Chapter 1

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Meeting Bumblebee and Sam was possibly the best thing to happen in your life. At heart you'd always been a nerd. In high school that really wasn't a flex. You always sort of knew Sam. He was constantly running a little hussle on the side. 

It was adorable. 

But after the fight in the Mission City, things changed. Sam changed and then you met his cousin Bumblebee. You just assumed it was some kind of nickname. Your little crew had expanded. It was just you, Sam, Mickeala and Bee. You couldn't have been happier. Especially since they were the only ones that seem to believe your theory of alien existence.

Most people thought it was just a phase, but you were a scientist and you'd been studying the markings and messages since the battle that the government tried to cover up.

They said it was an international attack and everyone just believed it.

None of it made sense.

You were determined to prove that with the help of your friends.

"Bee! You won't believe what I found!!"

His blue eyes sparkled at your call, brown hair a bit tousled from whatever activity he'd been doing in the living room of the Witwicky household. You had pretty much become a member of the family.

"Well Hello (Y/N) it's always nice to see you. Can I get you anything?" Judy asked. You shook your head.

"No thanks Mrs. Witwicky, I just had a scientific breakthrough. Come on Bee!!"

You grabbed his hand, leading him to the backyard as you dropped your bag. With notebook in hand, you flipped the pages taking a seat as Bumblebee joined you.

"What did you find?" He looked intrigued. The second his eyes landed on the symbols you drew, he swallowed.

"I've been trying to decipher these for months and I think I finally cracked the code. "

There were a few scribbles, and next to the foreign writing was a few notes. "

"Bee these symbols have to be alien and I think I figured out what this one means. It says prime."

He was impressed that you were even able to translate the writing.

"Of course there's a lot more, it has to be, but I don't have the entire message. So prime must mean something. In a lot of other languages it means savior or leader." Your brows were furrowed as you reached for your computer from your bag, pulling up some sites to correlate.

"Whatever it means, I'm getting close, I can feel it. I'm almost done with my radio system too. Plus John said that if I helped him with the last three cars that I could use the junkyard to hook up my portal. " You did a little cheer.

"It's all starting to look up!!"

You were overly excited, and Bee wanted to share your joy. But he couldn't. Because all the answers you were looking for were right in front of you. It killed him not to tell you the truth, but Optimus was very clear about involving anyone else in this war. While they had an alliance with the navy, it was agreed that staying hidden, at least for the time being, was the best call. There were still Decepticons out there hunting them. Wanting to cause harm to the human race. They couldn't allow that.

"I'm protecting her."

That's what he kept telling himself.

Everyone around you knew the truth and Bee was worried that when you did find out, it wouldn't be as exciting as you hoped.

"Hey Bee, you okay?"

You took notice of the sadden expression. He looked up, letting out a breath and he forced himself once again to lie to you for your safety.

"I'm fine, I just did really bad on a test recently."

"Why didn't you say anything! It's algebra isn't it? I can help you. This alien stuff can wait. I have plenty of time to become a scientific genius. First I gotta make sure my best friend makes it through high school."

You placed all your items down with a grin, and the pit in his stomach just became worse. You literally just dropped everything to help him because you thought he was struggling. His spark felt a bit cold in his chest.

"Come on, let's go study." You started shoving your items into your bag as you nudged his shoulder with a giggle. When you moved to the door, Sam came running out.

"Bee Opti-Uh I mean your dad needs to talk to you pronto!!"

Bumblebee's eyes lifted, and you looked a bit worried.

"Is your dad doing okay?"

He almost forgot that even Optimus's existence was another cover story.

Bumblebee nods.

"He's doing better." He assured you.

As far as you knew his father had an illness, hence his reason for living with Sam. You'd never even question why you were never able to meet him. One night you'd just sat down and told him that you understood what it was like losing a parent to an illness. You'd been raised by your grandparents. You barely remembered your parents because you'd lost them so early in life. Then shortly after you'd lost your grandfather. Now it was just you and your grandmother.

His gut twisted, and he bid you goodbye, following Sam out the door. He hoped that this distraction would help his conscience. 

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