Chapter 5

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You were quite literally running for your life. When you saw that giant robot show up, you weren't sure what to think. You'd only manage to get a brief look off its silhouette in the darkness before you forced your body to move. You were just barely navigating your way through the junkyard. You couldn't see a thing.

You just chose a direction and took off.

But you knew it was following you.

It had to be. You could feel the menacing energy like a cloud over your head.

The lights flickered, and when they blinked back on, you swore you'd never been happier. You were further into the yard than you would have liked, but you could see the exit. If you could just make it to your car, maybe you could survive this.

"Do you really think you can run from me, human?"

Your blood ran cold, and you didn't even have a chance to turn in the direction of the voice. It shot a missile at the car right next to you, and the explosion sent you flying a few feet in the air in the opposite direction. You cried out in fear. The second your body hit the ground, you could feel the pain hit you tenfold. You'd landed harshly on your shoulder, the sickening crack of bone echoing in your ears. You cried, rolling over on the other side to elevate the pain. Your arm was definitely dislocated.

"How satisfying, it seems you are already incapacitated."

The trembling sound of his feet getting closer increased your panic. You should have gotten up, forced yourself to. Your legs were still functioning. Surely if you just made it away from this monster you would survive. You could live.

You tried to get back to your feet, you really did, but it was useless, because now the metal giant was standing over you, and the horror on your face must have been entertaining to him.

"Were you the one who sent out the beacon? Where are the autobots!! WHERE IS PRIME!!"

All you could do at that moment was cry. Has your thirst for knowledge of the unknown really led you to death?

"Useless worm."

It lowered its arm, and when you saw the canon forming, you said every prayer you could think of.

"Please...please don't.." 

The tears were rushing down your cheeks, and when the heat of the canon became present, you closed your eyes waiting for the inevitable. A shot did go off, just not from where you expected. You jumped when the monster over you was sent crashing into a pile of cars. A noticeable hole is now present in its shoulder. Your heels dug into the dirt as you tried to force yourself upright. You could feel the heavy steps of more robots behind you. When you lifted your head, a red and blue painted machine crossed your view. This one was sporting a sword in hand as he flipped in the air, landed in front of you.


When you heard Sam's scream, you thought for sure you were imagining it.


He was running in your direction and there was another large robot following behind him. The bright yellow paint was hard to miss. For a moment you considered if you'd become delusional. Maybe the pain was clouding your mind. When he finally got to you, he helped you to your feet, taking notice of your right arm that was hanging low.

"I got you. We're here. We're going to protect you."


Who were we?

Your eyes drifted back, just in time to see the bigger robot draw a sword. The yellow one tackled the monster that had attacked you, holding down its arm as the other ran his sword right into the robot's chest. It twisted the blade, and pulled it out viciously. When you say the light drained from its red eyes you should have felt relieved. But your mind and body were fighting a battle of control. You pulled away from Sam screaming.


He was alarmed at the outburst. You were fighting against his hold as you screamed and Bee's eyes turned to you. Lennox and Epps were not far behind with Ironhide. They rolled up just as they saw the scene of your screaming and pleading for your life.


Your yells continued and Sam was not sure what action to take.

"We need to calm her down." Optimus advised. He grabbed the leg of the Decepticon to tow away.

"I-I don't know what to do..." 

Sam was still battling to hold you down and when Lennox walked over, he gave a somber look, slipping something out of his pocket. He bit the cover of the needle off as Epps held down your hands. Sam was stunned when they injected whatever it was into your neck. Your thrashing came to a slow stop. Your words dying out as you continued to let out desperate pleas. Your body sagged and Lennox caught you, lifting you into his arms.

"What did you give her!" Sam demanded.

"A sedative. You saw her reaction." Lennox wasn't exactly a fan of drugging people, but in this situation he had no choice.

"I saw this a lot in war. Get used to it kid. We ain't playing house. This is a battlefield. As long as those decepticons are running around everyone is in danger." Epps words were harsh, but true. A few years ago his biggest worry was surviving high school.

Sam watched your unconscious body solemnly. He was still trying to process what had happened.

"We have to get her back to the hanger. If we take her to the hospital they'll think she's crazy." Bumblebee stood over, looking at you sadly. He felt like he'd failed in every sense of the word.

"We're best friends."

Your words ran through his head, and you clenched his hand. Optimus took notice of the defensive position.

"There was nothing you could have done, Bumblebee." Optimus's words didn't help much.

He just hoped that on the other side of this, you would survive. 

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