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Minho woke up rather late, having accidentally killed someone in his sleep, because of his frustration.

It happened rarely. He'd have a dream that he was killing someone and later he realized it wasn't a dream.

He completed his morning routine, waking up a tiny bit. He went downstairs to their kitchen, seeing food already made by Felix.

"Morning, Min. How'd you sleep?" Felix asked, turning around to place Minho's plate of breakfast on the center island.

Minho looked at him, tiredly speaking and taking a seat, "I accidentally killed another person."

Felix looked at him with disappointment, though he didn't show it.

"Yeah, the frustration got to me." Minho shrugged his shoulders, grabbing a fork and shoving a bite of food in his mouth.

Felix sighed, "What're you going to do about the boy you failed to kill last night?"

"I didn't fail. He just didn't die!"

"So you failed?"

Minho sighed in frustration, "Watch it, Felix."

"Or what? You're going to kill me? I'd like to see you try. You may not have much of a heart, but I know you wouldn't dare hurt me. I know you're in a bad mood, but you don't need to be handing out death threats right now."

Minho looked at Felix, narrow-eyed.

Felix sat in the seat next to him, going on, "What're you going to do about him?"

Minho sat back in his chair, quickly swallowing the food in his mouth, "I have a plan."

"And your plan is?" Felix raised an eyebrow, hoping it wasn't anything harmful, but knowing Minho, it was going to be.

"None of your business, I got this."

"Minho, the last time you said that, you sent someone to Hawaii, and they fell into an active volcano."

"No, no, it won't be anything like that, promise."

Felix sighed again, giving up, "Just be back before twelve, please."

"Who's going to be there?" Minho ate the last bite of his breakfast, standing up and putting his plate in the sink.

"Me, Changbin, Chan, and Seungmin. Changbin wanted to get together to discuss a few things regarding the deal."

"The deal that I said 'no' to?"

"No, the deal that his dad said 'no' to. He's going through with it anyways and he needs all of our help."

Minho nodded, "I'll be back before twelve, I have three hours? See you later." He gave Felix a smirk, finding the boy in his head and arriving instantly to his room.

He looked at the boy who was quietly sitting at a desk doing work on a laptop. Minho held his hand a bit from his side, allowing a sturdy rope to manifest into it.

He silently walked behind the boy, looking at the work he was doing before letting the rope tie itself around him. Before he could yell, Minho placed his left hand on the boy's mouth and pinched his nose, holding Jisung's head against his chest.

Jisung tried desperately to get away, but the ropes and Minho's strong grip wouldn't allow him free.

Minho leaned down to the boy's ear, watching in amusement as his panicked eyes looked towards him.

Minho glanced down at the boy's body frantically trying to escape his grip and letting tears fall from his eyes.

He smirked, "Isn't this sight beautiful? Just look at you, struggling to get away like a little bitch."

Jisung's eyes were slightly closed, his struggle becoming much weaker as he was losing oxygen.

But he had to admit, the man's voice was incredibly attractive, being suffocated or not.

"Look at you giving up. Do you need to breathe? Tell you what, I let you breathe but keep you tied, and you answer my question. How does that sound?"

Jisung tried nodding behind Minho's hand. Minho felt the slight nod and more tears streaming onto his hand before he let off, quickly moving his hand to the boy's forehead to keep it in place.

Jisung gasped as he got his air back. He could only cry, he was too scared to make another noise.

Minho looked down at the boy's face, smirking in satisfaction at the tears and quiet crying coming from him.

Jisung began speaking cautiously through his tears, "Wh-who are you? What d-do you want f-from me?"

Minho nearly laughed, holding back, "I am who I am. It is no concern to you. I want to finish the job I started. Something stopped my ability to kill; I want to know why and what."

"You tr-tried killing me? But y-you weren't ev-even near m-me."

Minho sighed in frustration, roughly letting go of Jisung's head and stepping away from him, watching the boy look down and allow more tears to fall.

"I'm going to need you to stop crying like a fucking baby. Is it really so scary that you need to cry continuously when I clearly don't pose a threat right now?"

Jisung let out a shaky breath, trying his best to stop his tears. Minho stepped back farther from the chair, motioning for it to face him. The chair spun around, showing an absolutely terrified boy.

Jisung slowly and cautiously looked from Minho's feet to his face. He stared, not in fear, but in lust.

"I know I'm pretty, but you can stop staring."

Jisung quickly bowed his head in apology.

Minho was enjoying this too much, "Aren't you just adorable? I don't know if I want to kill you, to be honest."

Jisung felt relieved but his face didn't change, he was still terrified.

"Can I p-please get out of these ropes?"

Minho gave in, groaning, and without a single movement of his body, the ropes loosened and fell to the base of the chair.

Jisung had never seen such power from a person before today. He was scared. He thought it could only be in made-up stories, not right in front of his eyes.

He stayed seated, letting his hands move to his lap, looking down and fiddling with his fingers. His crying had stopped, but he still had tear stains on his cheeks. Minho found it incredibly attractive.

"You know what," Minho began as he slowly started walking to the chair, "you're coming with me."

Jisung looked up in fear, not knowing exactly what that meant. He felt Minho quickly touch his shoulder and in the blink of an eye, they were in a room of Minho's house.


1026 words


I decided to publish two at first instead of one so that it could get a little more attention lol, so here you go, cvstor  ㅠㅠ

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