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hi~ quick thing, anytime I use random italics and I don't specify whether it's a thought or an author's note, it's Minho in someone's head

just had to say that so there was no confusion

enjoy the chapter 🙏🏻

Minho walked into his house, mentally screaming at Felix for leaving him alone with Jisung. He didn't want anything to do with him. He wanted to punish him, that was all.

But Felix said he had to feed him.

He walked miserably to the room and opened the door, Jisung jumped, "Felix said I need to feed you. What do you want?"

Jisung took a second to let his heartbeat return to normal before speaking, "Do I have choices?"

Minho leaned on the doorframe, crossing his legs and arms, "I can get you anything you want. Just ask for it."

Jisung thought for a second, "Absolutely anything?"

Minho sighed, "Absolutely anything."


"Why on earth would you want American?" Minho questioned with a disgusted look.

"You said anything."

"Absolutely not. I am not bringing that shit into my house. Do you like sushi?"

(A/N: I'm American 💀)


Minho uncrossed his arms, motioning to the boy's desk. A small plate of different types of sushi appeared at the corner of it.

Jisung looked at the plate, amazed at the powers of the man, "How do you do that?"

"Not a conversation I want to have right now. Eat." Minho turned around, walked out, and shut the door.

Jisung watched him leave, "He's such a personality, isn't he?"

He stood up and grabbed the plate, grabbing a pencil and a workbook from his desk. He sat back on his bed, finishing his assignment while eating.

After he was done eating, he sat himself on the floor, bored out of his mind.

He heard a knock, and knowing Minho wouldn't knock, he knew it was Felix, "You can come in."

He stepped in, shutting the door behind him, "Hey, Ji, did Min feed you?"

Jisung nodded, "But I asked a question and he walked out, he didn't even try anything on me."

"I've told him not to scare you. I mean, if you want him to..."

"No, no, that's-" he waved his hands in defense, "that's not.."

Felix smiled at his flustered face, walking to sit on the bed. He looked at Jisung, pointing to the headboard, "Come sit up here, the floor isn't comfortable. Your butt's going to go flat."

Jisung laughed a bit, standing up and sitting where Felix said.

Felix laid next to him. He took his hand, rubbing softly on the back, "Are you getting more comfortable now? Is it starting to be a tiny bit less weird?"

Jisung looked at their hands, back to Felix, and back to their hands again. He was confused, but let it happen, "Yeah, I guess. I definitely wouldn't be able to if you weren't here. 'He' scares me and isn't very considerate."

Felix brought Jisung's hand to his face, softly kissing it a couple of times. Jisung stared, feeling the sensation through his whole arm.

They both stayed quiet as Felix placed more soft kisses up his arm.

Felix let his hand go and got on his knees, looking at the now red boy. He had no idea what he was doing, but he felt like it was right.

He kept eye contact as he carefully moved to straddle Jisung's thighs.

Jisung stared at him, in a trance. He moved closer and rested his hands on Jisung's waist.

He leaned even closer to his ear, whispering, "You have such a petite waist, Ji."

Jisung shivered, breathing out shakily.

Felix moved a bit closer, sitting more on him. He moved his head down a tad, placing a soft kiss below Jisung's ear.

Jisung shivered again, fluttering his eyes shut and stuttering a little, "D-don't you have a boyfriend?"

Felix gave a longer kiss in the same spot, lifting his head and nodding, "I do, but we've talked before. We're both polyamorous, he said it's okay as long as I don't leave him."

Felix leaned forward again, placing kisses in a line down his neck, "You are comfortable with this right?

He nodded, and Felix continued to kiss his neck. He slowly began kissing up to his jaw, watching Jisung nearly go limp. Felix could tell he had never felt like this and he found it adorable.

"So cute," he knelt up some, grabbing Jisung from the back of his thighs and pulling him to lie down. He grabbed Jisung's wrists and pinned them onto the pillows. He was shocked but complied nonetheless.

Felix placed quick pecks on his big cheeks, his forehead, chin, nose, and even one on his eyebrow.
(Don't question it, he felt like it).

He stopped and pulled away for a second, waiting for eye contact with the boy. He opened his eyes at the loss of the feeling, looking at Felix with needy eyes.

Felix smiled, leaning down again and softly placing his lips onto Jisung's.

Jisung fell completely limp, trying to kiss back but it was too late. Felix let go of his wrists and sat on his thighs, looking at his pink lips.

"You're so cute, Ji," Felix whispered, looking into his eyes.

Jisung blushed, closing his eyes as Felix leaned in and cupped his cheeks. They almost kissed again before someone opened the door aggressively.

Minho stared at them as they separated quickly and froze.

He spoke after a few seconds, "What the actual fuck." he looked at their lips and the wet spots covering Jisung's face and neck.

Jisung was about to speak up before Felix cut him off, "I influenced it. This isn't his fault, don't punish him more please."

Minho's shocked expression slowly turned dark as he got an idea, "Oh, no, no, never. Definitely already punished him enough." He opened the door and stepped to the side, "Felix, please leave."

Felix looked at him and then at Jisung quickly, wondering what his brother had in his head.

Lee Yongbok, leave.

Felix nodded quickly, hopping off the bed and walking briskly out of the room, hearing Minho shut the door.

Jisung scooted as close to the headboard as he could, feeling unsafe to be around Minho without Felix.

"Someone's scared?"


1002 words


hello wonderfuls, I'm so sorry I didn't post Saturday, but I didn't want to so lmao so sry don't die of rejection or some shit lol, love y'all, how y'all enjoyed 😙🫶

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