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"How did you know your dad was immortal?"

They were now lying next to each other. Felix was answering Jisung's questions as they stared at the ceiling.

Felix laughed, "It isn't that hard when he looks nineteen when we're teenagers."

Jisung laughed at himself, feeling a bit stupid, "How did you know that you had stopped aging?"

"Our dad told us when we turned thirteen that we would be nineteen forever, so we knew from that."

The first time Felix mentioned their ages, Jisung was taken by surprise. He didn't expect immortality to be real. His entire day was spent in shock.

"Why is 'he' more powe-"

"Felix!" Minho barged in, cutting Jisung's question off. They both jumped and scrambled to sit up.

"Yes, Min?" His breathing was heavier from being scared.

Minho looked at the two of them for a second, and then faced Felix, "Dinner. We have Japanese food."

He paused, looking at Jisung's scared face. He smirked in his head, returning to his normal self quickly,  "He can come, too."

Minho stood there for a while, staring into space. Felix noticed Jisung's confused face and spoke up, "Min? Are you going to go?"

Minho looked at him, "Oh, yeah, I didn't feel like walking." He smiled a big eye smile and disappeared.

Jisung looked at Felix, "Did he... just-"

Felix stared forward, "Teleport? Yeah, he does that a lot." He slipped off the bed, walking towards the door, "Come on, Ji, you need to eat."

Jisung got off of the bed, following Felix. He hesitated before he walked out of the room.

Felix noticed, "Ji? Come on, it's okay."

"'He' told me not to think about leaving the room."

"He just said you could come eat, I know he's scary, but he isn't an absolute idiot. Come on, love." He waved his hand toward himself.

Jisung sighed and followed him carefully. They walked a decent way and took a few turns before they ended up in a kitchen. It wasn't as big as Jisung expected, but it was bigger than his room.

Minho looked at the boy really good for the first time. He caught himself imagining terrible things and stopped himself. He didn't want to develop any type of relationship or feelings with him. He wanted to torment him for the rest of his life.

Their plates were already on the middle island. Felix looked at the plate, then to Jisung, "You aren't allergic to anything are you?"

Jisung shook his head, "Only nuts."

(A/N: ironic, the squirrel is allergic to nuts, idk if he's actually allergic, I just thought it'd be funny)

Felix looked at Minho; he was staring at the younger's every move.

"Again, Min, he isn't the Mona Lisa."

Minho snapped out of his train of thought, "Oh, fuck you, Felix! I wasn't staring!"

Jisung jumped at his tone and Felix just shrugged, "I know what I saw. You were jealous when you caught us earlier and you've been a million times happier and nicer than you normally are since he's been here."

Jisung felt himself getting flustered.

"Bullshit. Just eat."

Felix smiled as he sat down and whispered to Jisung, "Don't let him lie to you, he's going to act like he hates you, but I've known him for three hundred years. I see right through him."

Jisung turned a bit more red and he sat down as well.

Minho walked away as they began eating and opened the door to the garden. Felix swallowed his bite and spoke, "Aren't you going to eat, Min?"

Minho turned, looking at him with narrowed eyes,

I'd rather die than eat dinner at six, Yongbok. We just ate six hours ago, and you know I don't get hungry like you do.

Jisung looked at towards Felix's nodding head; he was confused about why he was nodding when Minho hadn't said anything yet. He then remembered Felix saying that he liked to get in people's heads just to talk to them.

Minho continued his path, closing the door behind him.

The garden was big and beautiful, full of red and pink roses, a path of stepping stones leading to a bench surrounded by even more roses. All of which was taken care of by Minho. It was the only thing he found enjoyment in during his three-century lifetime. That and killing people.

Almost every day, he would go out and just sit, sometimes bringing a book or just watching the nature around himself peacefully. Roses reminded him of himself, so being surrounded by them brought him comfort.

(A/N: let him dream ig 💀🤷🏻‍♀️)

He had feelings, even though he didn't show them. He never liked showing emotions to people outside of Felix. Felix was the only person who knew his brother had a sliver of a heart.

(A/N: oh-)

Minho walked along the path to the bench, sitting and watching a bird that had landed in front of him.

The bird looked at him and flew off when he tilted his head at it.

He wasn't going to do anything right now, he just had to clear his head of random thoughts the day brought him.

But of course, not two minutes later, skipping along the path between the roses, came a Felix.

"Hey, Min~ What are you thinking about?"

Minho groaned, "Felix, will you leave me alone for once in my life? I came out to get away, not to bring you with me."

"Rude..." he continued walking over to Minho and sitting next to him on the bench. He admired the garden, "I forget how pretty it is out here, I don't come out here very much anymore."

Minho ignored him, "You let the boy in the house by himself, are you not worried he's going to escape?"

Felix rolled his eyes, standing up, "Fine, you're not going to let me stay out here anyway." He walked back to the house and left Minho back in peace.


"Did you only refrain from killing him for your own personal gain?" Felix stood in front of the TV, so Minho would pay attention to him.

"Yes, now go." Minho shooed him away with his hand, trying to look at the TV.

"Min, that's not okay! He's human!"

"Yeah? Well, I'm not. I could care less. Please move."

Felix stepped out from in front of the TV, looking at Minho with a disappointed face.

"Stop looking at me. Go talk with your little friend and leave me alone for Pete's sake." Minho laid back in his bed, dramatically sprawling his arms around himself.

"I'm telling him." Felix ran out the door, shutting it behind him quickly before Minho could say anything.


1069 words


uploaded a little late, but Tuesday is still the weekend right??😅

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