Chapter 10

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Optimus never expected to receive a message from you. Honestly he was shocked that you'd found a way to get through his channels. Then again, you had created a beacon from scrap metal and remnants of the all spark. So he should not have been very surprised.

His truck pulled into the abandoned building. The minute he was situated safely inside, his gears shifted. You pushed a piece of hanging plastic to the side, walking out from a pillar as Optimus stood upright.

"I am here, what is it that you want?"

His voice held a hint of agitation and you scoffed.

"You got some nerve having an attitude after what you guys put me through."

"You were naive to interfere with technology that was beyond your understanding."

"If they had just told me the truth I wouldn't have!!" You yell. It's annoying that he's trying to make you seem like the enemy when you were merely doing what any other scientist would have. Taking a step back, you grip the edge of your shirt's sleeve.

"I didn't come here to argue with you. I need answers. You're going to tell me everything."

He couldn't believe it, you were actually making demands.

"What makes you think I would tell you anything?"

When you reach for the sleeves of your shirt and pull them up, Optimus becomes still. He didn't understand how it was possible.

It couldn't be..

"The allspark's energy's inside of your body.."

His voice held astonishment.

"It seems we have a lot to talk about Prime."

It appeared that way.


The visit with Optimus was nothing if not insightful. You were both in compromising positions. You try to push it at the back of your mind as you focus on your class the following morning. Heaving your bag over your shoulder. Opening your locker, you change your books for the next class. When you slam the door close, the azure stare catches you by surprise. You backtrack.


His eyes hold pain, and he takes a step back.

"I know..I know you don't want to see me. I know I should give you space but I..I just.." He can't seem to find the appropriate words.

"Is this guy giving you trouble?" Daniel walks up from behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder and Bee looks confused. Then his expression holds anger.

"Who are you?" Bee demands.

"I'm Daniel Beak, nice to meet you." He holds out his hand and it feels mocking. Bee doesn't take his outstretched hand.

"We were having a private conversation." Bee hisses.

"Not very private if you're in the middle of the hallway." Daniel slides his hands into his pocket, and you clutch your books. You should say something, but you stop yourself. You need to stay on task.

"Bee I'm going to be late for class, I have to go." Bee's eyes plead, and you fight to look away. Because you need to see this through.

"I'll see you later." You mutter. You walk past him, and Daniel follows. He pats him on Bee's shoulder, and he jumps, looking at Daniel in shock.

"(Y/N)..wait (Y/N)!!"

He tries to get past, but the bell rings and your bodies seem to disappear in the hallway. Bee curses under his breath, heading in the opposite direction.

"I need to warn them!"

He should have been paying closer attention to you.

This was all about to get ugly. 

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