Chapter 8

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Dean's POV

Jace looked terrified of me and I hated it. I have a soft spot for Jace. "I just want to talk please." He looked at me with terror and hatred. "Please let me go,"he stuttered. His eyes was all over the place. "How did you come across Mike?" Finally meeting my eyes he spoke. "It's non of your  damn business,"he growled. So disrespectful but I like his feistyness. I had to get something out of him. As much as I hated what I'm about to do I had to. I took my gun out and point it at him. To my surprise he started laughing. Leaving both me and Shaw surprised and confused. "Please do pull the would actually do me a favor you know,"he spat. "Nothing scares me anymore. So pull the fucking trigger!" I looked at him in awe. The look in his eyes was undescribable. "I want to help you Jace, please let me help you." "Who said I needed help. Just let me go Dean Langley. I don't want help from someone like you. And I hate you." His words killed me. I went closer to him. Motioning Shaw to leave us alone. Jace had tears in hid eyes. I took his face in my hands. Pressing my lips against his. Surprisingly he didn't push me away but he kissed me back. It felt amazing like world stood still. Like it was just the two of us. My heart was beating very fast. He grabbed my neck to pull me closer. And I loved it so much.

Jace's POV

My only thought was to get the hell out of here. I optioned to just give him what he wants and leave. Kissing him is nothing but I wouldn't go further than that. His kisses was different. He was gentle. But I know it's just a front. Even if it feels so real. My heart was hammering in my chest. 'Do I like this?' A tear ran down my cheek and he stopped. His hands was still cupping my face. For a criminal he sure had soft hands. He was smiling at me. But why though? I saw a shimmer in his eyes. What is wrong with this man? "Now will you let me go?"I asked hopefully. His smile grew wider as he took my hands in his. "Now I will never let you go,"he stated with his smiley face. I ripped my hands from his in shock. My phone rang in my pocket. The caller ID said Mike. 'I'm Dead.' The ringing stopped as I was about to pick the call. "Take me home now!" My phone rang again and I immediately picked the call. "Where the fuck are you Jacey?! Get the fuck home before I fly over there and really kill you!" I looked at dean with pleading eyes as tears wet my face. "I'm on my way home now. Something happened Mike. I'll tell you when I get home." "You better fucking tell me and I hope you have a good explanation,"he snarled and dropped the call. I looked at Dean and kissed him again. "Please Dean I'm begging you." He stood up taking my hand. Shaw already started the car. We drove to Mike's house in a fair speed. Before I got out of the car Dean kissed me again. Why was he so gentle to me? But I don't trust him. "As I said honey. I'm watching you and I'll never leave you alone." Running back to the house. The guards looked at me with anger. I thought of an explanation for the missing guards and where I was coming from. Actually I don't need to tell them anything but Mike. Shaun, one of the guards grabbed me by the arm roughly. "Where the fuck have you been so long! Do you know what Mike could do to us because of you." I looked at him with fear presented on my face. I'm scared of all these cruel people. The only thing I can do is stay calm. Although I've been through a lot. And it made me a hard person without feelings. Thy still scare me a lot. My life consists of cruelty, hardships, heartbreak, fear and killing. I looked at him scared. "I don't have to explain to you anything. But the guards that went with me. They were killed, I don't know what happened but we were walking and the next thing I heard was gunshots...they were laying there in a pool of their own blood. I was speechless. I couldn't even do anything,"I cried. I tried to run but I wasn't fast enough..suddenly...oh. Why are you guys so terrible. Why do you live these lives? Why do you kill? Without saying anything further. I just went inside . With the expression on their faces I knew they believed me. Of course they knew what kind of a person I was ad what I was going through. My only wish is to never meet Dean Langley again. Even if I do, I'll avoid him at all cause. Even if I kind of liked his kisses I hate him. Actually I hate him  more than Mike because I have these strange feelings towards him. He is an enemy towards me but my heart wants to love him and Mike would really rip my heart out. As I'm laying in my room on my bed. All I could think of is Dean. "Oh please god help me." I do have a full proof plan to get rid of Mike but I'm waiting for the right time. I just want to get away from all of this. Maybe go to Hawaii or just somewhere peaceful. Mostly to get away from Dean.

Dean's POV

"Please. Dean get away from me. Please stay away from me. I hate people like you. I'm trapped with him. My life has no meaning with him. My life is a disaster. I'm dead but I do have feelings for you Dean Langley. The same way I want you to stay away from me. I want you to help me." I woke up with a raising heart. The same boy with the beautiful voice. Who is he? Where is he? Why does the voice sound so familiar? It was 05AM in the morning. My mind is immediately set on Jace. What can I do for him to trust me? I know that Mike broke him but I would never hurt him ever. My father wouldn't like it if he knew who the guy was that I liked. He never liked Mike and knowing that Jace belongs to him. Why can't I just forget about him when I know he doesn't like me at all. But I still want to find out what happened to him. And how he ended up with Mike. Also how he got that scars. As it was already morning I decided to take a shower. The same way I wanted to forget Jace I also want him for myself. How can this lone boy have such an effect on me. I dressed myself in a pair of black ripped jeans, black turtle neck and a pair of black adidas. While fixing my hair there was a rapid knock on my bedroom door. "We found the group who stole the money and our weapons last week. Looks like they didn't cover their tracks too well." A smile immediately formed on my face. "Finally a little excitement. Do you know where they are?" Shaw's face expression turned to a bit of worry but also satisfaction. "They are part of Jackson Siege's group also known as the scorpions. It's known that they rule downtown. Jackson is the leader of three gangs but the scorpions are his main dealers also killers." This information made me so happy. I love it when my victims put up a fight. "Shaw get me my babies(his two guns). This is a special occasion. " Shaw knew exactly where this was going. I always do a job with the guys. I'm no coward who sends others to get my work done. this was going to be another quick and clean job.

We drove downtown, the west side of Comora. There's a lot of small time crooks and disastrous criminals. We decided to do the job at noon. It was already passed nine. My guns were resting on my waistband but on my back. We parked a block from Jackson's downtown lair. He actually lives in the city. They were actually having a blast in there. "We will do this calmly guys. Shaw and i will go inside and negotiate if they refuse than they'll pay with their lives. While we're in there you guys will surround this place. If a shootout begin. Shoot to kill but don't get killed,"I instructed. "This is going to be fun,"Benny one of my best men laughed. Shaw and i approached the gate which was surprisingly open. There were two guards whom Shaw knocked out in a split second. "This is going to be so easy." There was a commotion going on inside. With a bang I kicked the door down. Guns were on me and Shaw.  'Wow they really need stronger wood . This Jackson guy is so low key. How can a dealer have such minimum security. Shaw looked at me surprised but he was pointing his gun at the guys. Jackson sat on a couch with two whores by his side. I approached him with no fear of his armed men. "I'm not here to chitchat. So to make this unpleasant meeting shorter. I'll Just cut to the chase." "Just like his father. So let's get to the point I'm busy as you can see."I grabbed him by his collar with a force. "I want what you took from me now. If not we will have a big problem." Jackson looked at me with obvious fear. "I have no idea what you are talking about." My patience was up now.  took my gun out and shot two of his men in the head dead. "I have no fucking idea what you are talking about!!"he screamed with panic. Shaw took his tablet out and played the video of some of his men stealing from me. Jackson looked confused. Wait what is going on here? I thought to myself. He kind of looked innocent. "Now you know what I'm talking about?" "Dean I swear I didn't give that order. Actually those guys disappeared for almost a month now. I've been trying to get a hold of them but nothing. I even send some men out to go and look for them but with no success." No I was confused. "Looks like you are not a very good leader. You have no control over your men Jackson. What should I do with you.? Jackson was terrified it was evident. "Because it was your men. I want everything that they stole from me back from you and if you don't. I will burn down everything you own to the ground and you know I don't just blabber." "Or I could just kill you here and now. Do we have a deal?" Jackson shook his head rapidly meaning yes. "I'll be a bit generous with you. I want half a million every third month, I heard your business is going good. So I don't think we will have a problem." We shook hands. Shaw and I walked out of the building unharmed. We drove back to my estate. Bennny was whinning the whole way back. He wanted to spill some blood so badly. For the time we've been here we only got to kill trice in a rate. We mostly get to work back in LA. Now that is my territory. I felt so tired when we got back. I took a shower and went to bed with Jace on my mind.                                                                                     

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