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"The fuck..?"

YeuriThe name of a calm female Ghost, who can be aggressive when triggered

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The name of a calm female Ghost, who can be aggressive when triggered.

"Valeria." the name hung in the air, a mere syllable that carried a weight of intrigue and mystery.

Y/N acknowledged with a subtle nod, her hand delicately touching her chin, a pensive expression etched on her face. The other hand casually found its place on her hip, a posture that hinted at both contemplation and confidence. "Such an innocent name for a dangerous woman.." she murmured, the words escaping like a secret meant only for the wind to carry. Her hand, previously cradling her chin, descended, seamlessly joining the one on her hip. A sigh, heavy with unspoken thoughts, escaped her lips as she leaned against the cool, metallic wall of the container, a momentary respite from the intensity that surrounded her.

Graves, ever the grounded presence in this world, interrupted the brief interlude. "Easy, soldier, no time for a nap yet." he advised, his hand finding a place of reassurance on her shoulder.

Y/N reluctantly opened her eyes once more, a weariness evident in the heavy droop of her lids. With a deliberate motion, she pushed his hand off her shoulder, the touch feeling like an intrusion on the solitude of her exhaustion. The action was accompanied by a subtle shrug of her shoulders, a manifestation of the discomfort that had settled into her every movement.

"I haven't slept in two fucking days." she declared with a scowl, the words laced with a raw edge of frustration. Leaning her head back against the unforgiving surface behind her, she closed her eyes, seeking a momentary escape from the harsh reality that demanded her wakefulness. The burn behind her eyelids was a testament to the toll of remaining vigilant for 48 relentless hours, the weight of fatigue settling into her bones.

A heavy sigh escaped Graves, a manifestation of the weariness that had settled upon him. Y/N's consistent display of rudeness had become a persistent thorn, a subtle ache that lingered beneath the surface. It was evident she harbored no desire for any connection with him, an indifference that, paradoxically, fueled a growing tension between them.

The palpable disinterest she wore like armor only seemed to stoke the embers of frustration within Graves. He couldn't quite decipher why her deliberate aloofness irked him, but the more she distanced herself, the more it kindled an unexpected spark within him. The dark nature of their dynamic unfolded like a mystery, each layer of her indifference revealing a complexity that both intrigued and perplexed him.

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