Chapter 18

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The second you got home you were grateful that your grandmother had other plans. 

For a seventy year old woman she was strangely active. You ran up the stairs to your room, jumping onto your bed. When you landed, you turned your head into the pillow. The minute you closed your eyes you could feel his hands running over your body.

You couldn't believe it.

It wasn't just the touch, but that look he wore. You couldn't shake it. You didn't want to either. You licked your lips, looking down at your thigh where his hand once lay.


How do you act casual after something like that.

Neither of you ever really talked about what you were. With all that transpired it was hard to find a moment. It occurs to you that you never even got to have that date. Clutching the pillow, you groaned.

"Why the heck are you so cute!!"

You were frustrated.

"Stupid adorable jerk!!"

This guy was literally driving you up a wall.

You hear a knock at the door downstairs.

"I need the distraction."

Maybe Sam and Mickeala want to hang out.

"I'm coming!"

You dart downstairs, moving to open the door. When you do, there's a man standing there. He's in his thirties. He's shifting a bit nervously.

"Uhh, can I help you?"

"(Y/N), I apologize for turning up at your doorstep, but it seems there is a lot that I need to learn about the human body."

You're positive you have no idea who this stranger is, or why he's talking like he's a robot.

Wait a minute...


He nods a bit sheepishly. You open the door, gesturing him inside.

"It appears my comrades thought it would be amusing dropping me off in the city to help me adjust to the transformation. I've lost them and I have no means to contact them."

He looks displeased and you can't help but laugh. From what he's saying they were all testing these transformations out for the first time and he got separated.

"I'm not sure how to use the watch, so I cannot change back."

This is pretty funny.

You close the door, and Optimus takes a seat. He looks around.

"It is unnerving being this small."

You're trying to keep it together.

"I'm going to call Bumblebee. Then we can figure out how to use your watch, just don't mess with it. I don't want you shifting and destroying my house. My grandmother may actually have a heart attack."

Optimus sulks.

"This is degrading, I am a soldier. A leader."

"Yeah, well right now you're a human. Enjoy the view." He grumbles, and you search for your phone to call the cute autobot.


"Humans are so primitive. Why make a sport where chickens fight each other?"

You turn off the television.

"I agree with you there, some of them are like apes."

The soft knock on your door makes you very relieved. Because dealing with Optimus is like watching a child. One who could talk and constantly questions the creations that man has provided. You fling the door open.

"Bee you don't know how good it is to see you." He laughs a bit awkwardly, stepping inside.

"Sorry about Optimus. I'm surprised he used the watch."

Optimus stands.

"I was trying to understand life from a human perspective. I hoped that it would get me closer, make me more personable. "

"Well it's been fun, but I've had enough of human Optimus. I want robot Optimus back."

"Are you implying that I was insufficient as a human?"

You give Bumblebee a look.

"Do something!"

He moves over and guides Optimus to the side to give him instructions on the watch. You just massage your eyes.

"I need to start getting paid for this."


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