Chapter 6

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The second they got back, Ratchet got to work. He was appreciative of the sedative. Because he had no doubt that resetting your shoulder while you were awake would have been a painful experience.

It had been a few hours when you finally came to. You were hooked to a drip. Maybe it was due to the medication that you didn't wake up in a panic. Your eyes opened slowly, and you raised upright sluggishly. Sam and well as Bee raced to your side.

"You're awake!!" Bee exclaimed.

You were trying your best to make sense of what happened. The last thing you remembered was..

"Useless worm."

You all but fell out of the bed, ripping the iv from your arm.


You scrambled forward. Despite your friends right in front of you, panic was all you could feel. When you ripped the door open and ran out, they both chased after you. Every step you took was unsteady, and when you finally got out your eyes to truly focus, the first thing you saw was a huge robot standing over you.

Two more walked out from the side, and your body went still. Your eyes tracked the room. It resembles a military base. If the men walking around in camouflage attire was anything to go on.

"You're awake. You are lucky to have gotten away with your life, human. Had we been a second later you would have died. You had no right messing with cybertronian technology." The green one sounded like he was lecturing you.

"She does not know any better, Ratchet." The blue one stated.

From his authoritative manner and speech, you could only guess that he was the leader. He kneeled before you.

"I apologize that you had to experience such an ordeal. My name is Optimus Prime. This is Ironhide and Ratchet." He gestured to each robot.

"You've already been acquainted with Bumblebee."

You turned your head in his direction, and it all seemed to rush back. The attack. The battle.

Those robots.

"Prime..Optimus Prime..It's you.."

The message on the ancient markings. The reason behind that evil monster of a robot came after with intent to kill. It was all because of them. The proof you were looking for had been right in front of your face and you hadn't even realized it.

Your life's work of searching for aliens. It was all true. This just wasn't the answer you expected.

"This whole time people were treating me like I was crazy but it's all real."

You took a step back, and Bee moved to provide support or possibly comfort. The second he touched your arm you pulled away, staring at him venomously. He couldn't get the words out.


He hoped that being in a human form would help you be more settled, but the betrayal was hard to hide. Sam held a look of guilt.

"You have to understand why we couldn't tell you." Sam reasoned.

"Does Mickeala know?"


"Does she know!!"

Sam lowered his head, nodding.

"She knows."

You couldn't believe it.

They'd all been watching you run around like a headless chicken speculating about aliens and such.

"How could you lie to me.."

"We were trying to protect you." Bee insisted.

"Protect me.."

Was that really the defense? Anger bubbled in your chest as the tears returned.


You were screaming. Getting worked up really wasn't helping with the pain, but you couldn't think of anything else.

Because if you couldn't be angry, then the fear would swallow you up.

Lennox and Epps said nothing. Optimus understood the reaction. They all did. You needed to process what happened.

"Take me home."


Sam felt like they needed more time to talk it over. Work it all out. But there was nothing understanding about your gaze.

"Take me home now or I swear I'll call every fucking news outlet I know and report this. Do you think you guys are skilled enough to hide all of this?"

Bumblebee couldn't believe it, you were actually threatening them.

"Take me home." You repeated. The soldiers present looked uneasy, but Optimus simply nodded.

"I will take you back."

Nothing else was said. 

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