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"Wanda, let's go! We'll be late!" I call. I am almost seven years old and Wanda is nine. We laugh as we run into the kitchen and sit at the table. Pietro follows us in and sits next to me, panting from trying to catch up.

My mom brings dinner out and it's my favorite, spaghetti. We all thank her and dig in. "How has your day been?" she asks.

"Great! We played tag and hide-and-go-seek outside and had a lot of fun!" Pietro cheers.

"Well, since it's the day before your birthday, your father and I have a surprise for you." I straighten up, hopeful. "We have arranged for Wanda and Pietro to stay the night."

I gasp in surprise, then run over to her, squeezing her tight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" We talk through the rest of dinner about what we are going to do. Eventually we finish and my mom takes care of the dishes as we go to my room. We get in pajamas and sit on the floor playing truth-or-dare. "Wanda, truth or dare?" I asks.


"If you could have any superpower, what would it be?"

Wanda thinks for a moment. "Strength, to protect my family and friends." She hugs me before moving back. "Pietro, truth or dare?"


"Kiss Anya," she smirks at pietro's expression as he and I both turn beet red. He leans in and places a gentle kiss on my check, making my face redder and butterflies flutter in my stomach.

"Wanda, truth or dare?"


"Let Anya braid your hair." Wanda gasps and unconsciously grabs her hair. She hates it when anyone touches her long, brown hair. She relents and sits in front of me. I cautiously braid her hair and tie it off. She looks in the mirror and smiles.

"I should have you braid my hair more often. Thank you," Wanda says. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I tell her, confidently. When she asks the question my confidence fades.

"Who do you have a crush on?"

I stutter over my words, "Um, well, I like," I pause before leaning in to whisper in her ear, "Pietro."

"I knew it!" she yells.

My mom's voice rings towards us. "Kids, time for bed!"

"Yes, mom!" we climb into bed with me in the middle, Pietro on my right and Wanda on my left. Sleep overcomes me quickly.

The next morning, I wake to shaking and look up to see Pietro shaking me. "Hey, Anya, it's time to wake up now. Your mother has breakfast ready."

I smile and we walk to the kitchen where Wanda is setting out plates. After breakfast, their parents come and take them home.

Months pass like days with us playing. We celebrate birthdays, holidays and weekends together. On their birthday we hang out, playing by the river until our feet are sore. On December tenth, everything changes.

Wanda and Pietro came over that morning and we played until dark when their parents took them home. I say goodbye as they close their car doors. I didn't know that it would be the last time I would see them for years. My parents give me some dinner before tucking me into bed around ten o'clock. That's when it all starts.

I am sitting in my room when I hear a loud explosion. The building shakes and crumble around me. I cry as my mother runs in and tells me to get under the bed. As soon as I do, the roof collapses and crushes her. Blood pools around her as she stares lifelessly at me. The images in imprinted forever as I scream, concrete falling on my bed. The only protection I have is from the boxes holding it up. Fire surrounds me as I scream for help, too scared to move.

Hours pass as the fire lessens and eventually stops. I am dizzy from smoke and heat. Someone screams as they see me. Others move the bed and lift me out. I can't seem to move. The people place me on something soft, wrapping something around my head as my vision turns black.

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