Growing Family

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Dear Wanda and Pietro,

It's been a little over a year since I met Natasha. She's like a sister to me. Clint asked Laura to marry him and she said yes. I still haven't met her. Clint plans on introducing us later today but I don't think Laura even know about me. He's twenty-one and I am twelve.

Tony made me an Iron Man suit for my birthday. I've helped him every now and then when he called me in but otherwise it stays at his house so S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't dissect it. Natasha is a full member of S.H.I.E.L.D. now. She goes on so many missions. I'm just happy that she can do what she's good at without getting in trouble.

Natasha has tried to find you in the S.H.I.E.L.D. database but nothing comes up past the date of the explosion. Are you even alive? I hope your both alright and I see you soon.


Clint runs in and swirls me around. "Hey, Anna. Guess what?"

"I get to meet Laura?" I asks.

He sighs with a chuckle. "Yes but that's not what the surprise is. I have managed to plan some free time for next year. I can take you back to Sokovia for a visit."

I smile and hug him. "Thank you! Oh, I can show you all the cool sights there are to see. You'll love it!"

He ruffles my hair. "Hey, slow down there. This isn't until next year. For now, go get dressed. I'm gonna take you to Lunch. Laura is going to be there. She doesn't exactly know about you. Make a good first impression."

I run off and slip on a knee length dress with a blue floral design and trim. I run over to Nat's room and she is in there working on some files. "Hey Nat, would you mind braiding my hair?"

She turns to me and smiles. "Not at all." I sit on the ground inform of her and she starts to braid. "What's the occasion?"

"I'm meeting Laura for the first time. I want to make a good impression." She ties off my hair I look in her mirror. "Thank you!" I run back to my room, hearing her laugh. I clasp my eagle necklace behind me and put a hairband over my hair. Clint is sitting on his bed reading when I come in.

"You look perfect. Are you ready to go?" I nod and we walk to his car. We get to the restaurant and sit at a table waiting for Laura to arrive. Clint and I talk for a while before he stands up. "Hey, Laura. It's great to see you. You look amazing."

"Thank you," Laura says. Clint helps her into a chair and that's when she notice me. "Clint who is this? Please tell me she's not your kid." She whispers the last part.

"No, she is not my kid. She is my little sister. Laura, this is Anastasia. Anna, this is Laura."

I stick my hand out. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Clint speaks very highly of you."

"I wish I could say the same. I haven't really heard about you. It is a pleasure to meet you. So, tell me about yourself," Laura replies.

"I was adopted my Clint's parents when I was seven. Before that I lived in Sokovia. My parents were killed in an explosion," I tell her.

"I am so sorry."

"It's alright. It was a long time ago. So, what do you think of my brother?"

"I think he's a great man and I'd love to raise a family with him. He would be able to protect us." I see Clint blush a bit.

To make it worse I lean in and whisper very loudly in his ear. "Totally approve." He turns so much redder and Laura and I laugh. "I think we are going to be great friends. The rest of lunch is us getting to know each other. When we get home, I run over to Natasha's room. We gossip for hours before Clint comes in and ruins our fun.

"Anna, it's time for bed," Clint says. I try to get out of it but he stands firm. I get up and get ready for bed. Clint tucks me in and I fall asleep quickly.

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