New Family

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I wake up in a white room, wires and tubes coming to and from my body. A mask covers my face. I see a nurse looking over me and notice I'm awake. She smiles, calling someone else in.

"Hey there, my name is Doctor Eden. Do you know who you are?" I nod slowly, feeling stiff. "I am sorry to tell you this but your parents were killed in the explosion. You have already been adopted by a family here in America." I look at her curious. "You have been asleep for about a week. You should be able to leave in a few days. Would you like to meet who adopted you?" I nod slowly. "I'll go give them a call to tell them you're awake."

She leaves the room and I sit there for almost half an hour. There's a knock at the door and someone comes in. First is a middle aged man with dirty blonde hair, strict yet kind eyes wearing a suit. Next is a woman who is probably his wife. Finally two boys enter the room. One is really tall and is completely ignoring me, staring at his phone, the other walks over to me. He has blonde hair and soft kind eyes.

"Hello, there," the man says. "I am your new dad, Harold. This is my wife Edith. The teenager back there is Charles-" he is cut off.

"Barney, call me Barney."

"Barney and this kid here is Clint. We are your new family." I stare at them and shift uncomfortably.

The younger boy, Clint, jumps up and sits on the bed near my head. He starts to pet my hair down and I find it comforting despite not knowing him at all. He looks at his parents and they get the hit to leave.

"Hey there. My name is Clint. I'm gonna be your older brother. I am sixteen. I know you're scared and in shock because of what you've been through. Just know that even if I barely know you, I will be there for you. I won't try and shove this change on you. Don't try to make me a brother if you don't want to. I can just be a friend." I smile at the thought and grab his hand, giving it a squeeze. He smiles at me and kisses my forehead. "I hope you feel better soon. When you can get out of here, we'll have your room all set up." I look at him scared. I don't want to be alone like that night. "Or if you want, we'll put your bed in my room and I can be there for you. Only if you want."

I smile slightly and nod tiredly. I move over a little and he lays down next to me. I curl into him, crying silently for my dead mother and father and my dead friends. He tries to comfort me as I fall into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning, I wake up and forgot what happened until I saw Clint's sleeping face next to mine. I curl into him trying to hide my head. He wakes up and tries to calm my distress. Eventually I calm down. The doctor comes in and tells me my new parent filled out the paperwork for me to go to my new home. I put on some of Clint's old clothes and he carried me on his back to the car.

At his house, he gave me a tour of everything and helped me organize my room, giving me his old clothes and helping to set up my bed. We go downstairs and sit at the table as his mom sets out lunch.

"So, how do you feel?" she asks. I nod. I really do not want to talk to anyone. "Do you want to tell us anything about yourself?" I shake my head as tears come into my eyes. I barely pick at my food before I go back to my bed. I sit there and just think. I hear a knock at the door and Clint comes in.

"Hey. I was thinking about all that happened to you and I thought you might need to talk to someone without actually talking to someone. I found an empty notebook you could use as a journal to write down what hurts to talk about." I smile and hug him. He gladly returns. "I hope you feel better soon."

He leaves me in the room and I open the book, grabbing a pen. As I open the book, I write down my thoughts and feelings, writing to the only people I knew would listen.

Dear Wanda and Pietro,

It's Anya here. It has been a couple days since the explosion. I woke up in America, adopted, and I don't even know if you're alive right now. I live with a family with a mom and dad with an older teenager named Barney and one named Clint. Clint has been a real friend towards me lately. He doesn't push me to do anything or adjust to anything that I am not ready for. He reminds me of you two in some ways. I miss you both so much. If you're still alive I hope I find you some day. It'll be like old times.

I remember that day and I will never forget. My mother rushing to me, the fire surrounding me and the way my mother's eyes stared at me until her body was charred so far I couldn't recognize her. I'm so scared right now without you. I hope to see you again.


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