Chapter 13

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"Twenty-five minutes."

Your head lifted to the sky, taking in the hot sun of Arizona. You never thought your first trip out of state would be like this. You were bouncing around the country collecting items for this device that Laserbeak insisted would access your abilities and help him return home. 

It was a full proof plan. You would charge this device, and he would open a temporary portal to get him back to cybertron. All the while he was gathering proof to support all your claims of aliens.

He'd been very helpful, showing you how to trigger your energy without his physical intervention. Before you could only see the energon in your bloodstream when he used his own spark, but now, you could pretty much conjure it whenever you wanted.

You were inside the farming shed waiting for Laserbeak to return.

The sound of a jet whizzing alerted you that he was back. The dust in that area rose, and he landed right behind the barn. Your eyes glanced back at your watch, right before you waited for him to come. He was walking from behind the area in those familiar dark clothing and that devious smile.

"Did you miss me?"

All of his actions always seem so sinister. Maybe if you weren't going behind your friends back you would have felt more at ease.

"It seems you're popular." 

He tossed you the roll up paper and you caught it. When you opened the crumpled sheet, the image of your face next to a missing person's text was strange. You swallowed.

"As soon as we're done you can return home. More famous than any human before you, I found the last piece."

He didn't elaborate what this piece was, just opened the barn door and gestured you inside. You entered Laserbeak right behind you.

"I must say I'm going to miss my alias Daniel. It had a very nice ring to it."

Every now and then he would say weird stuff like that.

"Let's just get this over with. "

You turned your back, staring at the sphere that was planted at the very middle, hooked to a number of wires.

"Yes, we should."

You expected him to show you what he'd brought, instead you felt something strike you in the head from behind. Your body crashed to the ground, and you gasped, turning around shakily.

"You humans are so stupidly naive. Did you really think that I would help you expose my species? Those autobot insects might be a nuisance, but compromising them would pose a problem for all of us."

You coughed, trying to crawl away. Your head was throbbing and the room was spinning. He walked to your side, kneeling right next to you and you held back a sob.

"You're going to help me rebuild Cybetron here on earth."

You didn't have a chance to retaliate, because he grabbed you by your hair and slammed your face into the ground.

Your body goes limp.

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