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"I don't get what you don't understand," Minho took a deep breath, hardly holding back from exploding on Jisung, "Your friend can come, you fucking idiot."

They were sitting at the center island of the kitchen. Felix had just recently sat their plates down for dinner, and Jisung was still skeptical about Hyunjin coming, so he was continuously asking Minho again and again.

"I understand that, but I don't know why I should trust you won't do anything to him just because you can. And another question that's a little off-topic, why can't you just manifest him here or something?"

Minho looked at the boy like he was stupid,  contemplating why he decided to stop trying to kill him in the first place. He took one more deep breath before speaking again.

"Understand that if I wanted him dead, I could have my friend take away his immortality and easily kill him. He'll be okay. And I can't manifest a fucking person. I have to see every aspect of something to manifest it, and people have disgusting interiors if you didn't know," he shivered at the last part as he imagined it, "Absolutely disgusting."

Felix laughed at his brother, "I agree, I don't enjoy imagining it myself, but I understand the complicity of it."

"Look at Mr. Big Boy using his big boy words," Jisung elbowed Felix, smiling to lighten the mood from where he knew the older's mind was going.

Minho looked at the interaction, smiling slightly but quickly removing it before Jisung turned around to face him again.

"Well, do you know how long it will take him to get here?"

The oldest shrugged, but Felix gave him a forceful look. He sighed and closed his eyes. He found the boy, unwillingly knowing already what he looked like from Felix putting the images in his mind. He looked around the boy who was driving in a car, listening to absolute shit music in Minho's opinion. He saw a road sign that he estimated to be quite close to his house. He found it creepy, to say the least. He opened his eyes and looked back at Jisung.

(A/N: I just realized Minho can literally stalk anyone he wants- and yes I know I made his character, but I do not plan before I write)

"Probably fifteen minutes."

Jising smiled widely and happily hit Felix on the shoulder a few times, "I can't wait, Lix! You're going to love him! He's going to love you!"

Minho sat back in his chair, ignoring the two the best he could. After a few seconds, he shook off whatever he was feeling, standing up, "I'm done eating, I've had enough."

"You ate three noodles, Min."

Minho narrowed his eyes, "I also got my fill of kills earlier today. I'm not hungry."

Jisung looked at Felix for an explanation, but he just waved him off, mouthing "later." Minho sat his plate in the sink and walked to his room, leaving the two to eat their dinner.

He motioned his door open, closing it behind him as he collapsed onto his bed. He didn't plan on staying there all night. Besides, he had to make sure Hyunjin didn't cause any trouble when he arrived.

Back in the kitchen, Felix and Jisung were energetically discussing the arrival of Hyunjin and what they planned on doing.

It hadn't been incredibly long since Jisung had been taken, but he definitely still missed his only friend. Plus, he was so excited for Hyunjin to meet Felix.

After the exact fifteen minutes that Minho had said it would take passed, there was a slight feeling of alertness that swept through the property like a shock wave. Felix looked towards Jisung who felt sick to his stomach from the feeling and smiled. He quickly lost his smile, realizing this was Jisung's first time experiencing the power of the force field.

"It's the force field, love," Felix wrapped his arms around Jisung and smiled again, "It makes us aware when someone is at the property edge so Minho and I can stay alert to intruders."

Jisung pulled away from Felix and widened his eyes, "Does that mean.."

"Yes," Felix smiled excitedly and stood up.

He pulled Jisung out of his chair, and they went to the front door, finding Minho already begrudgingly walking out to let the younger immortal in.

Jisung looked at Minho through the door. He had his hands in front of a terrified Hyunjin. Jisung looked at Felix and smiled as big as he could. Hyunjin was too scared watching Minho drop the section of the force field to even notice Jisung.

Felix walked out to help his brother, looking at Hyunjin with a warm smile, "Don't be so scared, babe. He won't hurt you with his little crush watching."

Minho took one of his own hands away from its position, punching Felix in the shoulder, "Shut the fuck up, Felix. I don't like Jisung."

His brother laughed and nodded sarcastically, staying silent as Jisung watched the interaction. He couldn't exactly hear what they were saying, but he definitely saw the wimpy fucking punch Minho hit Felix with. He'd 1000% ask about that later, but right now, he was too excited to see Hyunjin.

After about fifteen more seconds, the brothers dropped the force field in one area to allow Hyunjin to get through. The latter cautiously walked through the opening, watching them close it back for safekeeping.

Once he was inside the property, he squealed, running to Jisung and wrapping his arms around him. 

"How dare you let him take you?" Hyunjin asked through sad chuckles.

Jisung scoffed, speaking through the same laugh, "Are we thinking of the same person, Hyunjin? He's The  Immortal according to you."

Hyunjin wiped forming tears of relief from his eyes, pulling away from Jisung, "Fuck, you don't know how worried I was, Ji."

Jisung smiled sadly, "I think I have a bit of an idea, I'm sorry." 

Hyunjin pulled him into another hug, causing him to laugh and push away. Felix walked up to the two, smiling and bowing politely. Jisung looked at Minho, approaching from behind Felix.

He better stick to his words, Jisung. 

Jisung looked at Hyunjin and Felix, ignoring Minho's silent statement. Hyunjin already looked incredibly more comfortable around Felix than Minho which Jisung was happy about. They all instinctively began walking inside the house, Minho lagging a bit behind. Holding his hand a bit in front of his body, he used his telekinesis to pull Jisung away from the pair.

Jisung gasped quietly at the sudden force. Then, feeling the oldest put a hand over his mouth and his back hit his chest, his eyes widened. 

I could have sworn Felix said something about ignoring me.

Jisung mentally slapped himself on the forehead, completely forgetting about what Felix had told him before. 

Minho had him held tightly as a warning, only letting go when Felix began turning around.

"Come on, love birds! God, you both take forever."

Minho, Jisung, and Hyunjin all cringed at the name.

"I fucking hate you, Felix."

"I know you love me, Min~"


1155 words


Thank y'all so much for supporting this, even if there are only a few of you right now. I'm not the BEST writer in the world, so I appreciate the feedback if you have any. IF YOU DO HAVE ANY, feel free to leave them right here <3 I love y'all so much, have a great day/night and I hope you enjoyed this part!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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