Chapter 15

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"SAM, SAM!!"

What Sam did not expect was a screaming Mickeala at eight in the morning. She practically stormed into his house.


He wondered if he'd somehow won the lottery with all the noise that she was making. Pulling himself out of bed, he went running down the stairs.

"What's wrong?" He asked yawning.

Mickeala flicked the remote and the news headline that ran across his screen is what truly woke him up.

"Local teen returned safely home after being taken by a crime syndicate."

There was a picture of you on the screen, and the news anchor stood outside a hospital as she carried on with the report. For a moment he thought he was delusional. But when the saw the blue and red paint of a peterbilt pulling out of the driveway in the background, somehow he knew it was true.

"We have to get Bumblebee...WE NEED TO GET BEE!!" He yelled elated.

"I KNOW!" She screamed.



They were grinning from ear to ear, and Mickeala pulled him in for a kiss. They were overjoyed at the news.


"One more question Ms (L/N)." Your grandmother glared, shoving the reporter out of the room.

"She needs to rest!!" The door slammed in her face harshly, and the doctor held back a smile. You just gave an awkward giggle.

"I'm sorry about her."

She shook her head.

"No need to apologize. Your grandmother is very strong willed. "

"You have no idea."

The doctor ran through your charts, checking the machine.

"We're a little worried about that bruise on your head, so we're going to keep you overnight just to ensure there is no swelling or bleeding. Other than that, your vitals seem strong. With rest and a few vitamins, you should make a full recovery."

Your grandmother moved back to your side.

"Thank you doctor. " She nods.

"No need, you should be proud. Your granddaughter is very strong." She sent you one last smile right before she was exiting the room.

"Can I get you anything? Chicken, ice cream? I'll smuggle it into the hospital if I have to." You laugh.

"Could you maybe get me a bottle of water? I'm a little thirsty." She nods profusely.

"Water, I can do that!" 

She's scrambling to get her bag so she can go to a vending machine. Before she gets out of reach, you take her hand to stop her.

"Thank you Grandma. " She shakes her head, holding back the tears as she leans over, placing a kiss on your cheek.

"Thank you for coming back to me (Y/N)."

You nod as she hugs you happily. You both stay there for a few seconds. When she pulls back she's wiping at her eyes.

"Water!!" She cheers, running out the door. You can only smile.

It might be a while before she lets you out of her sight again. You don't really have any complaints about that. There's another knock, and you think that she's forgotten something, so you laugh.

"What did you forget?"

The door opens, and the person that enters isn't your hyper guardian. The door closes the second they are inside.

"You're really here.."

It's Bumblebee.

You're not sure what to say. You slowly push yourself upright on the pillows as he approaches.

"I thought I lost you (Y/N)."

There's so many emotions running across his face.

Regret seems to be the most prominent one.

"(Y/N) I'm-"

"I'm sorry!!" You interrupt. Bee doesn't expect the apology, nor does he predict the way your eyes begin to water.

"I-I understand why you didn't tell me. I-I understand and I'm so sorry for how I treated you! I'm sorry Bee. I'm sorry I'm so sor-"

He rushes over, hugging you and your eyes are wide. He's holding on pretty tight, and you're about to tell him, but you can hear the quiet sobs that he lets out, and suddenly, it doesn't seem that important. 

You just return the embrace. 

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