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"Someone's scared?"

Jisung looked at the man with incredible fear, scooting impossibly closer to the headboard. This time alone was different than before. He knew something wrong had been done and Minho was not happy.

Minho smirked as he walked closer to him, "You don't even know what I'm going to do. Why are you so scared?"

Jisung watched him sit at the foot of the bed; he stayed silent, not knowing what to expect.

He watched carefully before Minho raised his hand in a pinching form, and then separated his fingers. Jisung mouth was forcefully opened by the motion and a fabric was pulled tight in it, tying itself behind his head.

Jisung made a noise that could be heard throughout a large section of the house, concerning Felix deeply. However, he knew he couldn't do anything, so he tried his best not to be worried.

Minho laughed, putting his hand in front of him, palm up. Jisung looked at it confusedly, tonguing at the fabric, trying to get it out of his mouth.

He pulled his hand toward himself and Jisung's body was pulled to lay on the pillow. Minho quickly touched his leg and Jisung went limp, unable to move.

"Look at you, I might just leave you like this and not finish. Maybe put a choker in your mouth and make you even more uncomfortable. You like that idea?"

Jisung whined, trying to shake his head.

"Is that a no?" Minho smirked, "Then, let's continue, shall we?"


Jisung woke up with a pain in his back, unable to remember anything from before. He started crying, thinking of the things that could have happened.

Felix had a bad feeling and ran to his room, knocking frantically.

When Jisung only cried more, Felix opened the door and ran to him, "Oh, no, no, love, what's wrong? What did he do to you?"

Jisung cried harder, choking out a few of his words while pointing, "I don't know, but it hurts." 

Felix looked at where he was pointing, instantly realizing, "Give me a second." He quickly left the room, walking to Minho's room and opening the door.

Minho jumped; he had just finished killing someone and he wasn't expecting a Felix.

"What the fuck did you do to him?"

Minho looked at him with amusement, "I didn't do anything bad, he's fine."

"No, he's not! Minho, he's traumatized! What did you do to him?!"

"I only tied him up."

"Then why is he saying he's in pain down there?"

"I may have given him a few zaps-  I didn't fucking rape him, that's for sure."

Felix sighed in relief, "So he passed out from the shocks?"

Minho nodded, "I may be a murderer but I wouldn't torture someone like that."

"'Like that'?"

"Just go do your little check-up thing on him, I don't want to socialize right now."

(A/N: fucking mood tbh)

Felix rolled his eyes and made his way back to Jisung. He shut the door behind him and Jisung looked at him.

"Jisung, are you a virgin?" Felix asked nonchalantly.

Jisung looked at him with embarrassment and nodded.

"I figured, if he would have actually done what you thought he did, you'd be in much, much more pain. He electrocuted you. With his fancy zap zap hands. The zappies zap, zap zap...-" he made sporadic hand movements while he spoke.

Jisung's tears subsided a bit and he looked at Felix in amusement.

"Hey, leave me alone, I don't know if there's a name for it. Our parents didn't even have that one!" He laughed a bit, continuing, "But still, the reason it hurts there is because he decided to zap zap zappity zap you there. He probably knew you were going to wake up and think he- uh... that-ed you."

Felix walked to the bed, laying on top of Jisung so he couldn't move anything but his arms.

"He didn't hurt you, love, it's already gone isn't it?" He played Jisung's hair and Jisung wrapped his arms around his body.

"Yeah... I was scared though. I've only been here for like seven hours and I've already been punished?"

Felix gave him an apologetic look for the millionth time, "Minho isn't nice. If I'm being honest, this is the nicest he's ever been. The moment he brought you here, he started acting almost decent." He paused for a second, looking at his hair.

He wiggled down a bit, laying his head on Jisung's chest, "I'm sorry I got you in trouble, Ji, but I'm also sorry Minho doesn't let me do a single thing I want."

Jisung looked at him for a second, "It's not your fault that he is like that."

Felix sighed and Jisung began to pet his hair, "Can I ask a question?"

He lifted his head, tilting it a bit, "Of course, shoot."

Jisung looked at him in admiration before asking, "'Twenty-one times fifteen'?"

"Curious about age?"

He nodded, Felix breathed, "It's immortality. We don't age, we stopped at the age of nineteen. Specific- I know- Minho's three hundred fifteen while I'm only three hundred. The only way we can end our lives is by..." he paused, thinking.


"I actually don't think we can... our mother and father never told us about ending it... they always just said, 'deal with it, it's not our problem'."

"Are they gone?" Jisung asked curiously.

Felix shook his head, "Our dad isn't, but he left about two centuries ago for some reason; our mom has been gone for a long while."

"Both of my parents are gone. My mom died when I was a baby; my dad left, not wanting to deal with me. My brother took me in until I became old enough to take care of myself and then he left, too..." Jisung gave a saddened face, talking quietly about his family.

"I'm so sorry, Ji." Felix snuggled into the crook of his neck, breathing slowly.

"It's okay, you're old."

Felix snapped his head up, "Hey! I am not old! That's Seungmin's job!! You can't say that!"

Jisung laughed at his reaction, "Considering I'm only nineteen, you're extremely old."

Felix huffed, feeling defeated, "I guess you're not wrong."


986 words


this is also a short chapter just like the first one, so sorry y'all wjefnsiufjksdfn

I've figured that I'll just update some time during the weekend 😭 enjoy this chapter please <33

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