Chapter 19

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It took all of thirty minutes to show Optimus the basics. After safely guiding him outside, he reverted back to his metal form, driving away. You're a lot more relaxed.

"Jeez it was like babysitting a toddler. "

Bee laughs.

"He's not like the rest of us. Change is hard and he's always learned to adapt but it's different. He'll get the hang of it."

"I hope so."

You drop onto the couch and Bee takes a seat. You roll your neck, and Bee smiles.

"Did he stress you out that much? I should probably give you a massage, on the house." He reaches over jokingly, but before he even touches you he pauses. He swallows looking down.

"Umm, sorry I..I shouldn't just touch you without your permission."

The earlier incident plays over in your mind and you flush.

"N-No you're fine." You laugh in hopes that it'll ease out the now tense atmosphere.

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable before. I'm really sorry." You're quick to assure him.

"Bee you didn't make me uncomfortable."

You were just a bit caught off guard.

"You don't have to say that just to make me feel better."

"I'm not." He's pouting, and you smile. You move a bit closer to him on the couch. You reach for his hand, and when you move it to your thigh, you can feel him become a bit tense.


"It's okay."

He looks so terribly flustered, and you move your hand. You can feel the heat from his palm. It's the same as before. His eyes are trained on you, and you bite your lip.

"We never got that date." You whisper.

He remembers, or course he did. You're looking at him with too much care. His chest feels like it's going to overheat. He can't stop himself. He leans in, capturing your lips in a kiss. You squeak, and Bee's eyes are tightly shut. Your features soften. It's obvious he has very little idea of what he's doing. You pull away slowly and he looks so cute.

"W-Was that bad?"

You shake your head.

"It was great." 

Your voice holds so much warmth. You brush your thumb against his lower lip.

"Open your mouth a little this time."

He nods eagerly.


He does as instructed, waiting like a puppy for a bone. You lean in slowly, and your tongue slips in, nudging his own. He lets out a soft little whimper, and you grin when you feel his hand tighten just a bit on your thigh. It slides up a bit further, and this time you're the one who whimpers. It's amazing how honest you can be with just this simple touch.Your hand slides into his hair, and you place yourself into his lap. Bee follows your lead. Everything about this feels amazing.

"Honey you won't believe this cool truck I saw a few minutes ago it looked awe-"

You jump out of Bee's lap at the sound of your grandmother.

Bee's hair is ruffled, lips puckered, cheeks flushed.

There's no way to make this look like anything that it isn't.

"I-I can explain!!"

She just smiles.

"It's about time you both got together. It's been so painfully obvious. Don't mind me, carry on. Make sure you use protection." 

She drops her bag going up the stairs and you hear her door close.


Bee is still a bit dazed, you just blush.

Love with this adorable autobot would be magical and awkward, you already know it. 

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