Yukinaru -Joining- 35

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    I settle in to what apparently has always been my room. Kikyo came in and showed me family pictures. She apologized repeatedly, for there weren't too many of me. My existence had to remain hidden, much like her other daughter.
     We had a pleasant talk. I have never known what a mother is but Kikyo seems like she is loving mom regardless of her means. I lay listening to the faint breath of Hisoka sleeping on my floor. Watching his chest rise and fall.
     I worry about him, he seems to he a real loner. I don't think he has ever spent this much time around the same person. He truly is a predator on a leash. I sigh feeling slightly sorry for him. Rolling over I see Haiji sitting on the window ledge. He is watching the moon
     "Taking over my spot now are you?" I chuckle and move over to him and open up the window.
     Stepping out on the balcony, I lean my back against the rails. I stretch out my wings into the glow of the moon, basking in its rays of light.
     "How long has it been since we last spoke?" I gaze up at my familiar friend. "Alot has happened but I'm sure you already know it all."
     I slight breeze starts to pick up, exciting me. "I'm pleased you are not mad at my absence."
     My hair starts to sway behind me, the wind dancing with it. "I should probably change it soon."
     I gaze up and spot a falling star, "I always wish I could put them back. Stars belong to you alone." Haiji jumps up on my shoulder standing on his thin legs.
     "An early morning flight?" I ask him as he looks at me. He rubs himself against the side of my face. The breeze pushes at my back, even the moon asking to see my wings soar.
     I step up and stand on the railing and reach out my wings. I slowly begin to move them, stretching the muscles. I feel the breeze pick up and Haiji braces down on my shoulder. I jump shooting straight up.
     Then something lands on my back wobbling around, "Stop that wiggling back there or we gonna fall!" I shout as I desperately try to gain altitude, Haiji tightly hanging on.
    Feeling the little body stabilize and cool arms wrap around my neck I steady my balance and move upward, "I take it you wanted a ride too Killua?" I question.
    "I was really curious, then you took off before I asked. I panicked." He lines himself along my back resting in between my wings.
    "Next time just ask. What if I couldn't balance us and we fell?" I question as we clear the clouds.
    "You're too strong. You wouldn't have dropped me." He chuckles before I hear an auditable gasp.
     "It is beautiful sight. It never gets old." I hover us on top of the clouds, the moon so large it feels like I could reach out to touch it. The endless black sky speckled with fiery lights, twinkling forevermore.
     "You do this every night?" Killua ask me, "Flying under the stars?"
   "Between us young one, the moon is my closest friend. He always returns, his light illuminates the darkness, the whole world belongs to the moon. It sees everything since the beginning of time and till the end of time." I speak with such emotion its hard to bare.
     "Killua the moon is everything to me. It is the one thing I feel as if I couldn't live without it."
     "There is so much more to you then just killing. You are like me Yuki. I like you." I can feel a smile in his words.
     "Thank you." I say simply. "Oh you wanna see something really cool?"
     "Hell ya!" He says excitingly sitting up.
     "Alright just watch then." I fly along the clouds, my belly touching the tops.
    I trail my fingers along them recreating my seeding nen to follow the little trails of water. Before long the whole cloud was wrapped in glowing roots.
     "You can use gyo right? Look at this cloud." I giggle feeling his shift.
     I dip into the cloud and sit there for awhile feeling him touching the roots, making little pings on my senses.
    "You have got to show Gon this! It's unbelievable. Is this your nen ability?" He questions excitingly.
     "I call it seeding. I send my energy into things and it spreads out feeling for anything alive. Even if someone is concealed I can still sense them pending on their power level. Your brother Illumi is hard to sense and I can't feel Chrollo ever. So it's not a perfect detection nen yet."
     "It's still pretty cool Yuki." He starts to shiver as ice forms on his skin and my wings.
     "I will bring us home. Make sure to hold tight. We will drop pretty fast, I feel a layer of ice growing thick on my feathers" I feel his grip true and his body flat against mine.
     I tilt downward just a hair but I still drop quickly. I pull my wings in close as we drop toward the house, melting the ice as we go. I can see a figure on the roof and I aim for them.
     I can feel Killua's grip slipping, "Just a few more seconds... brace yourself."
    I flick my wings out quick once the ice is gone, the counter force yanking us up as wind fills my wings.
    "Alright you can open you eyes now" I chuckle.
     "My eyes weren't close!" I can feel his embarrassment.
    "Sure sure." I tease gently as we drift down to the roof.
    Silva stands tall with broad shoulders. He looks at me questioningly as I come to a soft land in front of him. I wave slightly and angle my wing so Killua can slide down.
     He comes to a stop at my side and we both face his father, "How was it son?" Silva looks at Killua intently.
     "It was alright." He kicks at the roof looking down.
     "Hmmmm." Silva looks back up to the sky. "It must have been incredible up there Killua, I am fairly jealous." Silva walks over and tossels his hair.
     "Get goin now, I gotta talk to Yuki."
Killua gives me a faint smile and bolts away from us.
    "I'm sorry if I overstepped. He just jumped on out of nowhere." I take the same stance as Killua.
     "Not at all. I trust you with his safety. You have never harmed a Zoldyck but we did go through alot of servants when you stayed here..." Silva sits on the roof and motions me to as well.
     "I wanted some alone time with ya. Was quite surprised to see you take off from the balcony. I figured you be back soon. Killua, after all, is not trained for clouds." He chuckles deeply.
    "So what is it you want to talk about?" I ask honestly curious.
     He looks to the moon. "You know they say the first Zoldyck came down from the moon. Their hair as white as the light of the moon. That is why the head of the family always is one with white hair. They have the most genetics from the first Zoldyck or so it is said."
     "I wouldn't be surprised," I look too the moon as well, "It holds its secrets well doesn't it?"
    "That it does. So what I want to talk about is you. Do you wish for your sealed memories restored? We can do that, as well what do you plan todo now?" Silva takes a deep breath, "You have your heart set on finishing the arena but what about after? Surely you must have some idea?"
     "Well I don't want the lost memories and what I want to do... I want to..."
     *What do I want todo?*
     There is so much more I can do now. I rest my head on my knees and truly ask myself what I want todo. Chrollo's face pops to my mind.
     "I want to travel. I want to play. I want to hunt. There are many things I want todo. But in order todo any of those I have to get stronger first."
     "Good. I was hoping to hear you say that. Do you want to train and be a proper assassin?" Silva turns to me with a serious expression. "Zeno and I will train you after your Arena tower business. It'll take us about a year or so to get you to Illumi's skill level. 6 months to Killua's level."
     I feel excitement bubbling, my blood sparking with life. Me, a natural hunter becoming a professional assassin. I feel bloodlust leaking out as I stand to speak to Silva.
     "And that of Chrollo's level?" A sadistic smile growing on my lips.
     "That's my girl," Silva matches my excitement, "Three years time at the minimum."
     I start laughing hard, my muscles aching, my heart pounding. I will train then play. "This will be fun. Truly painful but worth it."
     I quickly regain my composure and proceed to the edge of the roof, "I will excuse myself now. Tomorrow I will return to the tower with Hisoka."
     I drop down back on my balcony and see Hisoka waiting for me on the bed. His back facing me, I try to sneak up on him but he takes hold of my hands and flips me under him.
     "Where have you been Flower ◇~?" He coos licking my neck.
     "I just went for a flight beneath the moon." I say innocently.
     "Is that why I felt your excitement? ♡~" He brings his lips to mine, "I know what excites you." He kisses me hard, covering me in his aura.
     Hisoka undresses me swiftly as I remove his clothes just as fast. I let my wings unfurl enjoying the feel of them against the bed. I moan beneath him as he continues to let his bloodlust swallow me. He lowers his head and starts to kiss me. I feel his tongue licking me tenderly as he leaves a trail of bite marks down my torso.
     Hisoka lowers his mouth over my special place and begins to eat me there. Licking and sucking. His teeth gently scraping against my flesh. I moan as he slips a finger into me. Swirling it around as he brings his lips down on my clit. He continues to suck and nibble.
     "Hisoka.." I moan softly.
     I feel him insert another finger, speading my insides apart. He takes his time on each spot he feels, creating new moans from me. I move into his hand, following the rhythm he makes.
    He continues to play with my insides like his personal instrument. He starts to lick along my inner thigh, sending trembles up my body. I feel his bloodlust increasing as he trails his mouth back up my torso. His nose brushing against my inside feathers.
      Giggles escape me, just to be replaced by a gasp. His canines sink deeply into my side. I have never felt him like this. I moan as he continues to take in my blood, the warmth radiating through me. I desperately try to pull him to my lips. Instead he moves himself over me, taking me deep into his gaze. Hisoka takes a breath and starts to kiss me. My blood dripping off his tongue as it dances against mine.
    *I want blood.*
    My bloodlust surges, suddenly overpowering his. I bring his neck down to me and trace my fangs along his veins. I can feel him pulsating through them, his heart beats growing more rapid as I sink my fangs into him.
     I feel my aura drop as I begin to drink from him. He doesn't pull away, just moans deeply as I drink from him. I release from his neck and lick the blood that drips down.
     "Yuki ♡~."
     The jester leans in and pulls me to the other side of his neck. I move with him letting my fangs trace along this new exposed spot.
     "Together then," I whisper wickedly.
     He trails his mouth down my neck, his breathe lingers where Chrollo usually bites. I feel pressure as his canines sink into the tender spot.
     A moan escapes me as I sink my fangs into him. We drink one another while are bodies move against each other. I feel my warmth release and drip down his member. He pulls from my neck and chuckles softly. Hisoka rubs the juices flowing from me with his member.
     He leans in nips at my ear, sending heat across my cheeks. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down onto me, his member slips inside. I moan softly as I feel him throbbing inside me.
     "Yuki ♡~" he coos into me ear.
     "Jester" I whisper back, I feel my insides tighten as I say his name.
    He moans feeling it too and starts to grind himself into me. His hand goes to rub my clit as he slides in and out. Pleasure erupting in my body, escaping my lungs as moans.
     He takes his other hand and starts to stimulate my breast as he goes harder into me. I feel warmth building for a another release. Sensing it, he places his hands on my hips pulling me into him. I move faster against him, desperately trying to release the pressure. I growl and sink my nails into his back. Trying to push him in deeper.
     Hisoka pulls me upwards, setting me ontop. With this fresh new position my wings beat quickly around. I start to ride him harder and faster, feeling another release leak out.
     His grip tightening, my moans rock the walls. I start to feel unbearable pressure as I keep getting hotter. He moans as his seed finally releases into me.
     I giggle and slide off of him. I got up and bent over the window ledge. I curled in my wings and swayed my exposed ass in the air. Within seconds, his member was back inside me, my hair gripped in one of his hands. His other hand on my hip, thrusting madly.
     With one final thrust, I feel an explosion. Hot sticky juices flowing down my legs. Heavy panting filling the air now. I melt from the ledge, and feel like a puddle on the ground. I smile up at him watching his body tremble trying to find some strength.
     "Flower, you don't belong laying on the floor ♡~." Hisoka chuckles and scoops me up.
    I nuzzle into his exposed chest, talking in his alluring smell once more.

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