Protect the People

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Natasha jumps through robots, cutting at anything she can hit. The Avengers fight anything in their path, defeating as many robots as they can. One hits a gas tank, blowing it up. "Thor," Ultron says. "You are bothering me." Ultron crashes into him and takes him away.

Clint shoots arrow after arrow, taking down anything around. "Ow!" he says. As one is about to shoot him, Wanda leaves the building, coming out swinging. "Alright, we're all clear here," Clint tells the others.

"We are not clear!" Steve screams, fighting, "We are very not clear!" Anastasia flies in and starts to take some out, covering Steve's back.

"Alright, coming to you."

Pietro zips in and picks up Wanda, bridal style. "Keep up, old man." He says, taking off.

"Nobody would know," Clint says, alone. "Nobody. The last I saw him, when Ultron was sitting on him, uh, yeah, he'll be missed, that quick little bastard. I miss him already," Clint sings to himself. Ultron returns with Thor to the church.

Wanda and Pietro come to a point where the police set up a blockade and were shooting at robots. "Hold your fire!" the chief calls as Wanda lands before them. Pietro has to stop for a moment as a bullet skims his arm. He looks at the police, specifically, the one holding his weapon up, pointed at him, looking shocked. Pietro gives his a look that says 'really?' before going back to fight.

"Romanoff!" Steve calls, throwing his shield.

"Thanks." She uses the shield before throwing it to Steve as he came in for the final blow.

"The Anti-gravs are rigged to flip. Touch 'em, they'll go full reverse thrust. The city's not coming down slow," Friday informs.

"The spire's vibranium. If I get Thor to hit it," Tony starts.

"It'll crack, but that's not enough, the impact would still be devastating."

"Maybe if we cap the other end, keep the atomic action doubling back."

"That could vaporize the city. And everyone on it."

"The next waves gonna hit any minute," Steve says. "What have you got, Stark?"

"Well, nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear."

"I asked for a solution, not an escape plan."

"Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're going to have to make a choice."

Natasha tries to be the voice of reason. "Cap, these people are going nowhere. If Stark finds a way to blow this rock."

"Not 'til everyone's safe."

"Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there."

"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it."

"I didn't say we should leave." Steve looks at her. "There's worse ways to go. Where else am I gonna get a view like this?"

Fury taps into their comms, "Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better." The Hellicarrier flies up next to the city and everyone looks at it, at their new hope. "Nice, right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do."

"Fury, you son of a bitch," Steve says.

"Oh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fury retorts.

"Altitude is 18,000 and climbing," Hill calls out.

"Lifeboats secure to deploy. Disengage in three, two, take 'em out," a computer boy says.

Pietro zip in next to Steve and Natasha. "This is S.H.I.E.L.D.?" he asks.

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