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"damn everything"

YeuriThe name of a calm female Ghost, who can be aggressive when triggered

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The name of a calm female Ghost, who can be aggressive when triggered.

The desert stretched out in every direction, an endless expanse of sand and darkness. My legs felt like lead, every step a monumental effort. The night air was cool against my skin, but it did nothing to soothe the burning pain of my wounds. Blood caked my torn clothing, and every breath was a struggle.

I kept walking, driven by sheer willpower. I couldn't let Graves win. I couldn't let him break me. The stars above were indifferent witnesses to my suffering, their cold light offering no comfort. I stumbled, nearly falling, but caught myself at the last moment. I had to keep moving. There was no other choice.

Then, faintly at first, I heard the sound of an engine. It grew louder, cutting through the oppressive silence of the desert. I stopped, turning towards the noise, a mixture of hope and dread tightening in my chest. Was it friend or foe?

"Yeuri!" a voice called out, cutting through the night. "Y/N!"

I knew that voice. I would recognize it anywhere. Ghost. Relief washed over me, but I quickly buried it beneath a layer of defiance. I couldn't afford to show weakness. Not now.

As the armored car came into view, I could see Ghost at the forefront, moving towards me with a sense of urgency. His figure was imposing, even in the dim light. I wanted to run to him, to collapse in his arms, but I forced myself to stand my ground.

"Took you long enough," I snapped, my voice hoarse but defiant.

Ghost reached me first, dropping to his knees beside me. His hands were rough but steady as he helped me to my feet. "You're safe now," he said, his voice rough and unwavering. "We've got you."

I met his gaze, refusing to back down. "I was doing fine on my own."

"Clearly," he replied dryly, not in the mood for my attitude. "Just sit tight and let us do our job."

Alejandro and Rodolfo arrived, their faces etched with concern. They lifted me roughly but efficiently, supporting me as we made our way back to the armored car while i hissed at them to be more gentle. I could see Soap hanging back a bit, his expression unreadable. I knew he didn't like me much, but right now, I didn't care.

Back in the vehicle, Alejandro handed me a canteen of water. I drank greedily, the cool liquid a balm to my parched throat. My hands were shaking, my body trembling with exhaustion and fear. But I was alive. That was all that mattered.

"We need to get her back to base," Alejandro said urgently. "She needs medical attention."

Rodolfo nodded, starting the engine and turning the car around. "Hang in there, Y/N. We're getting you out of here."

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