Chapter 15

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The next Sunday morning I woke up early. Dante had said her mother was joking us for breakfast. I was already dressed and ready when Dante entered my room. "Your eyes are so red. Sinus got you again. I guess we have to change your sheets and get different pillows,"she said looking concerned. She gave me some pills for the hangover. Everyone was already at the table when we arrived. Dean and Shayne sat next to each other. Our chairs was opposite to theirs." Good morning," Dante and I said in unison and laughed. We had our breakfast a bit in silence. Evelyn was looking at me the whole time. "Jace my boy. Your eyes are so puffy and red. Did you cry?" she asked. My heart skipped a beat. Everyone at the table was now looking at me. It was like he was seeing through me. "No... I didn't cry..." "Jace has a really bad sinus. Someone accidently put lavender flowers in his room and he needs different pillows. The ones he's using has feathers in them. Sorry Jacey." If Dante had not chimed in I wouldn't have knows what to say. "So Greyson. How is business going," Evelyn asked looking at Dean. I can't get used to the name Greyson. Thank goodness they changed the topic. "Business is good, just that we found another trader. I locked him up and tortured him until he couldn't take it anymore. So he took his own life." He said it as if it's nothing. "Well that's too bad. I don't know why you like torturing them. Just shoot them through the head or heart. A quick dead," Evelyn suggested. What?! But that's how I killed Mike and Aaron. A quick death. "How did you escape that fire? Something doesn't add up. You must've been at home the time it happened,"Dean asked. Curiosity evident on his face. I got so nervous that I started fideling with my hands under the table." What fire?"Evelyn asked. "The fire three years ago in which Mike Duwal and Aaron Gonzales died in. Jace used to be Mike's ward. So I'm just curious." I can never get over this man's stubbornness. "Do you really think I want to relive such horror Dean. It happened three years ago." "Yes but would you mind appeasing my curiosity. " He really finds pleasure in making my life a living hell. "No need to worry dear you can tell us. We are all family here," Evelyn insisted. Like mother like son. They all were now watching me waiting for my response.  "I wasn't at home, I went for a walk with two of Mike's guards. The time I left Mike wasn't home. So I took the opportunity to go for a walk. He had told me earlier that he was going out with his friend. Whenever Mike went out with his friends he always takes hours. On our way back to the house I heard a loud noise. Like the earth was shaking. When I got home I actually thought I was in the wrong area. Because the house wasn't there anymore. Just the flames." I couldn't stop myself from crying. Just thinking about what happened that night. What really happened still brings out the worst in me. "Go on," Dean deadpanned. "No you don't have to honey." "I want to hear it." Dean was studying me the whole time. "Fuck you Dean Langley. Mike's whole mansion had burned to the ground. I tried calling him but there was no answer. I was so scared because Mike is the only I've ever known in my life. He was my love." Dean looked stoic and angry at the mention of Mike being my love." All the health department everyone was there because it was the Mike Duwal... Please excuse me, "I said and left the table.

Two hours later Dante came knocking on my bedroom door so I let her in. She was wearing shorts with a crop top."Nice outfit." "Come down we are having some drinks by the pool. Hopefully it will make you feel better. I am so sorry about Greyson. He is a jerk. Don't mind him." I was feeling much better since an hour ago. I'm not gonna let the Dean or the thought of Mike do this to me. I will not be sad anymore or even look at Dean. I optioned for some shorts with palm trees on and a loose vest. That can at least cover most of my scars. We went to the pool where Shaw, Dean, Shayne, two guys and a girl that I didn't recognise was. They have a small group of friends which was good. Dante gave me a martini for starters. Dean and Shayne was busy making out in the pool. One of the guys approached me introducing himself as Jason Maddox. He was quite handsome. With his brown curly hair and brown eyes that goes with it. Tall around 5'9. Strongly build with insanely big hands. "Nice to meet you. I'm Jace Brooks." We talked for whole while. Evelyn had went out with a friend of hers. "Wow Dean. You know all the cute ones," Jason refereed to me. "He's all yours,"he replied. So he is done with me. I guess I'll just live in the moment and have fun even if it's killing me to see him with Shayne. "So have you been living here in LA for long?" Jason asked. He sounded polite. "Yes 3 years. Not so long but it's time. So what is your profession?" While talking to Jason I felt a weirdness. Looking up I saw that Dean was staring at me. 'Don't let it get to you Jace. Keep calm.' "I'm a professional baseball player. Yeah I'm pretty famous," he joked. We laughed at that. I have to admit, he does look like a sports person. With his body structure.

It got pretty late. Jason and his friend left as well as the girl Zulfa. They all were pretty drunk. Luckily they came with a driver. Another drunken night. Oh boy. Dean and Shaw was busy barbecuing some sausages that they wanted to still eat. Although we already ate. Dante and I were relaxing on the stools. Shayne also went home. He said he had to be at a photo shoot early. Which will be keeping him busy for the whole week or more. As he's going to numerous places and town maybe cities. Now it was only the four of us. "Jace I wish you and Greyson could've been together. Although he is such an ass. You would make a great couple you know. Greyson the ruthless dangerous man and the sweet living all so cute Jacey," Dante said with a big smile. "I would've loved for you to be my brother in..." "Would you stop that," Dean interrupted. "I was just." "You were just nothing. Now talk about something else," he demanded. So rude. "If he was a bit nicer and more human maybe I would've fallen for him,"I said sarcastically. Dante pour us a few tequila shots. I have to admit I am a bit drunk thanks to Dante. We ate the sausages with bread rolls. Jow lively and tasty. This is nice. After we were done eating we drank further. The time read 21:20. Not too late. Dean and I were left alone. I got up to also go inside but Dean grabbed my arm and pulled me on his lap. "Let me go Dean," I struggled. "Please be mine Jace." He hugged me from behind. "I can't be with you Dean." "Why not. I would never hurt you." I got up from his lap and his embrace. "You made love to Shayne last night and now you tell me to be yours." He looked at me shocked. "How.." "My room is next door and your walls is very thin." "Jace that..." I shushed him. "You don't have to explain anything to me. Shayne is your boyfriend and he loves you. Be with him because we will never be." With that I left and went inside. Shaw and Dante were kissing in the kitchen so I told them goodnight and went to my room. This is so hard for me. I just wish my mom's would come back.

Dean's Pov

My tears couldn't stop at all. I never thought I would ever cry like this. And that because of one lone person. Dante and Shaw came and sat next to me. "Brother? Are you okay?" They saw how red my eyes was. "What happened. You never cry?" Dante asked concerned. I just wiped my tears. "I'm going to bed." Both looked at me sadly. It's understandable because they know that I never cry. This is just stupid. "It's nothing, chill out." Jace was really breaking my heart. He is so close close to me but yet so far. How the fuck can he compare me with that dead beat fuck. 'Get Jace out of your system Dean. He will never love you.' I chanted in my head. Without thinking further I crept into bed. That night I had a dream about my scarce stranger.(The Dream) "Dean? I love you. I'm not doing this out of my will." "Who are you? Why can't I never see your face." He came closer to me. "Promise me that you will always love me and you will never give up on me." What promise is this? "My time is running out Dean. Will you promise me?" "I promise." With that the stranger was in front of me and took the head of his hoodie off. His face exposed to me. My heart almost stopped. Jace?! "   I woke up with a beating heart." Jace?" The morning sun has already risen. It was quite warm. While taking a shower my mind drifted to my dream. The stranger that has been hunting my dreams was Jace all along. I've been having these dreams a year before meeting Jace. We were made for each other. I really don't want to give up on him but he is hurting me with his hatred and rejection.

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