Chapter 7

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The events of that night were still reeling in your mind.

The ride back to your house was completely quiet.

You weren't sure what to say.

How to feel.

It's possible that you were suffering from shock.

It all just felt..numb.

Like your mind had conjured it all.

Optimus's trunk pulled up, and you all stepped out. Your feet touched the pavement, and when you felt the pain run through your body, you held back a wince.

"It's real."

You weren't suffering from delusions. This was real life.

Your friendship of almost a year was an entire lie. Everything about them was made up. Bumblebee wasn't some long lost cousin with a sickly father. Sam Witwicky wasn't just a high school dork. Nothing about either or them was fully normal. It all felt like a sham. Like you were on one of those television shows where the host jumps out and says you were pranked. Maybe it would have been easier to digest if this was one big sick prank.

Bumblebee and Sam looked unsure of what to say.

Sam finally spoke up when you got to the door.

"(Y/N) I..we just wanted to say sorry for how it all turned out."

Your hand gripped the door knob.

"Was it fun?"

Your question confused him, and when you turned around, it made sense.


You probably shouldn't have been screaming at that hour of the night, but you couldn't help it. They'd made a fool out of you and it hurt. More than your physical injuries that you now would have to lie to your grandmother about.

"We were trying to protect you." Bumblebee insisted.

"I wish I could believe that. If we'd known each other for weeks I would understand. But it's been months. Almost a year. I spent months raving about aliens and the government and symbols when the truth was right in front of me. You all knew how much this meant and you continued to lie straight to my face. You didn't trust me."

Sam looked away and all Bumblebee wanted to do at that moment was run to you and tell you how much he did trust you.

How much he cared about you.

"I don't ever want to see any of you again. You're not my friends. Not anymore."

Bumblebee's eyes widened at the statement. When you moved to walk into the house he panicked.

"(Y/N) wait..Wait..WAIT!! PLEASE I'M SORRY!!"

You shook your head.

"Sorry isn't good enough. "

You pulled the door open, slamming it shut when you entered. Bumblebee could just stare.

Some part of him prayed that this was all a terrible nightmare. 

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