Yukinaru -Exposed- 4

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Hisoka leans in closer as I slip from his grip. I can feel the warmth of his breath against my ear. It creates tingles but I can't worry about that for now.
The words he is saying spike my anxiety, *Stop. Please don't say it. Stop. Stop. STOP!!*
My mind is screaming against my skull, I can feel the fire starting in my veins. This can't be happening, not even been that long and already I am finding trouble.
He whispers so low "You are from the.Dark Continent, Mrs. Zar-" I snap my head up to his quick, glaring at this man with pure adrenaline.
With speed faster then sound or light, I fling him into my room and slam the door. I had him on the bed before even taking a breath, my hands around his throat. I sit straddling him, trying to regain composure to keep from snapping his neck.
Hisoka looks up at me clearly surprised but unnerved none the less. As if he was expecting something yet not this, I squeeze his neck harder. Hisoka's face revealing shock as my facade finally crumbles. Slowly as my manipulation fails, my true appearance ripples through. My body taking on my trueself before his eyes.
Dark beastly horns slightly curl around my head, other worldly wings unfurl no longer hidden from my sight. Revulsion spikes through me as my wings sway into my vision, distracting me momentarily.
*This damn human effecting me this much is ridiculous.* I pull my focus back on Hisoka.
"Who are you really?" I growl through my clenched teeth, the points of my fangs cutting into my lips. Hisoka remains silent watching me closely, regaining his jester facade.
My vile wings slowly create a breeze around us dropping freathers with each motion. Our eyes meet and my grip wavers for a moment under his inquisitive gaze.
Hisoka goes to move and I push my weight upon him harder. "Why do you want to know about me?" I can feel my eyes swirling bewteen balance and rage. A silent battle happening within me.
The foolish jester is only watching me in silence as I try to calm myself. Every fiber in my body telling me to kill this man before the family finds out. Before /he/ finds out. I don't want to go back there yet, I just got my freedom. I definitely do not want to be left to /his/ punishment.
Feeling Hisoka relax under me I loosen my grip, straightening upright. Hisoka is slightly moving underneath but he isn't saying anything. The thoughts that play across his mind are so obvious to me right now anyway. Such a ferocious response.
"Exquisite ♤~" Hisoka whispers, breaking his silence.
His gaze goes to my black horns that crown my head like a thorn covered stem. I watch his eyes slowly trail down to my wings. In his gaze I see reverence filling them as I start to stretch them out more. A part of me is enjoying his frozen state of admiration as I debate on killing him.
"Oh how I do enjoy this ♡~," His hand gestures to my body and points to my hands around his throat.
Realizing the awkward position we are currently in during this intense atmosphere. The bed a mess and feathers strewn about, even parts of my clothes are torn. If someone where to walk in right now, it be very misconstrued.
"Are you settled now? You know this is the second time you have pinned me. Unspoken feelings perhaps ♡~?" Hisoka leans up and coos into my ear.
I can feel a smirk on his lips before he trails away from my face, taking on a serious expression.
"So this is what you been hiding. ♧~" He looks over my figure sitting on him, clearly enjoying this view. I watch his eyes trail down my wings once more and his hand reaching to touch them cautiously. I sit watching him still trying to regain control, unsure of what todo.
"Stop, if you value that hand.." I breath evenly but I can still feel the urge to kill him pulsing in my blood.
He drops his hand instantly and sits there quietly once more as if waiting for something to happen. "I've asked you a question, answer me."
"Is this the part where I tremble and beg for my life? ◇~" He snickers and slowly starts to pull himself out from under me.
Looking over his calm expression and bloodlust controlled, I slowly allow myself to shift off of him. I end up sitting at the foot of the bed with him behind me. Unsure of what to do next other then just roll with it at this point.
"Shut up and tell me the answer. Stupid Jester." I take another breath and finally regain my composure, settling the boiling blood.
Rubbing my temple, concealing my true appearance, Gods how I hate my wings. Sighing I continue to address him, "And just so you know, I could've killed you. Why did you provoke me like that Hisoka?"
"Which is it Yuki? Do you want me quiet or do you want me to speak? ♡~" He chuckles softly.
"Don't joke around now." I roll my eyes and turn to face him.
"Fine. I simply wanted to know more and I did ask you first. ♧~" He shrugs his arms and moves to my side. "I'm honestly a little surprised however. You are so strong yet so weak. ♡~"
I sent a dagger flying at his head, and he catches it! What??
"Now, now. We are done playing." He launches it towards the wall, the tip easily lodging into the wood. "I don't know much as you seem to think, though my partner probably does ◇~."
I can tell Hisoka isn't lying but I do not want to deal with that Illumi. He gives me the creeps, something about him puts me off balance.
"Whatever." I grumble, "I can deal with that human if it becomes a problem. As for you little jester," I can see the questions bubbling on Hioka's face, "I'm hungry and it is your fault. Take me out and feed me, then to the airship."
"So demanding ♡~. Of course I'll take you to eat and escort you to the airships. As that is also my destination." Hisoka looks too pleased by this but my cover is blown already so best to keep an eye on my new pet.
"Then lead the way. I want something meaty and tasty. Do not disappoint me Hisoka." I smile tentatively at him.
He takes my wrist and pulls me closer to him, "Yuki ♡~ we can not just leave this matter unattended though." Hisoka turns my face towards his, his hand creating a warm sensation.
"Stop touching me so casually and just say what you need too." I pull back away and brace myself knowing the words that follow after I'm seen. I have become accustomed to the insults but it still bothers me. Father would always flip out when I lose my composure.
"Do not cringe from me, Yukinaru. Not after that display ♤~" his stern voice captives me and I stare into his eyes surprised by his words.
"Better. Now then I know you well enough that you won't answer my questions however I still want to learn more of you little Yuki ♡~" Hisoka leans in and places warm lips on my cheek. Leaving me in utter confusion.
I hear a chuckle as Hisoka takes my hand and leads me out to the streets. At a loss for words I remain silent, never have I been touched like that before. I do not know how to respond nor what to make of it. Perhaps it was for this reason, to halt my brain from functioning.
We walk for awhile giving me plenty of time to think before arriving at the station and I concluded it must be a human thing as no further assault followed.
"Hey I thought you were gonna feed me first?" I cross my arms and give him a pointed look. The sounds of the busy station creating a toned background behind him.
"And I will, unless you want to miss your flight, I suggest we eat on the ship ◇~."
"Fine." I resign my stubbornness and let him make all the preparations.
Honestly I should put him to work for me. He can handle all the travels and bookings. It was a hassel trying to even get that room last time.

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