122 3 1

"Another person has dropped dead today. This time, a local, by the name of Hwang Kim-heon, was found unconscious in the men's restrooms of Mina's Café this afternoon at 3:13. Specialists say he died at 3 on the spot. An unexplained death. Just as the other 237 unexplainable deaths this year around the world. We will continue investigations and let the people know as soon as we find answers. I know this is a concern to our people. Thank you for being patient."

Minho clicked the TV off with a smirk, this is too fun.

He inched himself under his blankets, turning over to put the remote on his nightstand. As he was about to turn over and choose his next victim, he saw someone standing in his doorway. He dramatically gasped, sarcastically clutching his chest out of fear.

"Min, I don't like this. You know Mr. Hwang did nothing."

"I don't care, Felix. If you want me to stop, you could stop being so scared and do something."

"I'm not doing anything because I know you won't quit. Just know you're evil. Mother and Father would be so disappointed."

"Actually," he laughed challengingly, "Mother gave me this power in the first place. I don't see anything wrong with using it."

"Well, Mother used it for good! Take after her! She saved so many people, Minho! Now look at you! You've killed two hundred thirty-seven people this year alone! It's April!"

"Two hundred thirty-eight, now." Minho corrected him with a smirk.

"Ugh! I hate this! What's the point? Validation?"

"Can't I have a little fun?" He tilted his head innocently.

"A little fun?! Two hundred thirty se-"


"Two hundred thirty-eight people have died this year from your little bit of fun, " he pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in disbelief, "Whatever, I came in here to tell you that Changbin wanted us to go to lunch with him tomorrow, so please be ready by twelve." Felix stepped out of the way and closed the door, going to his room.

Minho rolled his eyes, turning over and pulling the covers to his neck.

"Me? Evil?" he half laughed, "One hundred percent."

He closed his eyes, picking a city for the last kill of the day. He quickly found a house nearby that he thought had a fun backstory.

A dead mother, a father who'd been out of the picture since the last child was born, an older brother, and the youngest, his target, Han Jisung.

He looked in a room and saw the cute boy lying in bed. He almost cooed at his pout and the way he puffed his cheeks out as he slept.

He wanted to teleport the boy to himself, then realized that probably wasn't the best idea. He instead decided to proceed with his plan.

He smiled with his eyes still closed, imagining the boy going completely limp and his body temperature lowering to a deathly temperature.

He opened his eyes, losing the picture of the boy.

"It didn't work?! It always works!" he said frustratedly, quickly sitting up and closing his eyes again. He tried one more time.

After trying again, he still saw the boy lying peacefully and breathing slowly.

Minho was more than angry.

He turned a bit childish, throwing his blanket off agitatedly and jumping out of bed. He walked quickly to his door and opened it roughly, stomping his way to Felix's room down the hallway.

He knocked until Felix opened the door.

"What do you want, Min?" Felix spoke, annoyed.

"It didn't work!"

"What didn't?" Felix cocked a brow, the frustration his brother was dealing with being far from normal.

"I- I tried killing this boy and he just kept sleeping!" Minho wasn't used to his tactics not working.

Felix walked up to his brother, rubbing his back, even if he was trying to kill someone.

"Hey, calm down, Min. Did you try again?"

Minho stepped away hurriedly, not being the biggest fan of touch, "Y-yes, I tried again! Why are you okay with it?"

Felix stepped himself back as well, respecting his brother's space.

"I'm not okay with it, but I know how you get when you're angry and I refuse to let that happen again. Try someone else and you can figure this boy out later, okay?"

Minho nodded, breathing out, "I can just do something about him later."

He closed his eyes finding a country, a city, then a house and a random person. It was a little kid. She had messy hair, having just woken up. Her mom was next to her, helping her brush her teeth for the day.

Minho smiled shamelessly at the kid. Felix was watching everything from the outside, knowing exactly what he was doing and being terrified to know who he was going to do it to.

Minho opened his eyes, smiling at Felix contently, and leaving the room, "Good night, Lix!"

Felix pinched the bridge of his nose, looking down and shaking his head, that boy is something else, "Good night, Min."

Minho decided he was going to wait until the morning to deal with the boy.

He had chosen the boy named Jisung because he lived close, and it looked like his life sucked anyways.

Minho could see every known physical aspect of a person's life. He used this to his advantage when picking people. The girl he had just killed had a terrible form of pneumonia and wasn't going to make it anyway.

Sometimes Minho was considerate when picking. Most other times, he simply didn't care and killed to watch them fall limply to the ground.

He knew he was fucked up and he loved it.


919 words


this chapter is a bit shorter than most of the other chapters that I'll be posting, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless :) sadly, I'll only be updating every 1-2 weeks :(

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