Chapter 2

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The week went by without so much as a hitch.

Bumblebee couldn't complain

Every time he saw your face he could feel his day get better.

Being around you just made him think less about the pain he'd experienced in life and more about a brighter future not just for earth, but for his fellow autobots.

"Bumblebee, have you detected any activity?" Optimus's question pulled him from his thoughts.

"Not a peep boss." He spoke through his radio. Optimus nodded, and Lennox stepped forward.

"That's good news. After last week I think we deserve a break."

Lennox was right. They'd taken down two rogue Decepticon bots causing havoc in Peru. When they finally returned after the drive, it was a huge relief. While there were still bigger threats out there, they needed to take the win when they could. The sun was beginning to set, and Bumblebee shifted back into the car.

"I'm heading out." His radio buzzed.

Lennox smirked. "Rushing to get back to your girlfriend." Another soldier laughed at the statement, and Bee's radio started to scramble before he finally got the words out.

"She's not my girlfriend!!" He took off with the screeching of wheels and Lennox simply laughed. It was entertaining to tease the younger bot.

Bumblebee made it back in ample time. The second he was safely parked in Sam's backyard, he changed. Doing a stretch, he looked down at his very human hands. It would still take a while to get used to that. His eyes moved to the watch on his hand, the glowing light turning back to a solid blue. When Ratchet created the device they all thought it was crazy. A way to fit in with humans.

But the decepticons had pulled it off. So it didn't seem so far off.


Your voice from the other side of the house has Bumblebee smiling. You were already racing to the backyard.

"Guess I timed it perfectly."

You always came over on the weekend around the same time.

Running, opening the door to the backyard, you lifted your head when you saw him.


You looked a bit nervous now, and he was a bit confused.

"What's wrong?" He tilted his head cutely, and the color seems to darken on your cheeks. Rather than beat around the bush, you figured it was better to just come out and ask. You fidget with the straps of your bag as he walks closer, waiting for you to speak.

"Umm I was just wondering if y-you know next week is the school dance. I know it's a bit cheesy. Every year it's just a bunch of kids getting drunk and making out." You grimace. Why the hell did you have to bring that up?

Bumblebee still looked relatively confused.

"Making out?"

Your blush was possibly the color of cherries. You shook your head.

"N-Nevermind that I was just wondering if you would like to g-go with me? L-Like a date."

"A date.. Like what Mikaela and Sam do."

His spark throbbed in his chest, and he had to hold himself back from reacting too strongly and triggering a transformation.

"I'd love to! A date!!"

You were surprised at how excited he seemed at the idea. Before you could say much he moved over lifting you into the air. You squeak, and he was wearing a bright smile.

"I can't believe it! A date!" He spun you around laughing and you couldn't help but giggle.

"If I'd known it would make you this happy I would have asked sooner."

He finally placed you on your feet, still sporting that huge grin, and you felt your heart skip a couple beats. It was no secret that you were crushing on Bee. How could anyone not fall for him? A part of you was so worried that it would get weird, but this was going better than you imagined.

"When is the date? What time? Where is it?!" 

He is bombarding you with questions, and his eagerness just made your chest swell with happiness. You hugged him, and Bee froze, arms sticking out a bit awkwardly.

"She's hugging me.."

You were squeezing tightly and when he glanced to the side, you were wearing a smile. His shoulders fell, and he returned the smile, holding you close.

"This is..nice.."

He wished more than anything that he could just stay in this moment with you. 

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