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Jisung looked around frantically, scared half to death. He felt weird now. His eyes became blurry and he felt lightheaded. He looked up to Minho who only nodded, "The first time can do that to you, it'll go away, just don't stand up right now."

Jisung's eyes were the first to go back to normal. He looked around as Minho sat on a couch at the end of a bed facing him.

Jisung tried to stand up, completely ignoring him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, your legs will give out."

He stood up anyway, falling to the ground as he put pressure on his legs.

Jisung started crying in frustration, "What's wrong with me? I just want to be home! I didn't ask to survive! I need to finish my schoolwork! I want to be back in my room! I want my bed! Why am I here?"

And for the first time in forever, Minho felt... you thought. Minho stood up touching the top of his head. He was paralyzed, unable to move.

"Close your eyes and imagine your room. Imagine you're in it and look at every detail of it." 

Jisung did just that, imagining at the color of the walls, the shape of his bed, the way his desk fit perfectly between his bed and his door, and even the schoolwork sitting where he left it.

Minho let his hand off of his head, "Open."

Jisung opened his eyes and saw his room. He knew he hadn't teleported again, he would feel like shit. He was confused out of his mind.

"Get comfortable because I won't let you leave. There's a forcefield around the property. The house is six thousand square feet, so don't even try to leave your room. You're trapped." Minho walked out of the room, making his way to their living area. He saw Felix playing a video game on the TV and decided to sit and watch, completely disregarding the boy now trapped in his house.

"You're back, how'd it go?" Felix spoke without looking from his game.

"I'd say it went pretty well."

Felix froze, knowing exactly what his brother had done. He paused his game and looked at Minho.

"Min... what did you do?"

Minho smiled suspiciously, "Nothing! Honest! Just scared him and... I may have trapped him...in our house...?"

"Minho!" Felix stood up, panicking, and walked to the hallway he saw his brother coming from before, "What room? Oh my God! Minho!!"

"What?! It's not like he has a life anyway!" Minho stood up as well, standing by Felix.

"What if he has friends?!" Felix began to go to every room and open it in search of the boy.

"I highly doubt that," Minho mumbled, following him slowly.

After a few attempts, Felix finally opened the door Jisung was in.

"Oh my God! You poor thing!" He ran in, seeing Jisung curled up in 'his bed', quietly crying.

"Oh my God! Minho, how could you?" Felix climbed on the bed, making Jisung's weak body sit up.

"Hey, hey," he cupped Jisung's face and wiped the tears off his puffy cheeks, instantly finding them adorable, "It's okay, love, I won't do anything. I'm so sorry my brother is insane..."

He pulled Jisung into a soft hug, earning more tears from him.

Minho stood there with a straight face, wondering how on earth Felix, his blood, could be so caring.

Felix pulled away from the hug, lightly holding Jisung's shoulders, "Do you want to answer some questions for me? I can help make this not so weird for you. I'm so sorry I can't control your situation. Minho is much, much more powerful than I am."

Jisung nodded, wholeheartedly trusting Felix.

Felix smiled, "Alright, love, what's your name?

"Jisung." He answered quietly.

"Jisung is a very pretty name. Do you know what it means?"

He shook his head innocently.

"Its literal meaning is 'intelligence', but its metaphorical meaning is Wisdom Successor or one who is better than all wisdom."

Jisung looked at a smiling Felix with bright eyes.

Minho sat on the floor of the doorway, finding whatever this was incredibly cute.

"Can you tell me how old you are, sweet boy?"

Felix saw a blush sprinkle Jisung's cheeks, and for the first time in forever (for real this time), Minho felt jealous.


Felix smiled kindly, "Oh, I'm the same! Are you in school?"

Jisung nodded, looking at the desk beside his bed, the homework sitting on it that he wasn't sure he could actually do.

Felix looked at Minho, frowning slightly, "Minho..."

Minho shrugged, "He's the one who didn't die, I don't see anything wrong with punishing him."

"You sadistic bitch, he's a teenager! And unlike me, he has to go to school, he isn't in a three-hundred-year-old, unable-to-age situation like me."

Minho shrugged again, Felix continued speaking lowly, "Okay, the thing with Minho is that if you do manage to escape, he can find you and bring you right back in the blink of an eye. However, I think if you build enough trust with him, he'll allow you to continue classes. Would you like that?"

Jisung nodded, smiling a bit, "Very much."

Minho stared at the smile Felix managed to get out of him. He thought it was cute, which was not something Minho had ever imagined of thinking.

Felix noticed Minho staring, "Min, he isn't the Mona Lisa. He isn't here to stare at. If you're just going to sit there, please go."

Minho snapped his eyes away from Jisung, standing up, "I wasn't staring."

"Stop being immature, you're twenty-one times fifteen, just go."

Minho groaned, leaving the room and walking to his, plopping on his bed and turning on the tv.

Felix looked at the boy really good for the first time. He noticed faint dark circles, probably because of his schoolwork.

"Hey Ji- wait can I call you that? Is that okay?"

Jisung nodded, so Felix continued, "Okay, I think you should try to rest, it looks to me like your schoolwork is really getting to you, can you do that for me?"

Jisung looked around the room. It was exactly like his, no differences at all, but he still felt weird knowing he wasn't in his apartment.

Felix pouted, "I know it's different, love, but we can't do anything right now... I know it sucks, I'm so sorry..."

Jisung nodded, giving Felix a small smile, "Could you make 'him' get my phone?"

Felix smiled back, "I can't make him, but I can definitely annoy him until he does."

Felix gave Jisung another hug and climbed off the bed. He gave Jisung another apologetic smile and left the room, closing the door.


1077 words


ahaha sorry I didn't post this yesterday, I was watching Harry Potter, ENJOY

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