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Felix walked to Minho's room, opened the door without knocking, and ran to jump onto his bed.

"Felix, what are you-"

"Min, Min, Min, Min."


Felix climbed between his brother's legs, making puppy eyes towards him, "Can you do something?"

Minho made a disgusted face at Felix, but agreed, "What do you want?"

Felix put his face back to normal, straddling Minho's knees, "He wants his phone."

"He doesn't need a phone. Get off of m-"

"Would you like to have your phone when you have nothing else to do?"

"I mean, yeah, but I'm not rewarding him for not dying. It's not my fault he's alive right now."

"Give him his phone, Minho, he probably has friends that will start worrying about him. If you don't trust him that much, then only let him use it under supervision."

Minho sighed, giving in. He knew Felix wasn't going to stop no matter how hard he tried anyway.

He closed his eyes for a second to find it. He held his hand in front of Felix and waited a few more seconds before it was sitting in his hand.

Felix's eyes were big, he always enjoyed it when his brother did stuff like that. He smiled after a second, reaching for it.

Minho snatched the phone back and held it above his head, "Ah, ah, ah, he doesn't get it unless he asks and I'm watching."

Felix's face went straight and he sighed, "Fine, can you at least tell him?"

Minho nodded and smirked, "Of course."

Felix looked at him with disappointment, knowing what he was going to do, "Min, haven't you scared him enough?"

"I don't think so, just a few more times."

Hey kid, miss me?

It was Minho's favorite ability, he could force his voice into the thoughts of another, (or get into their head). Most of the time he used it for manipulation or just to toy with someone. Other times, he did it for the sake of telling something to someone without actually talking to them.

Felix quickly got off of Minho and ran to the room Jisung was in, opening the door to see a confused boy.

"Hey, Ji? You hear his voice?" Felix walked in, softly sitting on the bed to face the boy.

He nodded and Felix continued, "He does that a lot, sweet boy. You just have to learn to accept it. Let him talk and don't try to block it out. He will get angry if you do, okay?"

He nodded again, focusing more on the voice.

Felix is in there, isn't he? Of course, he'd do that.

Felix rolled his eyes. Jisung shivered, hating the arousal he was receiving from Minho's smooth voice.

Felix looked at him with concerned eyes, "Are you okay, Ji?" Jisung opened his eyes, "He didn't say anything to make you- Jisung..."

Jisung shook his head, blocking out Felix and looking at the wall, beginning to listen again.

I thought this would be more fun than just going to your room, but of course, Felix has to worry.

Jisung glanced toward Felix at the mention of his name, "Can he read my mind?"

Felix laughed and shook his head, "No, that's one of the few things he can't do." But I can.

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