Chapter 17

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Dean's pov

Shayne's phone rang so he went to a more quiet place. The thought of Jace being with another is killing me. He is in that fucking room with Kent. I don't know but Jace has changed a lot and I don't like that. We were meant to be and I will change what has changed in him. He will go back to being my innocent Jace. I know he has had it rough. But the cussing and and his rebel ways must stop. That is not who Jace Tanner is. My Jacey. My love. But Jace made it clear that he doesn't like guys like me. In fact Jace Tanner hates me. He hates me. There's nothing I can do about it because I don't want to force myself onto him. He's been through enough. I know Kent Oswood and he's the opposite of who I am. Jace may fall for this guy and that would literally kill me. Shayne came back with a sad face. "My mother got ill. I am sorry but I have to go." "Let me drop you." "No it's fine. Stay. I already called my driver. I'll be fine." Leaving him to go on his own wasn't how I did things but Shayne insisted. He is very stubborn. I kissed him goodbye and he left. Dante was enjoying herself so much and I loved seeing my little sister happy. And my best friend. Now I wonder how Jace is. Afterall he did drink with Shaw at the house. The thought made me worry. Just as I was about to get up. Jace entered the room looking flustered. His cheeks was very red. What did he do? "Someone got laid," Dante sang. Jace blushed intensely. He took a seat in front of me. I sat opposite him. Starring him down. I noticed the button of his Jean was undone. 'God, no please.' He wasn't meeting my eyes. "Was it nice?" Dante kept going on. Jace just blushed further. "Stop it Dante." "So not denying it. Look at the hickey in your neck.  You're such a slut," Dante joked laughing. The anger and hurt was getting to me. "You fucked a total stranger?"I asked him. He didn't answer me just sat drinking a bottle of water. Him not loving me was fine. But I can not tolerate him being intimate with another." Jace. I'm done. You did it. I'm finally leaving you alone you're rid of me." With that I stood up and left. Jace broke my heart tonight.

Jace's pov

I could see that Dean was fighting the tears that was threatening to fall. I've hurt him. But does he really think that I would just sleep with some random guy. When I haven't even been with him. I can never betray him like that even if we are not together. He has left us. He has left me. Now that I've realised how much I love him. He left me. Yes Kent and I kissed and he made the hickey. Even went as far as unbuttoning my pants. But I could do it. Even in my drunken state I thought of just Dean. I actually love Dean Langley. The man that I've hated. The man that I have to hate because of fear. Fear that he would hurt me physically. Fear that he would turn out to be just like Mike. Fear that he would use my fear against me. I love him and I don't want to fear or hate him anymore. I want to listen to my heart. Something is pulling me away from him. "Let's go home now. My bed is calling," Shaw announced. I went to the bar to get another bottle of water to sober up. We drove home in silence. Dante was sleeping in the backseat. "Why don't you just tell Dean you have feelings for him and save him all this hurt," Shaw began. "I don't know what you are talking about." "Nonsense. Just because Mike mistreated you doesn't mean you can do the same to Dean. And I know you are in love with him. Why else would you have cried for him for a full week when he was in a coma. Begging for him to come back to you. Not to leave you alone. Resting your head on his chest as you talked to him." Speechless and shocked I look at Shaw. So it was him that saw us." I don't know what you are talking about."" Sure you don't." I rushed out of the car when we pulled up to the house. I threw myself on my bed and started sobbing. After half an hour I had enough. This was it. I still felt a bit drunk but confident. Walking to Dean's room my heart was hammering in my chest. I knocked at his room door for a while. Until it flew open. Dean was standing in the doorway with nothing but trousers. His eyes was puffy and red. "What do you want Jace. Yes I get it. You hate me. Why don't you just leave already. You've succeeded. I won't bother you anymore," he said walking inside his room. I ran up to him and hugged him from behind.

Dean's pov

Shocked by the hug I stood still. What is he doing? Oh I forgot that he is drunk. Turning around I faced Jace. He was crying. Jace really wants to ruin me. And I hate to see him cry. "I didn't sleep with that guy at the club. We only kissed and he made the hickey." "And you're telling me this why exactly?" "Because I'm..." He stopped and looked me in the eyes. "Because I'm in love with Dean Langley." What? Flabbergasted I stood  trying to process what is happening. Was my ears lying to me. Or am I paralysed? "What did you say?" I asked to make sure. "I love you Dean. I've been in love with you since the first day we kissed." Without hearing him further I connected our lips. Surprisingly he kissed me back eagerly. My Jace really loves me. We kissed with passion. Stopping the kiss I looked at Jace who was blushing like the sun is shining 100°. The door was standing wide open so I went and closed it. Jace was sitting comfortably on my bed. Walking to him I saw that he had a picture in his hand. Damn. The picture of him standing on my nightstand. Facing my bed. I took that picture three years ago. When I saw him sitting at a park looking at the river. Jace didn't say or do anything when he saw me approaching. He just out the picture down. Kneeling in front of him between his legs. I hugged him as he sat on the bed. I love him so much and now I am never letting him go.

Jace's Pov

"You are mine now," he said. What the hell am I doing? What is this Jace? "This is me giving my heart a chance. Because it was dead before. "I love you Jace Tanner. So very much and I'm never letting you go." "I want you Dean. Now." I whispered. He looked at me with pure ecstasy. Dean didn't let a minute go by. He just attacked me on the bed.

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