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Dear Wanda and Pietro,

It's been a month since I was taken underground. Clint won't let me get up for another week. It's not so bad being taken care of, though. My wounds are healing nicely and should be healed in the next few days. I hope you're both alright. Clint's told me you think I'm dead and I'm sorry I had to do that to you. I needed to get away from all of the craziness of the Avengers. Hope you have fun in training.


I close my book and look through the window. Clint sat there, teaching Cooper something to do with building. I smile. I sit up on the couch but before I can get up, Clint is there, tapping on the window. I roll my eyes and lie back against the couch. Laura comes in with little baby Nathaniel in her arms. She looks tired. "Anya, would you mind watching Nathaniel for a few hours. I really need some sleep."

"It wouldn't be an issue. You look exhausted." She hands me Nathaniel and I rock him back and forth.

"Thank you. Your being here helps so much. Clint distracts Cooper and Lila but that still leaves me with one."

"I'll be of more help once Clint lets me get up. I'll call him if I need anything. You, sleep. And leave the baby monitor down here so you don't wake up." Laura smiles and does as I say.

Clint comes in with Cooper and Lila after a few hours. Nathaniel starts crying when Clint comes in. He turns to us and smiles. "I see Laura got you on baby duty," Clint says.

"Ah, but here's the kicker. You won't let me get up so guess who gets to change him." Clint looks at me and points at Cooper and Lila. "Nice try, but wrong. Here you go!" He laughs and grabs Nathaniel and takes him out, returning him to my arms shortly after. "Would you mind grabbing him a bottle?" I ask.

"Not a problem." He grabs one and gives it to me. I feed Nathaniel and he falls back asleep shortly after. I watch him for a few more hours and when it's dinner time, Laura comes downstairs, looking refreshed.

"You look so much better," I comment.

"Thank you," she replies. "Let me make some dinner and I promise I'll take him off your hands"

"Don't worry about it. He's been a perfect little angel." Laura makes dinner and comes and gets Nathaniel, switching him for a meal. I eat in peace as Clint tries to talk Laura into another project and the children talk to each other.

The next day, Clint comes down before anyone else. "Hey," I say.

"Hello, Anna. Mind if I check your wounds?" I pull up my shirt and am left in a sports bra. He checks how the injuries are healing and smiles at me. I put my shirt back on and he hold out a hand. I grab it and he pulls me up. "I hereby take you off bed rest. But no strenuous activity, alright?"

I grab him in a hug. "Thank you, finally!"

"Want to help me cook up some breakfast. I thought breakfast in bed for Laura and the kids."

"How about I take care of Nathaniel so Laura can get some real sleep. You have the easy job with children who can actually do stuff on their own."

"Yeah, but I get two, she has one."

"One that needs everything done for them. Now, I'll go get him while you make breakfast." I walk off and pick up Nathaniel. I rock him and sing a tune.

I hear the door open and head downstairs. I freeze when I see Natasha standing there. She's about to scream when I shush her. She takes a few breaths and speaks almost too calmly. "You are dead. Clint told us you were dead."

"I'm sorry. I told him if I got hurt, take me underground. He did. This is my fault, don't blame him. While we sort this out, please stay quiet. I want to let Nathaniel sleep as long as possible. Clint is in the kitchen, let's talk to him."

We walk into the kitchen and Natasha coughs, making Clint jump. "Hey Nat, what are you doing here?"

"I came to help for a while, ask if you were ever coming back," Natasha says. "How is she alive?"

Natasha's voice raises as she continues. "Shh!" I hush, "don't wake him up!"

"She asked to go underground for a while. She got hurt and I did as she asked. That's it. I've just let her off bed rest as it is."

"I don't think you understand what her death has done to the team!" Natasha says.

"What do you mean?"

"Pietro and Wanda cry when they're not training and don't talk to anyone but each other, Steve takes his frustration out training them and on a punching bag, and Pepper says Tony is becoming more reckless in experimenting!"

I stare at her shocked. "I didn't realize I meant so much," I tell her. "I thought you guys would be over it after a while."

"I don't think Pietro will stop blaming himself. He thinks he caused your death."

"I wanted to be here and help with Nathaniel. With my brother and his family. I thought it would be alright. I'm going back in a few months. I find life out here is just to calm."

"Then I can tell the others, you're actually alive?"

"No!" Clint and I say, together. "If they know I'm alive, Fury will hear and send me on missions. I need a break!"

"They need to know," Natasha pleads.

"No, you can't tell them."

"What about just Steve?" Natasha asks. I am about to answer but she cuts me off. "Please. You haven't seen what this has done to him and he can keep your secret."

I sigh. "Alright. But not over any phone or video or anything like that. Face to face. Bring him here."

"Thank you," Natasha says. "I'll go get him and bring him back before the others realize I'm here." Natasha heads towards the door before turning around and looking at Nathaniel. I smile and hold him out. She holds him and coddles him for a few minutes before anyone else sees. She hands him back and leaves as I grab Nathaniel's bottle.

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