Chapter 12

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"They'll find her Ms. (L/N). The older woman nodded at Sam, hopeful.

"Thank you for coming to see me, Sam, Mickeala. I know things have been tense with the three of you but I just know she'd be happy that you all are here."

He had half the mind to tell her that this was all because of them. 

The attack, your kidnapping. When your grandmother got home and saw the damaged door and your fallen books, he could only imagine the grief that she experienced.

"When I lost her parents I promised myself that I would never let anything happen to her. Now it seems like I couldn't even keep my word." 

The laugh she let out was completely drained of humor. It was of a woman who was scared and sad.

They wanted more than anything to offer some kind of reassurance, but after two weeks of searching with no word, they were beginning to lose hope.

They were reckless and now you were paying for it.


If you have any information, please call the number below.

The missing person's flier made Bee punch the computer screen. It shattered under his hand and he pulled it out.

"This is our fault!! Laserbeak was right there and we just let him take her!! It's been two weeks. For all we know she could be dead!!"

Bumblebee was pissed, for good reason.

He'd gathered Sam and Mikaela as well as warned the other autobots about the decepticon's presence. But by the time they made it to your house that evening, you were gone. 

There was nothing left at your house except for a broken door knob and your abandoned books. Bumblebee had gone on a rage searching high and low for some kind of clue, but there was nothing. No indication that you were still in the state, or even the country.

Optimus stood his ground.

"This was her choice. All we can do is wait."

He couldn't believe that was actually the plan.

"Wait for what!! Her body to turn up!!"

"Calm down Bumblebee." Ratchet advised.


He screamed, and the lights above their heads began to short. The soldiers were now a bit uneasy. Optimus took a step forward.

"You are not to go looking for her, that is a direct order. You will stay here until we are given word of her coordinates." 

It was the first time Optimus had spoken to him in such a tone.

Bumblebee said nothing. What could he say? From the moment he'd lied to you it felt like one bad situation after another. He turned around, and Optimus could feel the guilt. But he kept his eyes firm.

This was for the best.

Optimus trudged back to his hanger, and the second his was secured in his space, he removed the metal plate covering his arm. The vibration that started alerted him of what he needed to know. He clicked the light on his wrist, and a map appeared.The coordinates he saw brought him a sense of relief.

Hope was not lost.

He needed to be careful. His head turned and he opened the door, stepping out in search of the medical bot.


Said bot looked up.

"What is it, Optimus?

"I need you to accompany me."

Optimus didn't elaborate on what exactly this mission was. The fact that he was only confiding in him made him curious.

"What about humans? Are we not going to ask for their assistance?"

"Not this time."

Ratchet looked behind.

"And Bumblebee?"

Optimus shook his head.

As important as Bumblebee was, right now he was too emotional. One single mistake could jeopardize everything.

"He cannot come." 

It was all he said, and Ratchet nodded.

This was obviously a delicate situation. So as calmly as they could, they exited the base. No one really asked questions. They'd been doing patrols since you'd gone missing.

This time, they would be ready. 

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