9 🙈

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🙈 <—— This is Mikey. Mikey will tell you if a chapter is smut. If you don't like/skip smut chapters, don't read Mikey's chapters. If you only read for the smut... then I guess just read Mikey's chapters. 💀 Mikey's chapters are also a tad bit longer than others. This one will not be! It isn't smut, it's foreplay.

* Jisung is still a virgin! (virgin meaning no dick in ass sorta thing) And this 'smut' is JiLix, so if you don't like it, skip 🙏

** I don't ship JiLix romantically, but in this ff, Felix has a really, really high sex drive. So for those of you who read for smut, this should suffice until Minho decides to do something.

Jisung sat there for a few minutes longer, waiting patiently for whatever he was feeling to go away.

He didn't know what to do. He didn't feel comfortable enough in this house to actually fix the problem, but he knew he had to or it would never go away.

Knowing himself, he would just keep thinking about what made him like this in the first place and it would stay until he found a way to stop.

After enough time, he finally stood up, cursing to himself as his pants rubbed against his problem.

He walked to his 'room', not even wanting to try to get in Minho's room again. He followed the path he had taken before and opened his door to see Felix waiting patiently on his bed.

He stood in the doorway awkwardly, staring at Felix and trying to hide his erection showing through his pants.

Felix looked at Jisung and tilted his head, slightly smirking; the first time Jisung actually saw a similarity between Felix and Minho.

"Hey, Ji," He threw himself onto his stomach, putting his chin in his hand, "that looks a bit hard to hide, love."

Jisung blushed immensely, looking towards the ground.

"You don't feel comfortable, do you?"

Jisung looked at his hands and shook his head.

Felix moved his own hand and used it to pat the bed, "Come here," Jisung looked at him for a second, "I'm not leaving, either you come here and let me fix it or I'll make it worse on purpose."

Jisung huffed and walked to the bed, shutting the door behind him. He sat on the bed next to him, but Felix instead pointed to the pillows, "There."

He breathed heavily and did as he said, moving to sit with his back facing the headboard.

Felix moved himself to sit on Jisung's lap. He put his hands on his shoulders and began kissing a sensitive part of his neck.

Jisung felt what he felt the first time, going limp to his touch. His mind was completely empty, not even a single thought for Felix to read. All he could do was let out a whimper as he felt his dick get even harder than he thought was possible.

Felix smirked on his neck before pulling away and cupping his face. He leaned in, kissing him happily while he started grinding down softly on Jisung's lap.

Jisung let out quiet moans that were muffled by Felix's mouth as he pushed his tongue through Jisung's lips. Just before he could register, Felix took his tongue away and found his lip, biting it harshly where the younger had already a few minutes before.

(A/N: before anyone says anything, yes Minho is 203% going to be jealous. and yes, it is weird that in the future, Jisung will have had sexual intimacy with both brothers. leave it alone and enjoy the plot.)

Jisung whimpered at the pain, feeling Felix grind harder a few times before pulling away. They locked eyes, Jisung's lips slightly parted and his cheeks flushed redder than cherries.

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