Captain America

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Dear Wanda and Pietro,

It's been a few months since I met Laura. There is a big secret going around S.H.I.E.L.D. and I want to know what it is. Fury asked me to meet him in his office. There are only five months left until I go back to Sokovia. I'll be there on my thirteenth birthday. I hope I see you again when we go.

Clint's wedding was amazing. After that, he got a farm house that only Fury, Coulson, Nat and I know about. They are already expecting their first kid!

It's getting harder to remember what you look like. I've already forgotten what my dad looked like and I can only remember what my mom looked like the last time I saw her during the bombings. I've tried to look you up and nothing shows up. I don't see you in any news but I don't see any death certificates. I'm not sure how much longer I can believe that you are still alive. Please be alright.


I close my book and walk to Fury's office. Knocking, I open the door and sit in the chair. "Do you know why you're here?" I shake my head. "Have you ever heard of Captain America?"

"Who hasn't?"

"Well, we've found him frozen in ice near the pole. He is still alive. I figured you could help him get adjusted to this time. You are probably the least threatening person that I trust. You'd still train with Natasha and it wouldn't interfere with your trip to Sokovia later in the year. Your education will continue. Your internship with Stark will be put aside until after Sokovia and your position will be left for you."

I smile. "I'd like that. When do I start?"

"Now. You are going to be moving to New York and living in an apartment with him. Clint will have constant contact with you and can reach you at any time. Call S.H.I.E.L.D. for any assistance."

"When do I meet Captain America?"

"I was going to head down there in about an hour. He's supposed to be awake soon. Pack up and we'll leave." I smile and run out of the room. I throw everything into a bag and run to the parking garage where Fury waits in his car. I get in and we ride to Times Square. "Stay in the car," he says. He walks out of the car. I sit there for a few moments before Fury gets back in the car with another man. "Captain Rogers, I'd like you to meet Anastasia Barton."

"Pleasure to meet you ma'am. Excuse me for asking but aren't you nine? What are you doing associated with S.H.I.E.L.D.? You seem a little young."

I scoff. "I'm twelve!" He tenses up and stubbles over his words trying to apologize. I smile and let out a chuckle. "It's alright this time. I'm associated with S.H.I.E.L.D. because it keeps me safe. My brother needs to know I'm safe to do his job protecting others."

"Anastasia is going to be helping you get back in the swing of things and introduce you to the times. We've arranged an apartment in New York for you two to live in. Food is stocked and it has some clothes though feel free to shop around."

"Wait, what? I'm sorry, I'm not sure I can handle taking care of her and learn how to live in this time," Captain Rogers tells Fury.

"Never knew you had such a sense of humor," I say. "I have an IQ of over 200 and am finishing up my college career. I can handle myself perfectly fine. You won't have to take care of me at all. It'll actually be the other way around, sir."

He starts to stutter. "I'm sorry miss. I didn't expect you to be so qualified."

"Well, if we are going to be living together then I insist that you call me Anastasia or Anna. I won't have you calling me ma'am and miss for months."

"Yes, miss," he says, "I mean Anastasia."

I smile. "There we go. So where is the apartment?"

"Over an old gym. I figured you might appreciate being close to somewhere to work out. Good stress release," Fury says. "We're here."

We get out of the car and Fury leads us to the door. "Hope you two have fun." He hands me the key and sets my suitcase on the ground. Seconds later he's gone.

"Well, let's go in." I open the door and we walk around. "This is pretty sweet." We pick our rooms and I leave him to his thoughts. While he's in his room, I set traps on the windows and the air ducts.

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