Chapter 7

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"I hope you know... You're not going to get away with what you have done..." Madison twirled the knife in her hands. "Leave me alone." I was too scared to move so I just sat against the wall. "Aw. Poor baby." Madison pouted her lip and came close to me. She pulled out the knife and put it against my jaw. "Aha! Like I care how you feel." Madison cut my jaw a bit, making me bleed. "And if the crew sees this," I pointed to the cut, "you will be kicked out." Madison slapped my face. I winced in pain and stood up. I pushed her against the wall and held my forearm against her neck. Her eyes were filled with fear. "Listen. You're not going to think you can take charge of me. I'm my own person. I might be new to this mafia but I'm not new to life!" I shoved her against the wall more and released her. I walked out the door and into my car when I got a text from the unknown number, 'this isn't over, whore." I began crying when I thought of what I got myself into.
"I'll be right over!" I laughed when I told Y/N we (Me and Jc) were on our way to pick her up. I hung up and Jc raised an eyebrow at me. "What?" His face was sly. "You like her don't you?" Jc playfully punched my sides. "No. I mean a little. Okay a lot. But how can I love her when Dylan is always there to protect her?" I began getting sad and tearful. "Cmon Cam! Stop being a wuss. We have alone time with her right now. Hey! Maybe when we get something to eat, I can leave you two alone." Jc nodded at his own brilliant idea. "Jc strikes again!" I laughed.
I knew I would be out all day so I put on some denim shorts, a superhero tank top, and converse. I put my hair in a ponytail and threw on some lipgloss. I heard Cam and Jc pull up and honk so I ran downstairs and grabbed my bag. "Bye mom!" I shouted. "Hey Y/N!" Cam got out the car and hugged me. It felt great. We stood there for a long time until I realized Jc was waiting for us. "Oh um..." I backed away, "Hi Jc I'm Y/N." I shook Jc's hand. "Well, I'm Jc and by the way, I love your shirt." Jc hopped in the car and I went in the backseat. "So how do you like Cali so far?" Jc asked. "Well it's super hot so I guess great!" I was super excited to be on this trip and I couldn't wait to explore. Cam looked in the mirror and realized my cut and bruise. "Uh... sorry I didn't notice earlier Y/N but what's on your face?" I thought I covered it but apparently not. Jc looked back to see too. "Let's just say Madison." I turned away and felt the questions he was about to ask roar. "What? What did she do? Why? When? How?" Cameron just babbled on. I grabbed his cheeks and shook them a little. "Madison locked me in a bathroom, cut my jaw, slapped me, and then I choked her against a wall." I saw Cam blush from when I played with his cheeks. "Oh." He said and looked away smiling. He probably still liked me.
I got out the car to show her my favorite place, Starbucks. "Oh! I love this place!" When we got inside Y/N ordered hers and we all sat down. When Y/N drank, she had a whipped cream dot on her nose. I pushed it off with my finger and wiped it. The way she giggled was perfect. "Thanks," she said. I leaned over and kissed her and then we began kissing in the middle of a public place. Jc got up and went in the car and me and Y/N continued.
I kissed Cam. I know it was wrong but it felt so right. I decided to keep this between us and leave it to forget. I got in the car and went home.
Ew. I saw Cam and Y/N's kiss because I was in Starbucks, watching her. I followed her home and watched her giggle herself inside to bed. Little does she know what I have planned for the party this weekend.
😂Hi!!!! I love all these reads and thanks 💕💕 dont forget to follow, like, comment, and make hashtags for this story in the comments. Bye 😘✌️

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