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Felix knocked on the door continuously until he heard Jisung's voice tell him to come in. He opened the door and ran to throw himself over Jisung's bed.

Jisung was doing schoolwork that he managed to get his teacher to send him on his laptop.

"Minho said that he only kept you alive for his own personal gain, and so I just thought I wanted to tell you that. That one hundred percent shows that he thinks you're pretty."

Jisung turned around in his chair, looking at the now sat-up Felix, "He only kept me alive because he wanted to look at me?"

Felix nodded, "Little gay boy, if you ask me."

The other shook his head while laughing, turning back around to finish his assignment.

"What're you working on?" Felix looked at his computer, trying to transcribe the text.

Jisung grabbed a piece of paper from the shelf of his desk and took a pencil from a cup, beginning to write a formula, "Calculus, I'm taking it for extra credits towards graduation. People find it hard, but I enjoy it."

Felix looked at him in disbelief, "Why on earth would you enjoy that?! I've been alive for-ever and I don't even understand that crap. What's that?!" He pointed to the formula Jisung had on the paper.

Jisung laughed, "It's an integration formula, look, you plug these numbers in and solve it. 285 multiplied by pi since it's the value of 'd', then you put this here..." he explained the way to solve the problem and Felix just stared at the paper.

Felix believed he understood a little more because of Jisung's explanation, "So 'C' equals twelve?"

"No, good try, but it's 9,036."

Felix fell dramatically to the floor, "How did you even do that?! Where's the calculator, Jisung?!?"

He laughed at Felix's reaction, "It's not that hard, Lix."

"No, you're just too smart." He stood up from the floor, looking at Jisung with jealousy, "I'm leaving, I have to cry about being dumber than someone two hundred and eighty-one years younger than me."

"At least you said two hundred and eighty-one instead of two hundred and eighty-nine."

Felix looked at him, furrowing his brows in confusion. Jisung answered his silence, "I said two hundred and eighty-nine the first time I wanted to know the difference in our age."

Felix laughed, "The smart one makes mistakes. Who would've imagined?"

Jisung laughed as well and continued his work, leaving Felix to lie back on the bed.


Eventually, Felix went back to his room, texting his lover about his day.

Minho was in his room as well. However, he was sitting on the bed, struggling to make himself forget how pretty Jisung's body was.

He didn't want to think about it. He didn't want to think about him. He didn't want to think at all at this point, but all he could think about was holding onto the younger's body.

Minho slapped his face. "Snap out of it, Minho! He isn't your toy!" He groaned, "This is not why you kept him."

He leaned forward and put his face in his hands. "Then why did you keep me?"

Minho jumped, scrambling to the floor on the other side of the bed. He looked at where the sound came from and saw Jisung standing in his doorway.

"I thought I said don't leave the room. What are you doing? How did you know this was my room?"

Jisung looked at his frantic face. It was much less intimidating than his cold, heartless demeanor.

"I was bored." Jisung stepped into the room and sat on the floor, "And I asked your brother."

Minho stood up, "What are you doing? Get out, this is my room!"

"No?" Jisung lay down on the floor, stretching his arms above his head. "I'm bored."

'I made the wrong choice. I should've left him. He's going to be so hard to manage.'

Jisung turned on his side, propping his head on his elbow and continuing, "Well? Why'd you keep me?"

Minho stood standing, "That's for me to know and for me to know."

"That's not how that saying goes." Jisung's eyes were calm. He wasn't scared. Although, he knew he should've been.

"No, shit, kid." He crawled back into his bed, sitting at the headboard.

"You're just gonna ignore me? What if I do something you don't want me to?"

"You won't." Minho grabbed his phone and started scrolling aimlessly.

"How do you know?" Jisung sat up again, "How do you know I won't try to break stuff or steal or escape?"

"You're not very bright, are you?" Minho kept a monotone voice.

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"First of all, lower your fucking voice. Do not speak to me that way. Second, you should know what I can do and know you couldn't escape if you tried. You would need to be the best magician in the whole world to escape this property."

Jisung bit his lip to stay quiet. Unluckily for him, Minho was looking at him when he did it.

"What was that for?" Minho furrowed his brows in confusion.

When Jisung only bit his lip harder instead of answering, Minho smirked, "Don't wanna talk your big talk anymore?"

Jisung internally screamed and tried to stay still. Minho's voice was doing more to him than he wanted it to.

Minho put his phone down, still smirking, as he watched Jisung pull his knees to his chest.

"Are you struggling?" He knew exactly what was wrong when Jisung made the face the first time he bit his lip. "Seems to me like you enjoy something a bit too much."

Jisung didn't know what to do, he stayed quiet and started rocking.

"Is it my words? You like being scolded?"

He looked into Minho's eyes, trying his best to hold in the sounds he was unwillingly letting out in response.

"I'll take that as a 'yes.'" Minho picked his phone back up and continued his scrolling, ignoring the boy and his sounds.

Jisung whimpered and bit his lip harder, nearly drawing blood.

Minho gave into this whimper and looked at him, mockingly pouting, "Is it uncomfortable?"

Jisung pulled his lip into his mouth and sucked on it to make the pain ease. Minho noticed this and got off the bed, setting his phone down.

He went up to the curled-up boy and touched his shoulder so he froze. He gently picked him up and sat him right outside his door. He went back in and shut the door, locking it so Jisung definitely couldn't come back in if he tried.


1063 words


once a week is fun~ enjoy the cliffhanger for a week wonderfuls 🩷

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