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"Minho. He's like us."

The older stood shocked for a moment before speaking, "And how do you know that?"

Felix sighed, "I was looking through Jisung's memories about him and he has powers the same as us. There are memories of Jisung asking about his aging, his abilities," He paused, "It perfectly explains why he wasn't scared of our age or power and just accepted it."

Minho thought back to the moment he first met the youngest. His face wasn't full of wonder. It was fear and... lust? Jisung found his power attractive. He smirked, putting the wall that stops Felix's ability to read his mind down.

He gave Felix a second to look at his thoughts. "Minho, what the hell," Felix crossed his arms, closing his eyes, "you only ever break the wall when you're being inconsiderate, stop."

Minho mentally rebuilt the wall, "But, it is a good reason, right? The way he looked at me. It explains a lot."

Felix sighed, "I guess."

Minho stood still for a second longer, waiting for Felix to show signs of backing down from his original requests.

After he didn't, Minho spoke, "Fine, the little cunt can have his friend," Felix looked up with a smile, "but I can't tell you how long he'll stay. I swear to God, Lix, if that bastard gets out with information about me, I'm trapping him, too."

Felix nodded quickly, running inside Minho's room and grabbing Jisung's phone from the drawer of Minho's nightstand.

"Thank you, Min~" he sang happily, skipping back to the younger's room. Minho rolled his eyes and closed his door again.

He ran into Jisung's room and jumped into the bed, lying flat on his stomach with a big smile. Jisung looked at him with a questioning look and Felix simply handed him his phone.

Jisung stared at the phone for a second before hesitantly grabbing it and looking at the screen. He internally screamed at the notifications since he arrived here.

"538? Ji, you're famous!" Felix laughed. Jisung laughed lightly with him and unlocked his phone. He looked through his notifications from Hyunjin.

Felix's smile flagged, "He knows where you are."

Jisung nodded, looking up to Felix's face. He knew Felix saw his knowledge of Hyunjin, so he knew Hyunjin was immortal like them.

"One of his abilities is heat tracking, like an infrared camera..."

"But really far away."

"Yeah, he can find one target in particular and only see them. He hasn't been able to get to me..." Jisung opened his phone and looked through all of the messages.

Felix continued for him, "...or he hasn't tried to."

Jisung nodded and looked up at him, "Could it be that he knows where I am and is scared? Does he know 'him'?"

He shrugged in response and pointed to Jisung's phone, "I don't know. Maybe read the messages."

Jisung half laughed and skimmed over more of the messages. There were about 300 from Hyunjin alone, so reading them all would take forever.

After a few minutes, he looked Felix in the eyes, "Who are you?"

Felix sat up, quite flabbergasted, "What do you mean?"
(A/N: "QuItE fLaBbErGaStEd" what tf do I think I am? 💀)

"Lix, don't play this now. I know you can see what I'm thinking. Who are you?"

Felix crisscrossed his legs and nervously put his hands in the middle.

Forever Trapped || minsung ffWhere stories live. Discover now