was hurting badly. Finally I made it out of that hellhole. I was free from a three year sentence. The prison that was my home is now burned to the ground. Mike or anyone else will never hurt me again. But the memories will never die. As i was walking I made it to a lonely road. Luckily it wasn't a main road. To go left was the only option. Because right is right back to the bad place. Cars was driving passed me, but I wasn't fit to even hike. So I just decided to walk with my heavy bags. A half an hour of walking a car stopped beside me with two elder ladies in the front. They looked like they were in their early 40s. "Need a lift honey. You look tired:" I don't want to trust anyone but I'm too tired to refuse and they looked like nice people. "Yes thank you very much." We drove for a while. I felt like dozing off. "Where are you heading,"the one lady asked. My sleep was nagging at me. "I don't know,"I answered simple and fell asleep.

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